
Lazy Life As The Primordial

This is my first time writing and is not my main language so don't expect good quality. I'm writing because I'm bored so don't expect an upload schedule, I'll write whenever I find myself interested and I might drop it when I lose interest. ____________ After living a fulfilling life and dying peacefully in his sleep, he opens his eyes as he finds himself with the powers to travel to other worlds with supreme powers. ____________ Notes before reading: - 1- It's a wish fulfillment book. 2- Read the auxiliary chapter. ____________ World List: - 1- High School Of The Dead. 2- Fate Stay Night/ Unlimited Blade Works. 3- My Wife Is a Beautiful CEO. ____________ DISCLAIMER: - None of the characters in this book are mine except the protagonist.

Darkstar11051999 · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 21

[A/N: - This chapter has lots of cringe and I really mean it, you've been warned, tread with cautious.

Holy crap, guys! Finally, the fanfic "Transmigrated in the World of My Wife is a Beautiful CEO" by "CrummyBread" has been updated after about 8 months! If you guys don't know this book, it's a freaking gem! All the people who read the original novel of "My Wife Is A Beautiful CEO" should read it, it like a freaking must-read book! As for those who didn't read the original book, then yeah it's a great book overall and worth a read.

I just pray that he doesn't drop the book and continue updating it.

Your adorable slime was here, peace out!]


Looking at the beautiful lady in front of him, the Horny Primordial internally nodded his head in appreciation as he had to admit that he had good taste. It took a good chunk of his willpower not to fanboy(simp) over her, and who could blame him? Any straight male that watched Fate Apocrypha or had her in Fate Grand Order would've done the same.

Externally however, his expression remained the same as he spoke.

"Seeing that you have accepted my summon, I take it that you agree to the deal I presented to you?"

She looked at him with an interested look and she really had to admit that he was the best looking male that she had ever laid her eyes on, however the indifferent look in his eyes that was devoid of lust [A/N: - AHAHAHAHA LMFAO!!] was something new for her who was always looked at with either lust, fear, or reverence.

The more she looked at him, the more she was interested in him even more. From the moment he did something impossible and contacted her soul directly in The Throne of Heroes to strike a deal with her and her interest in him was piqued.

Having been presented with a deal, which was practically fulfilling the wishes she would have asked for if she had ever won the Holy Grail, she didn't require that much time to think before accepting.

Eternal Life and Eternal Rule.

Those wishes and desires that were rooted inside her. Her 'Master' pretty much gave her a way to fulfill both wishes, although the second one comes with some restrictions, but she can still accept it.

"Ufufufu~ Of course, I accept the deal, 'Master'. I wouldn't miss such a great opportunity ufufu~ And even without the deal, you are really interesting, so it would've been fun to be around you, to see where your life leads, is it a good ending, or one filled with suffering? I really want to witness it ufufu~"

Spoke Semiramis with a dangerous smile as she covered her mouth and laughed.

Although her instincts screamed at her not to antagonize her new 'Master' like how she didn't try to push his buttons after her summon, but she can't help but be curious and poke him to test his personality.

"You really are a twisted woman, huh. Well, whatever the deal is done, and you are free to act however you want as long as you don't break the rules you agreed on."

Answered Jin with uninterested look. He doesn't need to use any of his abilities to see that she is testing he personality, which is quite funny coming from her.

Seeing that she seems to be punching a sponge, Semiramis was irritated for a bit from the lack of response from her 'Master', but she still shrugged it off. However, she suddenly remembered something that she wanted to ask, but she had to throw another small punch first.

"Of course, I am a twisted woman ufufu, what did you expect when you summoned the oldest poison user, M-A-S-T-E-R~ You should be careful, you never know when someone like me would put a 'gift' in your drink after all~"

Seeing that he didn't respond and only looked at her with a smirk, she decided to ask what has been bugging her.

"Master, if you have the power to call me personally to do this 'task', why didn't you personally do it? Not that I hate having the rewards presented to me easily, but out of curiosity, why are you presenting me such an easy way to 'rule' when you can personally do it and take all the glory for yourself?"

Semiramis asked as she was genuinely confused about this. Someone with so much power at his disposal that he can do what he did, can for sure rule the world with no efforts on his part instead of presenting it to her.

