

Yo so apparently Since I deleted the chapters this fic didn't appear and it was as if I had deleted it, I didn't clearly, I am surprised you are even reading this rn, so I was forced to create a new one yk.

Karate_master_b · Filme
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 The Boy

[Hey guys so this chapter is not the same read after beyonders description, Anyways in other news I have decided that Mc is gonna be a Villain HAHAHAH!]

Somewhere in the vast darkness of space stood a being.

A being that emanated an aura of cosmic power, a radiant force that seemed to defy the boundaries of reality itself.

Standing tall and commanding, he transcended the conventional concept of physicality yet still had one for a mortal to observe.

His true form radiated an otherworldly glow, as if composed of pure energy harnessed from the fabric of the universe.

His presence was a symphony of vibrant colors, swirling and dancing across his being, as if he were a living embodiment of the cosmos.

Shimmering shades of cosmic blues, brilliant purples, and pulsating golds rippled and cascaded around his form, constantly shifting and morphing like celestial nebulae caught in eternal motion.

His features were ethereal and enigmatic. His eyes, or rather, the points where eyes should be, shimmered with an intense and piercing light, revealing an unfathomable depth of knowledge and power.

His countenance, though seemingly calm and serene, held the weight of endless possibilities and immeasurable capabilities.

His attire, if it could be called that, was a cosmic tapestry of energies and essences, draped across him like a cloak of the universe itself in a shimmering white glow.

These cosmic garments rippled and flowed with the energies that radiated from his being, hinting at the unfathomable power that lay within him.

To witness the Beyonder was to witness the embodiment of cosmic might and infinite potential within the Marvel Multiverse.

He was a being beyond comprehension, an enigma that challenged mortal understanding, and an entity that stood at the precipice of the Marvel Multiverse, wielding unimaginable power over reality itself.

This being looked upon a blue planet, a planet with a plethora of different regions and people of interest, however it ignored those extrordinary beings specifically focusing on a certain boy.

A completely ordinary boy who appeared no older than 17, with short black hair and blue eyes, hiking up a mountain outside of a serene and small part of a town called Novi Grad, which itself is part of the larger country of Sokovia.

This was a rather quaint and traditional side of the city compared to the usual metropolis, with the ground laden with brick that cars rode on and buildings that were at most three-four stories tall.

This part of the city gave off a peaceful and old-style feel with the multiple hills and mountains surrounding it.

On one such hill that provided a view of the entire city and a little beyond, the boy sat alongside a brunette haired girl.

Both of them wearing rather casual clothes with a simple backpack containing basic necessities for a mountain hike.

His breath paced yet deep, he sat on the trail of the hill, peering down his empty bottle of water with disappointment as he attempted to get the last few drops to drop in his mouth.

"Damn it!" He exclaimed after the many attempts to get the last few drops of water ended up failing.

He glaced towards the girl sitting besides him with questioning look.

Perhaps trying telepathically ask her for her water.

She however didnt seem to notice him looking at her as she looked at the scenery from there trail point in a daze.

With a slight sigh the boy poked her arm snapping her out of her daze.

"Could I please get some water" He said showing his empty bottle and asked with a hint of pleading in his voice as he was truly thirsty aswell out of breath.

"I told you to take that extra bottle of water" She said with a slight pout as she reached into her bag grabbing her bottle and handing it to him.

The boy chuckled nerviously as he took the bottle from her and quelled his dry throat.

Handing the bottle back, he too began to admire the view she was so lost in.

Silence descended as they both peacefully sat there admiring the beauty of Nature all around them and the distant city bustling with people.

The birds chirping, crickets creaking, leaves swaying to the winds, crafting a soft melody to relax the mind.

As they sat there, time continued to move by and the sun in the distance had shown signs of setting so the boy glanced at his phone.

Seeing the time he looked back at the view while keeping the phone on the ground.

The warmth radiating through his body and the moments he was sharing with her by his side bought him a blissfulness he could not describe.

"Let's head back" He slowly said a few minutes later glancing at the girl besides him with a relaxed smile.

Watching as the golden sun shone upon her face, her light green eyes shimmiring in the light and he felt his heart fall for her again.

"Yea let's go back" She said smiling at him.

Getting up they dusted their pants and began making their journey back down the hill.

Soon they made it all the way down just as the light of sun vanished and turned into darkness.

Walking deeper into the town the two soon made it to cross section in the street.

"Well Ill see you tommorow Elisabeth"

He said his goodbyes to her, and as they were finally done parting he reached his hands into his pocket and realised that his phone was missing.

He panicked a little for a second but soon calmed himself down.

Tracing his memories that were not perfectly clear he soon realised that as he was getting up from the spot on the trail he had forgotten the phone he had kept on the ground.

Looking at Elisabeth walking away he caught up to her.

"Hey, I think I left my phone up the place we sat at so I wont be able to text you, I'm gonna be gone to go get it tomorow" He said hoping to not worry her if she could not find him tommorow.

"How about I come with you?" She asked with hopefull smile, but I turned her down.

"You should get some rest; you must be exhausted" I said hoping to not exhaust her again like today.

She had a relatively weak body so he didnt want to push her, if she wanted to be with him.

He felt that would be to selfish of him.

"Okay then" she said with a bit of a frown but immediately smiled.

"I will still see you tommorow though" she said with a bright smile and happily walked away.

I had a smile at this moment that just couldn't leave my face seeing her walk away with so much joy filled me with happiness.

Looking into the distance of the hill and the brightly lit moonlight with a sky filed with stars he felt like he could wait for to.morow to see her again and wished time moved faster.

I will be uploding every day.


Leave a comment or something idk.


Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts