
Chapter 19

"Let us begin our lesson now. Look out far into the lake, and tell me what you see", said Sensei Shintaro

Seeing the stern look on his Master's face, Renji felt weird and proceeded to observe the lake in front of him.

"It's very calm and peaceful. It's really beautiful, Sensei."

Renji said in wonder, as he reveled in the peaceful and soothing presence of the lake.

"Look closely and answer me again. Observe the creatures in both the sky and the water."

Sensei Shintaro calmly replied as she told her disciple to pay closer attention.

Renji tried to discover something amiss, but he could not see anything noteworthy besides the birds flying in the sky or the fish swimming in the water. There were various species and sizes of fish and animals, but nothing appeared to be unusual within Renji's sight.

"I don't see anything out of the ordinary, Sensei."

Renji responded while shaking his head...

"That's because nothing is there except nature", she said giggling



She chuckled and rubbed the head of her cute disciple...

"Nature, Renji. You see nature, Nature is all there to see in here... but you only notice its beauty and fail to see the cruelty hidden within it! Look at the fish; they are swimming right now to escape from a larger fish behind them. The big animals hunt the smaller ones. The strong eat the weak. This is an unbroken rule of this world!"

She stated softly as she continued to gaze at the scenery in front of her.

"There is nothing fair in this world, We are shinobis we never play fair, Renji, the power you wield will decide your fate and that of those around you. So, as your sensei, I just hope that you use that power of yours to protect what's important... Remember these words, child."



Renji Jumped back and took a stance...

"Who are you, and what have you done with my sensei"

"Renji, what are you talki-

"Hahaha... You naive foul, you miscalculated, my sensei can never talk sensibly"

Before he can finish, there was a chop to his head...



"You brat, How can you be so... Right, Good Job in knowing me, as expected of my disciple Hahahaha"


"We will talk later, let us begin your training now. Right now your Defence can handle everything, but that doesn't mean you are invincible like we want you to be, Your Biggest opponent right now is Poison and GenJutsu... You can also drown to death by the sand and Water"

"We will start your Poison immunity training from tonight when you go to sleep as for right now, we will work on your Chakra Defences... Once you are able to control chakra, you will be able to defend against sand and water, as for Genjutsu, I have a plan to make you immune to it"

"Now go to the middle of the lake. Stand up. Close your eyes and just listen to my voice. Nothing exists in this world besides you and my voice... Begin!"

Renji immediately does what he was told, he stood in the middle of the Lake and started the same movements Sensei taught him before. Taking a very Deep Breath, Renji felt his muscles bursting with power!!

Seeing the Troubled Renji, Sensei asked, "What is it"

"It's nothing sensei, it's just that, I feel like I have become stronger... and my power is growing"

He recalled the first time he used his strength, from that day till now, his strength has unmeasurable growth.

"Good, that's because you are learning to control your chakra. Now, continue those movements while adding more power to your fists, and start circulating the chakra within your blood vessels!"

Sensei Shintaro strictly instructed when she saw that Renji was able to control the tremendous amount of might that flows within his body.

Renji felt strong. Very strong. He doesn't know what's going on, but he felt an unlimited amount of power surging within him!!!

"Now, continue those movements underwater. Your Chakra will help you in breathing, control your Chakra... so that you should are able to breathe. You will feel some resistance as the water will constrict your movements, but persevere through it."

Sensei Shintaro calmly guided her student.

Renji controlled his charka to his nose and by letting his chakra in the feet gone he dipped underwater as he resumed his training.

It was noticeably more difficult as his movements were pushed down by a large margin, but Renji continued to push his arms through the resistance while drops of sweat formed on his forehead.

"Put more pressure on your muscle, flex your muscle more, control your Chakra to draw more power from inside of you, and continue the movements."

Sensei's soft voice sounded out from behind Renji.

Following his Master's direction, Renji started to do what he was instructed.


His body suddenly began to rapidly heat up, this was the sensation, the sensation that he felt when he melted the dozens of civilians years ago, The power he can not control no matter what... He felt afraid of these powers.

His Body naturally produces heat, and he can melt anyone but he can control the heat his body produces... but right now, he was not in control of the Heat that his body was creating...

"No... No, not again, Go away... GO---

There was a hand on his shoulder


"Renji, don't be afraid, believe in your master, I am very strong, you can not hurt me, so don't be afraid and train like always alright, the powers inside of you are not your enemies but yours to guide"

Renji calmed down and started doing the motions again...

"Not enough! Draw more Power from inside of you. Your body can withstand it now, you are stronger, you are better and I am here Renji, Trust me, child, do not worry and put extra pressure, how else will you ever get stronger? Push through your body's limits!!"

The soft voice of Sensei was heard by Renji as he tried to break past his natural limits.

Without hesitation, Renji abruptly began to draw colossal amounts of Charka! His body was filled with violent burning magma, as waves of heat could be seen radiating out from him. His body's temperature was extremely high right now, as steam began to burst out from his skin.

The water around him started to sizzle and boil, but Renji still did not feel any discomfort from the changes happening within his body. It was as if Renji's skin was completely immune to the intense heat surging around him.

"Remember this feeling Renji, Now Release that power!! PUNCH"

With his muscles coiled in tension, Renji made a fist and suddenly struck his fist out with all the power focused on his knuckles.

The water in front of Renji immediately burst apart when it came into contact with his fist.


A loud explosion echoed throughout the lake while the boiling lake-water violently sprayed everywhere. The body of water quaked with faint tremors, as the water surrounding Renji instantly burst into vapor. Further ahead at the lake, dead fish began to slowly float on top of the water with their insides being cooked under the boiling lake.

At the edge of the now dry piece of land, a scorching red-skinned boy stood as he heavily panted. There were no traces of moisture around him and clouds of steam continued to rise from his skin.

Even under that extreme heat, the small figure's skin did not blister or crack. All the muscles in the boy's body fervently twitched as if unable to contain that berserk energy within him.

Struggling to calm his racing heart, the boy stared in shock at his fist!!!


Sensei Shintaro's eyes widened, "Monster, this brat is a monster... and to think that this is Just his physical raw might, what would be the result when he mixes that strength with his chakra... Tsunade, you are in some serious competition, my friend"

She laughed bitterly, this boy is bound to be extraordinary... although still needs improvement, the boy is prepared for his first C-Rank... It's time