Hearing her question, Jin smirked internally. He got another chance to assert dominance on another queen! Although a different way from Scáthach, the point still stands! And it's the poisonous babe from Fate at that!

"Huh? Why would I do that? I am not an idiot to do it. Who in his right mind would want to have more responsibilities added to him when he has the ability to avoid them? If someone else can do it, then why should I do it?"

Semiramis was gob smacked hearing his answer, but he continued before she could respond.

"The reason I want someone to do it for me is pretty much so I can laze around. I made the whole company thing just to advance the technology of this world to suit my standards, but I am not really keen on taking care of it, and since you are someone who wishes to rule the world, and my company will pretty much do so since it will literally hold the lifelines of people in the future, I was like 'She wants to rule, so yeah get her to rule and laze around.'. That was pretty much the reason for the summon.

As for ruling itself and the whole glory thing, I will ask you one question, Why? No offence, but I know that I am strong(the strongest), and I don't really need people to acknowledge me as their ruler or God to feed my fragile ego. I know myself, so I don't need someone to tell me what I am.

And on another note, why be a king when I'm already a God?"

Seeing her shocked expression, he smirked internally as he spoke.

"Well, the building will be ready soon enough, take a good night's sleep and all the information and skills you need will be passed into your mind during your sleep, you can pick any of the empty rooms to settle in, Sai will show you the way."

After saying this, Jin took his leave and teleported to his room, to have a 'cuddling' session with his adorable maid.

On another note, he was rating his 'cool' leave with the teleport 9/10 on his personal "Cool Weeb Moments Meter", especially after he saw the shocked face of The Wise Queen of Assyria!

Semiramis who was left dumbfounded by her new Master finally snapped out of her daze and realized that her Master had already left.

"Ufufufu Ahahaha, interesting! Really interesting! It was not a mistake for me to accept the deal!"

She laughed mischievously as she remembered the words of her Master.

" 'Why be a king when I'm already a God' and 'feed my fragile ego', huh? Also, where is that Sai person that Master mentioned?"

She hummed the last part to herself.

[I am here, I was waiting for you to finish your chuuni monologue according to what Master normally says.] (Sai)

Semiramis was a little bit surprised by the sudden voice, she was intrigued about the one talking to her as she can feel that it's not alive, and not a homunculus either.

[Please follow the arrow and I will lead you to one of the empty rooms.] (Sai)

Sai spoke as she projected a holographic arrow, which Semiramis followed while being curious about the state of technology that this world has achieved.

____/Scene Change\____

Sleeping soundly on bed, was a naked Horny Primordial and a naked Raltoria who was using Jin as a body pillow.

The great scenery was disturbed by the sound of the ringing phone.

Groggily opening his eyes, Jin put a barrier around Raltoria to not wake her up and answered the phone without looking at the caller.

"Hello, Prime's pizzeria and abortion clinic, where yesterday's loss is today's sauce, how can I help you?"


[Toot, toot, toot.]

And so, the call was disconnected.

A minute later, the phone rang again, but now fully awake, Jin answered the phone after seeing that Ruoxi was the one calling.

"Hello." (Jin)

"Senior Jin, is that you?" (Ruoxi)

"It is me, what's up Ruoxi." (Jin)

"…I called you before and someone weird answered the phone." (Ruoxi)

"….I just woke up on your call, maybe you called the wrong number? I mean it's early in the morning, so maybe you mis-clicked or something?" (Jin)

"….It's 2 in the afternoon, senior…" (Ruoxi)

"….." (Jin)

"….." (Ruoxi)

"…..Good afternoon?" (Jin)

'Note to self: - Don't have sex all night without a time barrier again…'

"….." (Ruoxi)

"*cough* So, to what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me?" (Jin)

"…Senior Jin, are you free after two hours?" (Ruoxi)

"Hmm, yeah, why?" (Jin)

"Can you meet me at the usual coffee shop near west region's public square?" (Ruoxi)

"Sure." (Jin)

"Thank you." (Ruoxi)

"It's ok. Well, gotta go now to wash up and eat, see you later." (Jin)

"Goodbye." (Ruoxi)

//Call end//

After the call ended, Jin suddenly heard the voice of Raltoria.

