
Lady Kagome

Kagome runs from Inu Yasha thinking he betrayed her. She ends up running into Sesshoumaru thinking her life has literally gone to Hell. Despite her travels to find the shards of the Shikon no Tama, her journey is about to get much more fickle than ever.

Nile_Flores · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 31

A few minor lords entered with their families, servants, and guests. Some were not even from Japan. Each one regarded her either with awe, or with disgust. She had expected that as her journey throughout the past three years only comprised of those type of demons. If it were not for the strong demonic power that both Inu Yasha and Sesshoumaru emitted, she knew one of them would have happily killed her on the spot. However, she was not without her own protection, yet she was not going to let her holy powers get the best of her. She had two gorgeous, yet strong demons for mates to be and she was going to let them have their pride of protecting her.

Finally, she recognized Kouga and Ayame along with Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Shippou. Kouga was dressed in blue with his house symbol, the hexagonal star embroidered into his robes. Ayame had mostly white as she was a princess of the white wolf demons, however, her kimono was embroidered with the very same pink cherry flower she wore in her hair.

"Hi Kagome. Thanks for setting Kouga in his place," Ayame smiled, as Kouga blanched at her comment.

"No problem, Ayame," Kagome giggled.

Kagome hugged Shippou and Sango, but kept Miroku at an arms length so Sesshoumaru would not tear his lecherous hands off.

"I missed you so much. Okaa-san, can I stay with you?" Shippou asked.

"We can see each other later sweetheart. Right now I need to be here to greet the guests," Kagome ruffled Shippou's hair.

"Go on runt. She will be there later on," Inu Yasha said.

Next came Lord Yoshi of the Southern lands, a silver fox and Lady Riku of the Northern Lands, a red fox.

"So, it is true. You and Lady Riku are getting together," Sesshoumaru joked, yet his voice remained monotone as usual.

"No, we are cousins. I swear Lord Sesshoumaru, your humor is morbid," Lord Yoshi laughed.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru smirked.

Lady Riku spotted Shippou and exclaimed, "Dearest cousin Shippou, is that you?"

Shippou turned and his eyes widened at seeing Lady Riku, "I thought you had been killed with the rest of our clan by the Thunder brothers."

"I was barely alive until Yoshi came upon me," she replied, her green eyes sparkling. "Now that we know you are alive, I guess Yoshi will have to be named regent of the Southern Lands until you are of age. You are still too small to take control."

"Yes, I'm just a kid. Wish someone would tell my supposed friends when they go to battle that," he joked and was immediately grabbed by Inu Yasha and put into a headlock and given noogies.

"Better take it back, runt," Inu Yasha said, as Shippou protested against the noogies.

After a few other demons, Lady Ayumi and Lord Ayu of the Eastern lands were announced. Both were black dog demons and the symbol of their house was the sun. Before they were within ear range, Sesshoumaru mentioned, "Their family family been tied to those of holy powers. Do not get your hopes up, but once you show them the sword, they may recognize you."

Both had long black hair. Lady Ayumi had pink stripes on her face and hands while Lord Ayu had black stripes. Both had a black sun on their forehead. As they approached, they focused on Kagome.

Kagome noticed and became nervous.

'Come on, breathe girl,' she urged herself.

"My, my, this is your intended?" Lady Ayumi asked, examining Kagome with her blue-grey eyes looking into Kagome's own, of the same colour.

Kagome became uneasy and Sesshoumaru replied, "This is Kagome. Please Kagome, show them your sword."

Kagome tucked her fan into her obi and carefully unsheathed her sword and held it in front of her.

"Where did you get that?" Lord Ayu asked, grabbing Kagome's arm, earning growls from the brothers.

"Don't touch her," Inu Yasha warned, his hand on the hilt of Tetsuseiga.

"I got it from my family's memory chest. It contained a lot of trinkets, books, and scrolls. It was the only thing that survived their death," Kagome replied, getting teary eyed.

Sesshoumaru growled louder, giving Lord Ayu one last warning, "Remove that hand or it will be removed for you."

"Woman, you will tell me what family held this sword," Lord Ayu demanded, unrelenting in his hold.

"I am Higurashi Kagome. My mother is Itami and my father is dead," she replied, trying to shrink away from is grip.

"It is not possible," Lady Ayumi gasped. "Ayu, you said our daughter had been taken away!"

Inu Yasha groaned, "You are not even a half-demon. You are full demon, and an important one!"

If the Eastern Lord objected the union of his daughter with the Western lords, then things would get fickle. He hoped that would not come to be.

"Yes, that she is. Naraku was looking for her so I sent her through the well. Itami was a simple priestess, that I blood bonded to Kagome until she could come back. Kagome has been a demon for over two hundred fifty years, only given memories of a fake mortal life," Ayu revealed, releasing Kagome's arm.

His nails had penetrated through her kimono sleeve and into her skin, making the blood drip from her arm. He gasped and regretted his hastiness.

"My little girl!" Ayumi cried, hugging Kagome.

Kagome yelped as Lady Ayumi's arm while hugging came into contact on her fresh wound.

