
Lady Misfortune: Daddy, I'll Be A Righteous Villainess!

"Watch out, Daddy! I'll be the worst villainess you'll ever see!" After being raised by an abusive family and dying from an illness at the age of thirteen, Lady Mireille was reborn as the six-year-old antagonist of the book she made for fun. Not only does she have to be pretend to be the illegitimate daughter of the country's most sought-after CEO in order to help him avoid marriage, but she also has to fulfill her role as the villainess so that all of the characters in her story can have a happy ending. She must harass the heroine, let her adopted father meet his future love interest, and get disowned later on. Becoming bad for the good of everyone - that's her goal. But little does Lady know that she's just not cut out to be evil. Naive and reckless yet kind and cheerful - instead of a fearsome baddie, she only comes out as this genuine girl who desperately wants to appear naughty. Because of that, she ends up unknowingly charming some of the main and side characters, including her stone-hearted adoptive father, her apathetic cousin, and a child prodigy from a wealthy family. "If you're acting evil to get my attention, then stop. You're just a child I bought to escape marriage." Stern and stoic - though claimed as the country's hottest CEO, Maximilian Mireille is an emotionless man who doesn't believe in love. He'd rather have a fake daughter than get forced to marry. "You saved me, you idiot. How can you be evil?" Aloof yet caring - Fallon Mireille has the smarts and the looks despite his dry personality. He's supposed to die in the story, but after being saved by his adoptive cousin whom he used to treat indifferently, he lives on and starts to get involved in all of her antics. "You're too cute to be evil, though? Rather than a devil, you look more like an angel to me~" Intelligent and cunning - Weiss Saoirse has it all. Perfect looks, perfect grades, and a perfect family. Ever the untouchable, he can't seem to fit in and enjoy anything in life. However, since meeting his peculiar yet interesting classmate and developing a crush on her, his once dull and boring life suddenly becomes fun and bright. Follow Lady's journey on becoming a righteous evil flower who'll bring about everyone's happy ending! --- [Warning: Mature Language] (Cover Photo Not Mine: Credits to the Original Artist) - Follow me on Instagram (acieetin) - DM me on Discord (Aciee#1841)

Aciee_GelaTin · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
142 Chs

Sorts of Love

A moment later, Lady came to realize that crying would only probably work if the one she was dealing with was not the Mireille family.

It seems that her cousins became the way they are for a reason. Just when she thought she would be saved from the situation by pretending to be a damsel in distress, she somehow ended up making it worse instead. Apparently, the adults who arrived there were actually their parents. They made a fuss over their fight, but to her dismay, they chose their sons' side.

Of course, they would.

They're theirs, after all.

"Daddy! Mommy! We weren't doing anything to her!"

"That's right, that's right! She just started crying out of nowhere!"

"We only asked her to come and play with us! But she doesn't seem to like us!"

Lady has to give it to them - they're quite good in acting, too.

She keeps herself from making an unamused, deadpan look then, wondering just how absurd this situation can get. While she may have faked her tears earlier, her cousins are still straight up lying by saying that they did nothing, and as if that is not enough to make her feel indignant, their parents just also have to join in and blame her as well.

"You! What're you saying about our son being mean?!"

"It doesn't look like you're hurt or anything. You're overreacting."

"Our son can't possibly hurt you! He's a good boy!"

Now, her uncles and aunts are onto her, too.

She decided to remain quiet, taking it all in. While it is indeed pathetic to gang up on a child like this, it still kind of amazes her - how much these parents are willing to stand up for their kids, that is. They appear to be so sure that their sons are not going to do any misdeed, and they will even go as far as defending them even when they are in the wrong.

Although she knows that it is bad to spoil their young like this, as someone whose own parents could not care less about their daughter, she feels a little bit jealous. She has never experienced familial love before - nor any sorts of love for that matter, so she can't understand.

'Hmm? What's with that look she's showing now...?' Fallon pondered as he noticed how forlorn and dejected Lady suddenly looked.

'Here I thought she was going to defend herself. She cried so loud back there, but now that these parents were doing something similar to what their children just did, she fell in complete silence. Is she that fazed?'

As he was having these thoughts, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. A bit surprised, he turned around to find a certain someone looking down at him with a confused expression.

"What's with this fuss, Fallon?"

"Oh, Father, you're here."

Calixtus Mireille.

With hair as dark as the night sky and eyes as soft as lavenders, he serves like a mirror image of his son. He is this dashing gentleman with a prepossessing aura around him. Even when he is only standing there, his imposing presence still ends up catching the attention of some of the passersby near them.

'Oh, my, my, my! Who is that hottie?!'

Even Lady is completely drawn.

She totally forgot that she was in the middle of getting ganged up on as soon as she caught sight of Calixtus. At first, she thought it was Maximilian who appeared beside Fallon out of nowhere, but it turned out to be someone who just shared some striking resemblance with him. She actually doesn't even need to ask who he is -

Seeing his features alone, she already knows that he is her uncle.

'Way to go, me! These creations of yours are truly magnificent!'

She has to give herself a pat on the back for this one. Making her characters handsome and beautiful has been worth it.

"Hey, are you even listening?! You should apologize to my son this instance! To us, too! You're making such a big ruckus so early in the evening!"

Upon hearing that, Lady was forced to bring her attention back to her other relatives.

She is dumbfounded at this point. For whatever stupid reason, she is suddenly being pressured to make some sort of apology speech in front of them. While her cousins are snickering to themselves at the back, her uncles and aunts are regarding her in either dismay or annoyance.

This will not do. They are being too unreasonable.

"Ummm... Excuse me, but I can't apologize to you since I haven't even done anything wrong..." Lady began while looking up to them innocently - her gaze wide and glassy.

"That's just dumb."

Then, silence.

Some of them flare up while others give her incredulous looks. She stiffens a little, admitting in silence that she must have said it too flatly. Though she didn't mean to disrespect them or anything, she just couldn't find a better term to address it.

"What's dumb?"

The came Maximilian out of nowhere, throwing all of them off guard.

Hi, everyone! Just wanna inform you all that I finally have an Instagram account!

Do follow me (acieetin) to get updates on my latest works and recent activities (ㆁωㆁ) I'll be posting artworks and sample illustrations of my novels' characters, drawings of story settings and scenes, theme songs, videos, spoiler bits, some memes, and more! ( ╹▽╹ )

You'll also get to learn more about me, and I to you. Hopefully, I'll see you there. Lots of love ( ◜‿◝ )♡

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