"Who is that woman, Master? Is she your lover? As expected of my Master, two days in a new reality and we are already getting new sisters."

Raltoria spoke while nodding sagely while looking at Jin, or more precisely at little Jin.

Jin's lip twitched while looking at the horny maid in front of him.

"No, she is not. She is my junior in this reality, and although she did confess to me in 'my' years in college, she backed out when I told her that I have multiple lovers. We are more of close friends right now, but not lovers. Also, what the hell do you take me for? Would I go for every beautiful girl I see?" (Jin)

"Eh? You won't? I thought you were a perverted and horny womanizer who thinks with his lower head, a womanizer that we could never defeat in bed regardless of how many time we try to do it together, and that includes a freaking Immortal God Slaying hag, a pretty much nymphomaniac fox, and a witch*shudders* that uses 8 avatars of herself during the 'fight'."

Said Raltoria with a deadpan look while looking at her Master who had a neutral expression on his face.

Suddenly, Jin held his chin with his hand and started nodding sagely at her words.

"I see. That was indeed the case, and a pretty objective description at that. So, all this time before, I was just HORNY!"

Feeling the sudden enlightenment, the Horny Primordial looked at the naked maid in front of him and did what a sane man would do.

"What are you doing, Master?!" (Raltoria)

"Rejecting the bonk and embracing the horny!" (Jin)

"W-Wait, you will get late to your appointment!"

Said a frantic Raltoria while trying to move away.

"No problem, *snap* a time barrier solves it."

Said Jin as he erected a time barrier that lasts as long as he wants, and he will come out half an hour before his appointment.

"N-Not there, Master, I'm still sore!" (Raltoria)

She suddenly felt herself enveloped by a warm light, and all the soreness from before was gone and only the lewd smirk of her beloved Master was in front of her.

"You are healed."

Jin said with a lewd smile as he traced his finger on Raltoria's thigh, making her shudder in anticipation.

Seeing that there will be no way back, she wanted to hit herself from 13 seconds ago for running her mouth, she can only embrace the upcoming tormenting pleasure, but she couldn't help but curse.

"Fuck!" (Raltoria)

"Ehehe~ I hear and obey~"

Jin then pushed Raltoria down as they started having their morning exercise. They worked so 'hard' that Raltoria's moans would've echoed in the whole mansion from the intensity of the 'exercise'.

____/Scene change\____

Walking refreshed after taking a bath, Jin looked at the twitching Raltoria who had some white liquid coming out from between her thighs and sighed regrettably for her apparent lack of stamina. (Narrator comment: - They have been fucking for about 10 hours.)

Seeing that he has 30 minutes till the appointments, he walked towards his garage to pick a car.

After spending some time there, he decided to go with the Bugatti La Voiture Noire. He then started his car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away to meet his cute junior.

[Image Here.]

After about 20 minutes, he stopped at a coffee shop near the west region's public square. He then searched for a place to park his car, then walked towards the coffee shop.

Walking past the gigantic fountain, Jin entered the coffee shop, apparently, Ruoxi has already booked a small private room.

"Mr. Shenyu, Miss Lin has been waiting for you, please follow me."

Said a random waiter as Jin started following him, attracting the gazes of all the ladies in the coffee shop. Following the waiter, he was guided to a corner of the secluded 2nd-storey. Several large plants were set on the surroundings, giving the place a beautifully tranquil and secluded atmosphere.

Walking into the room, he was met by the scene of a beautiful city girl with a clear face, she wore a pure white cotton dress, and had a head full of beautiful black hair with not a strand out-of-place, on the pretty and delicate face was a large, framed sunglasses, covering half of that beautiful face. There was a stark contrast between the sunglasses and her skin color, revealing her proudness and coldness, and at the same time her beauty that could make one's heart tremble.

She was looking at the balcony of the coffee shop with an absentminded gaze. The coffee shop's balcony was quite spacious, with several large umbrellas to shield from the sun on top of the refined tables, on the balcony various kinds of bonsai plants were placed, giving a fresh and clean feeling.

Hearing the incoming footsteps, Ruoxi looked back and saw Jin being led by a waiter towards her seat.