Sesshoumaru for once, was at a loss for words. This whole time Kagome was alive. He knew Kagome as a demoness, long ago, when they were younger, but never gave a second thought about her disappearance. He only saw her on official occasions and played as a pup.

'I'm a demon? My life has been a lie! she cried to herself, not sure how to react, her face devoid of any emotion as she tried to make sense of the situation.

Kagome pulled herself out of Ayumi's arms and cried, "My life was a lie."

She crumbled to the ground in sobs. Inu Yasha dropped to the ground beside her. Already Kagome's concealment spell that her father had placed long ago on her finally melted away. She had a pink sun on her forehead and two black stripes on her cheeks and wrists. He ears were pointed and she seems a few inches taller. The rest of her features stayed the same.

Kagome noticed that her fingers held claws and immediately felt her ears, finding them pointed. This was something she could believe now that it was tangible.

'But if I am back to what I was, then where are my memories? I don't recall my childhood at all.'

"How will I get my memories back?" she asked through the tears.

"You cannot, my dear. They are gone. Only what you know from being a mortal the past few years. Do not be mad. We did it for your safety. We could not let Naraku force himself on you. At the time he had taken a different form and was after the Jewel of Four Souls. You wore it on a necklace until we gave it to the demon exterminators to find a worthy guardian of holy descent. After the one they chose, which was Kikyo, it disappeared and we assumed it returned to you. You were Midoriko's chosen guardian. Your mother was related to her through blood. Somehow, the holy power in Midoriko suppressed her demonic powers, that she was always assumed as human. I used those same traits to suppress your demon traits, except I had to wipe out your memory. Honey, I would give them all back if I could," Ayu explained, kneeling down, then placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

Her arm where he had punctured with his nails had already stopped bleeding and now closed up, slowly healing without a scar to be left behind.

"This is a lot for her to take in. Her mortal family was killed by the malicious plans that Kikyo had put forth. Kikyo had fooled us all, even me," Inu Yasha said sadly. "I had thought that it was Naraku since the fuckin' bastard had been in the area, but Kikyo's scent had been stronger around the well, inside it and even on the other side."

"Do you think Naraku knows her existence?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"We highly doubt it. Even you, Lord Sesshoumaru, were unable to sense her demonic powers, and you are undoubtedly one of the strongest demons alive," Lady Ayumi replied, looking down at Kagome curiously and sniffing.

'Shit! Fine time for my daughter to go into heat,' Lady Ayumi groaned to herself.

Lady Ayumi's eyes traveled over to the brothers and her husband who were subtly sniffing and confirming her own suspicions.

'Looks like she will not be joining us for the banquet,' she rolled her eyes.

Kagome was getting nervous at the strange tension and quiet around her. One moment everyone had been talking of her as a demon, and now everyone was quiet. Her newly discovered mother and father were giving her strange, looks while both Inu Yasha and Sesshoumaru seemed tense, yet not revealing their looks. She was not sure if she should press the matter.

"Please, go into the dining hall. We have other guests on the way and I need to regain my composure," Kagome requestedly coldly, starting to get annoyed with the strange tension about her.

She did not want to talk about her new findings about her so called life anymore. She almost wanted to rewind her life to the happier times, but that was not possible. What happened was undoubtedly destiny and so far Kagome had taken her strange life with courage and was determined to keep it that way. In her thoughts, she had barely registered that she had tears running down her face.

Sesshoumaru wiped the tears from her face and kissed her.

"Demon or human, I have fallen in love with you," he whispered in her ear.

She smiled at him, and then focused on receiving the other guests. As soon as they were done, Sesshoumaru summoned Jaken, and then the toad demon ushered them to the dining hall, but kept Kagome back.

"Milady, please follow me," Jaken beckoned.

Kagome obliged his request, and soon found herself in her own room. She was not sure whether this was some prank or some part she had to play, like waiting to be called forth so she could be introduced to everyone officially.

"What am I doing in here, Jaken?" Kagome asked.

"For your own sake, it is my duty until your mating is completed to my lords, that I protect your honor. Milady, since your human guise dropped, you've been in heat. You are lucky both lords are strong enough to control themselves. However, I've put a spell on this room to contain your scent. I apologize, but this is necessary," Jaken explained apologetically, bowing.

"Oh wow! This is so embarrassing. Every demon knew too!" Kagome blanched, then sunk into her bedside.

'The gods just keep kicking me while I'm down. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this, but I guess I have no choice,' She sighed sadly.

"Sorry milady, but I tried to retrieve you sooner. Don't worry, Lord Sesshoumaru will simply discuss upcoming plans for the battle with Naraku, and let the guests dance and make merry to their hearts content," Jaken said before exiting.

Kagome laid back with a sad sigh, and let the tears flow. Minutes later, she heard a soft knock on the door, and it was Izumi with a tray of food.

"I'm sorry to hear about your current circumstances, however, Jaken instructed me to throw together one heck of a smorgasbord together, since the meal was arranged in your honor. It would be a pity for you to miss out on such a feast," Izumi said, sitting the tray down on a nearby table, then quietly let herself out.