
Lady Kagome

Kagome runs from Inu Yasha thinking he betrayed her. She ends up running into Sesshoumaru thinking her life has literally gone to Hell. Despite her travels to find the shards of the Shikon no Tama, her journey is about to get much more fickle than ever.

Nile_Flores · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 32

"Most of you have met Lady Kagome in the reception hall. Lord Inu Yasha and I apologize, but she is indisposed at the moment and will have to be introduced at a later date as our intended. However, unlike other celebrations in the past, there is a pressing matter upon our lands, so this ball will not last the traditional week as we will be preparing for war. Some of you are more directly involved in the matters concerning the evil half demon named Naraku. His minion, Kagura the Wind Sorceress had visited only days ago to announce that the final battle would be in a few weeks from now," Sesshoumaru began, scanning the demons lining his long dining table.

He could see many of them scowling or burning with anger and hoped that they would join in the fight. Naraku plagued all of Japan, despite his close connection with Musashi in the past.

"The battlefield is yet to be announced. I suspect the information will be kept privy until last minute. My brother and his group as well as the Wolf Prince will be requested to stay here in the Western Citadel, until Kagura arrives with that information. For others with minor ties to wanting to defeat Naraku, heed my words. Do not interfere with the previously named party or you will be dealing with me," he warned. "We have dedicated the past few years in trying to beat Naraku, as well as prevent him from plundering most of Japan. The incident that you heard of Mount Hakurei, was the cause for many demon and human populated villages to be destroyed by the lower level demon filth, that Naraku had abandoned. While we await for the final battle, I ask that you send your troops to destroy the menacing demons that are doing this."

"That is no problem, however you need Kagome. She has the power to defeat Naraku, so when the time comes, do not get in my daughter's way," Lord Ayu stated, meeting Sesshoumaru's piercing gaze. "When the jewel is complete, whatever happens, you must accept it. She has a life in the future. Nothing of her former life that she had a long time ago exists to her."

"We're aware of that," Inu Yasha frowned.

"And we have already discussed this with our mate to be," Sesshoumaru finished. "Now, it is getting late. Please enjoy yourselves. The ballroom is to your right and if you wish to retire to your rooms, simply call upon one of my staff to escort you."

Sango stood up and approached Inu Yasha and asked, "Where's Kagome?"

"She is in her room. Look, I need to tell you guys something about Kagome. She is not the same," he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"She is not the same? What do you mean?" Miroku asked.

"Yeah, what happened to momma?" Shippou cried.

He was confused. He had seen Kagome's transformation, but not the reason behind it, and knew that usually demons did not adopt other demons very easily. Although Kagome had adopted him when she was human, she could now deny it. He was afraid to find out.

"Shaddup, runt! Kagome is black dog demon. She is the heir to the Eastern Lands. She was sent a long time ago to the future. She has no memories of the past and is very upset. I don't think she is upset about being a demon, but more about her memory of her past was erased and she cannot recover it. She is in her room because she's in heat. As soon as the concealment spell broke, her heat scent was a blaring beacon. She is safe her room with a seal to keep her scent in so she does not attract unwanted male demons," Inu Yasha explained.

"Wow! Lady Kagome is a princess! That is big news! Poor girl. She must be crushed learning all this. It is probably overwhelming to her," Miroki sympathized, his hand dangerously close to Sango's breast.

"Don't you dare, you stupid monk!" Sango growled, threatening him with a fist.

"Dummy, you'll never learn. Some day you are going to go retarded after all those beatings from Sango," Shippou laughed, then became serious. "Inu Yasha, will Kagome deny her adoption of me as her son?"

"Whatever gave you that idea? Kagome is Kagome no matter what form she is in. Don't be stupid," Inu Yasha scolded, but smirked as Shippou smiled, jumped on his shoulder, and then hugged him. "Don't expect to call me papa, runt!"

Sango giggled at the antics between her half demon and fox friends. Despite them always arguing and it ending in Inu Yasha bopping Shippous on the head, they always got along fairly well. Sango knew Shippou looked up to Inu Yasha as a role model. She had been around so long that she felt their little group was like a family. They could never replace her family, but they warmed her heart and made her want to protect them fiercely. Even if she lost Kohaku in the end, she would not fall into despair. She had a wonderful group of people to fall back on.

Kouga and Ayame approached Sango. While he had been out before the ball, he sought out the female wolf demon, and asked her to be his mate. He explained that he realized Kagome loved another and after deep thought, he remembered his promise to her. He apologized and she was more than happy to accept his proposal. They planned to be mated as soon as Naraku was defeated. Sango was happy for them and knew that their union would be best for all wolf, as the events with Naraku had wiped out a lot of wolf clans all over the country.

"Is it true? Kagome is an dog demon and a princess?" Kouga asked, his blue eyes very confused.

"Yes, that rumor is indeed a fact. Kagome is the heir of the Eastern lands," she replied frankly. "She had been hidden under a concealment spell for such a long time."

"Who would have thought Kagome was the Eastern princess? She had been gone for such a long time that many thought her dead. Perhaps this is a good omen. The Eastern lands have bloodlines that tie to Midoriko and the black dogs have been renowned to be very strong and hold exceptional magics," Ayame recalled. "I remember her when she was little. In fact Kouga should as well. Her family gave him the lands that his tribe currently resides in."

"Yes, I do recall her, however she was protected a lot when venturing around her palace, and most of the time she was training," Kouga replied.

"Nevertheless, Kagome is here and safe. You heard her father. She is the key to defeating Naraku. I just hope that is true. I have lost a lot. If I lose Kagome too, I'm not sure what I will do," Sango sighed and then slowly walked away.

Both Kouga and Ayame silently agreed, watching Sango walk down the hallway.