Seeing him coming closer, she took off her sunglasses , revealing that countenance that could lead a majority of men's blood to flow. She was about to stand up and great him, but Jin waved his hand at her and made her stay seated.

Taking the seat in front of her, Jin spoke with a small smile.

"Hi, Ruoxi. You're quite early." (Jin)

"Well, I just left the company, so I figured I would come here first, and it's not really early, I arrived 10 minutes earlier."

Ruoxi spoke with a tired voice.

Jin nodded and signaled to the waiter to come and take their orders.

"The regular, Ruoxi?" (Jin)

"Ah! Yes, please." (Ruoxi)

After the waiter arrived, Jin placed their orders.

"Blue Mountain, add milk, no sugar, for Miss Lin here. As for me, I'll have Saint Helena, no milk, and no sugar." (Jin)

"Alright Mr. Shenyu."

After taking the orders, the waiter smiled politely as he took his leave.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me here? I mean I am fine with spending time with you, but since we pretty much never talked during the past 2 months, it feels strange. If it's about yesterday, then I told you not to mind it."

Hearing his question, Ruoxi averted her eyes as she bit her lower lip hard enough that she almost drew blood. Taking a moment to recompose herself, Ruoxi started talking.

"Senior Jin, I want to ask you for a big favor."

"Hmm, what is it? I did tell you before that I would help you if you ever needed my help."

Knowing what she wants to ask, Jin answered with a smile. Although he was a bit surprised since he didn't expect that she will ask him the same thing as the original since he pretty much fucked up the plot big time with the changes he made in the past 20 years.

Hearing his response, Ruoxi calmed down feeling a warm current in her heart.

Soon enough, she gathered all the courage she can muster and spoke. Ruoxi's rosy face looked like juice could flow from it, her voice was low like a mosquito as she looked down to avoid eye contact with Jin.

"….please marry me."

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her forehead as she heard Jin's 'worried' voice.

"Hmmm, she doesn't have a fever, maybe she is drunk?"

Jin said with a low voice, which was conveniently high enough for her to hear.

Feeling irritated at not being taken seriously despite gathering her courage to speak, Ruoxi's cheeks bulged as she gritted her teeth. Just as she was about to speak, she heard his muttering again and almost fainted.

"At least it's not severe like last time, I won't really enjoy dealing with her if she tried to sexually assault me again, especially in a public place."

Jin muttered while having only one thought. 'That's what you get for cockblocking me with Rose that day!'

Ruoxi who heard him wanted to bury herself alive as she only had one thought.

'What the hell, me?! What the hell did I do when I was drunk?!'

Raising her head slowly, Ruoxi mustered all her courage to ask.

"…S-Senior Jin, w-what did I do when I was drunk?"

"Nothing really. Except hugging me and trying to French-kiss me while giggling and saying and I quote 'Ehehehe Senior Jin ehehe~' in the middle of the bar before I knocked you out, nothing serious really happened."

Jin spoke offhandedly like he was speaking about someone else other than her.


The waiter who came with their coffee almost spilled the cups hearing Jin, with a panicked expression he put the coffee down, bowed in apology and took his leave.

Ruoxi however went pale hearing him. She doesn't remember anything after getting drunk, although a part of her was extremely disappointed when she heard that he knocked her out without even kissing her.

'Am I not attractive enough for him?!'

[A/N: - Women….]

"Setting that aside, what did you just mean by marrying you?" (Jin)

Hearing the question Ruoxi was about to answer, but she heard him speak again.

"Ruoxi, I'm not trying to sound like a douche and hurt your feelings or something, but don't you remember what happened back then when you were in college?

Wasn't it you who confessed to me and after that pulled back when I told you that I have multiple lovers?

I am not judging your decision, even though polygamy is legal, not everyone will accept being in that kind of relationship, so you had all the rights to pull back when you knew about it and I respect that.

But there is one thing Ruoxi, although I treat you well, it doesn't mean that you can enter and leave my life however you want. Although I know that it's a subconscious thing, but just by being rich and extremely beautiful doesn't mean that the whole world will revolve around you. People got lives and they move on, just because you asked someone to marry you, it doesn't mean they will do so just to please you. Sure, some people would gladly do it, but I won't.

We stopped being romantically involved with each other years ago, and sorry I'm not interested. We can still be great friends like until 3 minutes ago though."

Jin said with an indifferent smile while looking towards Ruoxi.

Doesn't he like her? Yes, he does. But sometimes, some people take things for granted, so they need to be bitchslapped by reality to wake up. He will indeed help her, but she needs to earn it back if she wants to get into a real relationship with him. He admits that he loved her character and personality from the original work, but this is reality not fiction right now, his reality.

Ruoxi who heard him went pale and felt her blood run cold as her body started trembling and her eyes got red while crystal-like tears started forming at the edges of her eyes. Thinking that her senior Jin hated her, Ruoxi felt like she lost her soul.

Although she herself didn't notice it, but after her grandmother's death, Jin's existence became some sort of mental, emotional, and spiritual pillar of support for her who had lost all her loving family except Wang Ma. Her father is abusive and that couldn't help but make Jin's presence take an even larger part of her heart, so hearing him right now and facing the possibility of him hating her, she was on the verge of having a mental breakdown.

Looking down to hide her teary eyes, Ruoxi tried to hide her sobs as she spoke.

"S-Senior Jin, *sob* do you h-hate me? I am really s-sorry, I *sob* didn't mean it like this. Please don't hate me."

This was all that Ruoxi could say between her broken sobs.

Seeing her like this, Jin knew that he went too far, but it was necessary 'for the greater good', so he bit the bullet and continued.

Taking a handkerchief from who knows where, Jin leaned closer as he lifted Ruoxi's head by her chin and started wiping her tears. Seeing her puffy red eyes made his heart ache as a burst of guilt swept over his heart, but he still didn't show it on his face.

"I don't hate you, and I never once did. I told you, you had a choice and took it, while I had a choice and took it, it's easy as that. Here, wipe your tears, your crying face is ugly, your smile looks way more beautiful."

He said with a small smile as he handed her the handkerchief.

"Who are you calling ugly?!"

Ruoxi involuntarily raised her voice not caring about the surroundings. She instantly realized what she did as she covered her mouth and looked around, then sighed in relief when no one was present. Courtesy of the barrier that was erected the moment the coffee was served.

Suddenly they both looked into each other's face then burst out laughing.

Ruoxi's beautiful face laughed through tears as it shone with a smile. Her current pitiful look was extremely enticing for any man, as she was looking like personification of a tragic beauty.

After calming down, they stayed silent for a while as Ruoxi started to compose herself. Feeling that she was alright, Jin spoke.

"So, what is the reason that made you suddenly come and ask me to marry you?"

Ruoxi then took a deep breath as she started speaking.

"Senior Jin, you know that I own 60% of Yu Lei International, right?"

Hearing her question, Jin nodded.

"My father holds 30% of the company's stocks, and is a major shareholder, second only to me, but this isn't the main point, after all before my granny passed on she handed 60% of the stocks over to me, I have absolute control over the company. However,..... in my father's hands, there is the ownership of an old villa….

"And as you already know, in my childhood, there was only my granny and mother to accompany me, I grew up there. My mom and dad's marriage was merely for money and profit, my dad didn't love my mom, he is a playboy, up till now he is still the same….. Although he is never at home from day to night, he is still the owner of the house. Naturally, when granny passed on, he never allowed me to return, and because he lives a life of debauchery, he almost sold all his shares, so his finances are nearly depleted, and he's preparing to sell off the villa.…."

'Of course, I know. I've been secretly buying the shares he sells after all.'

Jin thought with slight amusement as he focused his attention on Ruoxi again.

Ruoxi took a deep breath as she continued to speak.

"I want to take back the villa from him, but he isn't willing to give it to me, I offered much higher than the market price, and he still isn't willing to sell it to me. He only has one condition, which is to have me marry the Xu family's young master. He clearly has received benefits from the Xu family..…"

"Wow, I always knew that your father is an asshole, but that's low even by his standards."

Jin spoke indifferently, however he personally felt bad for the dude even if he is an asshole. Sure, the whole problem with Ruoxi will be solved by him later, but personally he can't blame the dude for hating Ruoxi so much, it's a miracle that he didn't go crazy and try to kill her in the first place.

[A/N: - For those who don't know the background of Ruoxi and her father I'll talk about it later, but for those who know, yeah I pity the dude deal with it!]

Hearing him, Ruoxi pouted and spoke.

"Don't insult him. He may be bad, but he is still my father."

"Ah, you got it wrong, I'm not insulting him, I was stating a fact."

'And he is not your father…'

Jin said while nodding sagely to his words.

Ruoxi rolled her eyes hearing him, and then continued to go back to the main topic.

"The Xu family's Xu Zhihong has always been pestering me, but I'm not willing to go against the Xu family, after all the Xu family is one of the top five strongest families in Zhong Hai, and even with the support of Yu Lei I can't afford to offend them, therefore….."

She finished speaking as she looked him in the eyes.

"Therefore, you decided to ask me to marry you, so you can get rid of the continuous pestering of that Xu family's dude, and stopping him or any other potential suitors from having any more ideas about courting you, first getting through that obstacle, then thinking of a way to take back the old villa from your asshole father?"

"That's right….."

Ruoxi wearily nodded, in recent days, her mind has been boggled over this problem. A young lady merely in her twenties, already carries such a heavy burden.

"So, even if I accept and marry you, are you sure that you will be able to get the old villa back?" (Jin)

"I'm not able to care about that, I can only take a step at a time...."

Although Ruoxi's voice was very soft, her tone was incomparably determined.

"I see." (Jin)

Ruoxi then looked towards Jin with hope in her eyes.


She asked softly as she averted her eyes.

"One year." (Jin)


Ruoxi blinked her eyes in confusion not getting what he means.

"I agree to your proposal, but only for one year. I did promise you that I will help you, and I never go back on my word. We will marry for a year, and you only get it to try and get your villa back and fix whatever issues you get, and whether it will last after a year, only time will tell."

[A/N: - Come and bite me!]

Jin said indifferently while looking at Ruoxi's expression that continued to change from shock to happiness to determination.

"Thank you."

Ruoxi lowered her head with her eyes turning red, she almost cried again.

"You are welcome, 'wifey'~"

Jin teased her with a smirk as he drank his coffee and marveled at her cute reaction when her body jolted with a blush that spread across her face till the tips of her ears.

'Hmmm, now that I think about it, Ruoxi is like an adult Chinese version of Shinomiya Kaguya with bigger boobs.'

The Horny Primordial thought to himself as he remembered a certain cutie pie.

[In another reality]


Sitting on a big bed, a fair-skinned young lady with long black hair that is always tied by a black-red ribbon (her hair appears to be mid-back length when she lets it down) with bangs/hair strand hanging on either side, red eyes, and a slim build . She suddenly felt her veins popping and she became irritated for no reason. She then called out to her maid.


Called the young lady.

"What's wrong, Kaguya-sama?"

Replied a beautiful, young girl with blonde hair that is usually tied up at the left side of her head with a blue scrunchie and blue-eyes. She was wearing a standard maid uniform.

"I feel like something is saying something really bad about me, and I have the feeling to want to break something."

Replied the young lady.

The maid sighed internally as she spoke without a change in her expression.

"I don't think that time of the month has come, Kaguya-sama."


Shouted the embarrassed young lady as her face turned red.

The young maid sighed and continued to do her maid duty.

(In the narrator's voice: And that was another day on "The Daily Hardships of Hayasaka Ai".)

[Back to the coffee shop]

"Ok, if you're free right now, let's get this done quickly."

Jin said as he stood up from his chair seeing that Ruoxi finished drinking her coffee.

After paying for the drinks, they headed towards Jin's car. Ruoxi was shocked again seeing another 'Special made' supercar from Jin' collection, but since it happened before it wasn't that impactful on her.

Driving through the roads, the two quickly arrived at the Civil Administration Bureau.

After getting off the car, Ruoxi looked at Jin's arm and hesitated for a moment before she did a bold move and hooked her arm with Jin's. Her face was currently as red as a tomato as imaginary smoke kept coming out of her head.

Seeing her like this, Jin had a smile appear on his face as he only had one thought.

'This girl is as cute as a small animal, damn she's adorable!'

This was the first time Ruoxi has ever done anything like this, so naturally it was extremely awkward for her. As for Jin, his arm could occasionally rub against Ruoxi's soft and abundant chest, being able to feel the softness of these rabbits, his arm was in a good mood, so it was a good thing.

Ruoxi felt this as well, her already red face almost had blood come out of it. After all, in the future there would be many days which requires such acting, thus it was necessary for her to get used to this. Although it was her first time feeling like this, she had to admit that she didn't hate this feeling.

Walking into the main doors of the Civil Administration Bureau, the two of them, the looks of the celestially handsome young man and the extremely beautiful woman attracted everybody's attention.

Jin, whose celestially handsome face, and supreme body would make any top model feel inferior and put them in shame adding that his whole body was covered by branded goods, he seemed cool and free and made all the women in the office drool in a literal sense, while Lin Ruoxi naturally was beautiful to the point fish would dive deeper into the water in shame, and birds would fall from forgetting how to fly because of her captivating beauty. In the eyes of the surrounding people, they seemed like a match made in heaven.

The Civil Administration Bureau's worker simply verified the two's documents, then quickly carried on with the procedures, with a face full of congratulatory smiles and spoke to the two.

"Congratulations to you both, this is your Marriage Certificate please take good care of it. You two are truly a couple that makes people feel envy and will definitely live a long, happy, and great life together."

Ruoxi kept hold of Jin's arm, being stared at by the people in the surroundings made her face feel scorching hot for quite some time. Upon receiving the Marriage Certificate, she felt like she was in a dream, for it was so magical.

'I actually got married, to the man I've always had feelings for…. '

Thought Ruoxi with confused eyes as she glanced at Jin, realizing right now that Jin was also stupidly staring at the Marriage Certificate, spellbound.

'Is he also filled with complicated emotions? What is he thinking of now? Does he dislike it, or is he happy?'

Ruoxi suddenly asked herself these questions.

Jin's thoughts however were different.

'What the heck? All these documents and wasting hours just for this paper? No wonder the girls didn't want to register their marriage and said it's too much effort for a useless thing…' [A/N: - Romance, bitches!]

After the two walked out of the Civil Administration Bureau, Ruoxi still had her arm linked with Jin's, but she was too cute at the moment for him to point this out for her.

"So, shall we go home, 'wifey'?"

Jin said as he teased Ruoxi who realized that she still had her arm linked with Jin's.

"….C-Can we go back? I need to tell Wang Ma about us."

Ruoxi spoke as she hurriedly left Jin's arm. She loved that feeling, but she still can't get over the embarrassment she feels while touching him.

"Sure thing. It's been a while since I have last met Wang Ma as well." (Jin)

Getting into the car, Jin drove to the Dragon Garden villa complex and parked in front of the unit number 89.

Dragon Garden's entire area was filled with luxury villas. The gap between each villa was about a mile in between, surrounded by clear waters and lush greenery, with European-styled furnishings bringing forth an atmosphere of utmost elegance.

The entire villa's area exceeded 400 square meters in size. This figure was without considering the gigantic swimming pool or the huge garage outside. The Baroque-styled garden was made up of huge and heavy stones, and the finely carved mahogany door.

The two got off the car as they made their way to the door. Upon opening the door, they were met with a home-clothed middle-aged lady with an apron, with a face that had slight signs of aging. Yet it was maintained very well, not looking old despite probably being 40 to 50 years old. At this moment, seeing Jin coming back with Ruoxi, her eyes revealed large amounts of happiness as she enthusiastically spoke.

"Young Miss, welcome back. Welcome home, Young Master."

Ruoxi's face flushed red as she averted her eyes, while Jin laughed a bit awkwardly. Ruoxi had texted Wang Ma when they were on the road, so she got an idea of what happened.

"Wang Ma, what's up with that 'Young master' thing, just call me Jin as always, being called like this feels weird…" (Jin)

Wang Ma with open eyebrows and smiling eyes spoke.

"How can I allow myself to do so? You are now the husband of the Young Miss not just her friend anymore, so it's only natural to be called Young Master!"

She then started going back and spoke with a happy smile still on her face.

"Young Master, Young Miss, please rest for a while, I would soon be done with the kitchen and we could have dinner together."

Walking inside, the villa had three stories, modern electronics all over, a set of real white leather sofa, black marble floor, mahogany furniture, and even some big and small paintings by famous artists, and a few blossoming orchids swaying on the window side, appearing simple yet elegant. Looking towards the large rooms on the 2nd and 3rd stories.

Seeing Wang Ma in the kitchen, Jin offered to help, but she kindly refused saying that she needs to be the one to make this dinner as celebration.

Looking at Wang Ma, Jin decided to ask something.

"Wang Ma, don't you feel that it's strange how Ruoxi suddenly decided to marry me?"

Hearing his question, Ruoxi's ears perked up as she waited for Wang Ma's answer as well.

Wang Ma who heard the question laughed and spoke.

"Hehe, Young Master, I've seen Miss grow up, since young Miss has never had a single boyfriend, despite the fact that those trying to woo her weren't few. However, Miss never looked at any of them, yet she married you. Back then when you were in the university, Young Miss was always going 'Senior Jin' this and 'Senior Jin' that, it was not really surprising. Back then, the question I had was not who the Young Miss will marry, but 'When will she hurry up and marry her Senior Jin?'."


Ruoxi felt like she wanted to find a hole and bury herself hearing Wang Ma's answer. Jin on the other hand, was doing his best to hold back his laughter.

"Don't laugh!"

Ruoxi was dying from embarrassment that she threw the nearest pillow at Jin who effortlessly dodged it.

Wang Ma who saw their interactions felt really happy. She only wished that the Old CEO could've been here to see the current happy face of her granddaughter.

After a while, the food was ready, and the table was set.

After eating dinner, Jin looked at Wang Ma before speaking.

"Your food is as delicious as always, Wang Ma."

There is no woman who doesn't like being complimented, and Wang Ma was no exception. Hearing his praise, she spoke happily.

"Is that so? Then Young Master must eat at home more often in the future, Miss often has emergencies at work and doesn't return home. The food is always cooked, yet there is no one to eat it, it is a pity to throw the food away."

Hearing the complin, Ruoxi felt embarrassed and guilty that she doesn't spend more time with Wang Ma and made a mental note to try and come home to accompany Wang Ma more often.

Seeing her like that, Jin smiled secretly and decided to speak.

"Never mind, just ignore her. You can just make good food for me, Wang Ma."

"No, it's mine!"

Ruoxi suddenly burst into their conversation, just to realize what she just said as her face reddened from embarrassment and she hurried to leave the table.

"Ah right, Young Master! Let Miss show you your room since she is going upstairs." (Wang Ma)

Both Ruoxi and Jin who heard her froze in their places. Wang Ma didn't notice their expressions as she continued to speak with a sigh.

"It's great, with just us two women the house feels strangely deserted. Miss is so busy with work and is not at home all day, usually it is just me alone in this big house. However, it is great from now on, since Miss now has you, our house will finally have a man. It is more proper this way."

Both Jin and Ruoxi looked at each other with awkwardness, especially Ruoxi's pleading expression.

Jin sighed as he spoke.

"Ah, yes. I'll ask Ruoxi to show me the room, thanks for the meal."

He then stood up and followed Ruoxi.

"Sorry for this, I didn't expect Wang Ma would say this."

Ruoxi said with an apologetic expression while looking at Jin.

Jin didn't mind it as he spoke.

"It's ok, I don't really mind it, not like I'm being held a prisoner here."

'And only plebs who can't exist in multiple places at the same time will have a problem with this!' he secretly thought.

"….thank you." (Ruoxi)

Jin thought for a while before he spoke.

"Say, Ruoxi. Why don't you and Wang Ma come and live with me? Not like she doesn't know that I have multiple lovers."

Ruoxi who heard his question suddenly froze.

"….Emmm, can you give me a bit more time? I-I don't think I am ready to do this right now…"

Ruoxi spoke with a low voice.

Jin didn't push the subject and casually replied.

"Sure, it's ok."

"…thank you, Jin."

Ruoxi spoke with an extremely low voice that would've been missed by anyone normal standing next her.

She then guided him to his room as they both went to their separate rooms and called it a day.


[A/N: - AAAAND CUT! I think I did quite good in the romantic aspect here *pats himself on the back*.]

6800 words~

Darkstar11051999creators' thoughts