
Lady Boss, Only Mine

Finding out that she and her son could die if she stays any longer, April decides to take matters into her own hand, but will things really go as she planned Please, no one should copy my book, this is my own world and work. You can also read this novel on wattpad. Thank you!!!❤❤❤ And, before I forget, this book's gonna talk about friends with same sex relationship. So, if it's not your thing, then this book is not for you

Kris_Kim · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

Adrian's POV

After more than a week of not seeing April, I decide to visit her today. I already know where she'll be at this time, this is um...11:33, so, she'll be at that bakery she works at

How did I know?

Well, Sky told me not to follow her around, but that doesn't mean I can't ask my men to, and I get updates about her everyday

I know when she leaves the house, although I'm still confused at why her secretary is also living with her, but I'm going to try to believe Sky that it's nothing.

She drops that guy's kid at school sometimes too, probably when the dad' unavailable. Speaking of the kid, I don't know why I have this warm feeling, when I see pictures of April dropping him at his school. The picture they make, really had me wishing I had something like that with April.

I'll be the one dropping our kids though.

The thought alone makes my lips tug a smile, as I imagine how our family would look like. Probably we'd have a boy too, it could be a girl also, I'd love them equally no matter the gender

So, here I am, in my study, holding a picture frame. It was of April, she was laughing at something, maybe. Sky took the picture, and I collected it from after threatening to seize his island. Looking at it makes me really see the difference in the life she's living now

Before, she hardly smiled. That's the main reason, why I had to collect the picture, it was a rare sight to see her smile, much less, laugh. Even Sky said that was the reason he took the picture

But now, just with the pictures I've seen of her, April's just like her 8 years old self again, full of life and smiles, very cheerful

I wish I could turn back time

I grab my car keys, so that I can go to her bakery. I'm tired of not feeling her presence. Seeing her after all these years created a longing in me, that only her can satisfy

The study door opens before I could reach it. It uses a palm print scanner, so it can be no other than Sky, he's the only one who can open it apart from me, and yep, he comes in looking all smug, making my annoyed self more irritated

"What is it?, I have somewhere to go, so I don't have all day", I tell him straightaway, not wanting him to delay me seeing April

He just walks to my table, and sit on my chair, "okay, you can go", he says, making me groan as I reach for the door, "just that I have a date with..... April tonight"

My hand freezes on the door, not even hearing what he says next

"She'll still be at the bakery now, so you should quickly go, before her shift ends",

That stupid, idiotic baboon

"How are you having a date with April?" I ask, calming down the urge to strangle him, as I turn back to face him

He shrugs like it's an obvious thing, "I asked for her number, she gave me, the end"

I watch him closely for any sign that could prove that he's lying, but there isn't, still..., "I don't believe you"

He rolled his eyes at me

For fuck's sake, why are people rolling their eyes at me. First April, now Sky

"Yeah, I know you won't, and I'm less concerned actually, but please, don't crash that date for me, I really need it, please. I promise, I'm not after her". He really looks so serious, asking for a favour

Still, that doesn't stop this unpleasant feeling that's brewing in me now

Why does she choose to be with Sky, and run away from me

"Think of it like this bro", Sky says, making me look at him, "I'll help you find out what she was keeping from you"

"But, wh-", I get interrupted by a phone call for Sky. He tries to ignore it, but I tell him to pick

He checks the ID, and smiles, "Guess who it is", he asks, before shoving the screen in my face

It was April!!!, my gosh. I ignore what he uses to save her contact, and I clear my throat, and rub my face

I don't know why I'm feeling nervous, when I'm not the one receiving the call. Even Sky's looking at me like I grew two horns

He picks the call, and puts it on speaker, "Hello Angel", he says purposely to rile me up

"Hey, Sky", her beauriful voice replies. It's as if I can feel her voice in every cells in my body

"I called to tell you that I can only offer you at most, 30 minutes, so meet me at the Fountain's Fall, in the next 20 minutes. I don't need to describe it, look for it yourself" Precise as before, guess my April hasn't really changed much

"No worries boo, I'll be all yours for the 30 minutes" Sky answers, smirking at me

I really want to kill a particular someone

She hangs up, before he could even say anything further

"Yo!!, your girl is still as savage as ever", he says, making me smile at how he referred to April as my girl. He really knows how to get to me

"I have to be on my way now, the Ice queen is not one to be kept waiting, but don't worry, I'll try my best to keep my hands off her"

"I swear, I'll-", he runs out of the room, before I could decide what to do with him

I walk out of the study to the one room that no one else was allowed to enter, not even Sky. April's room

I made sure her things were still there, I couldn't allow them to be disposed of, I just couldn't. I switch on the light, before looking around the room, clean. The servants always made sure to keep it clean. Very soon, she'll be back here, from there, my room

Those times after when she left, this place became my solace, the only place I could find the connection i had with her. I couldn't leave the room, I physically couldn't bring myself to, and no one dared to bring me out, until my father got tired of it

I reach under her bed, bringing out a box I found weeks after her passing, I didn't open it throughout those years, just hugged it on my bad days

The lock needed a combination to open it, shit, what could it be? Well, let me try....

0808, her date of birth?

Not it, okay, maybe....

2405, my date of birth?

Nope, not it again. What was I thinking too. Wait!!, could it be?...



The day we met

I can't believe it, it actually worked. Did she cherish that day too, the way I did?

I opened the box. There were all books inside. Novels? Wow!!, I never knew she loved reading novels

I brought out a book that seemed bigger then the others. It was a photo album.

Beautiful!!, is what I thought first, when I saw the first picture. It was an 8 year old April, and me, a younger me, she wrote her age on it. It was months after My father and I brought her to the house. She was still getting used to me then, but she was smiling so brightly in the picture, she's as beautiful as ever

I look at the rest of the pictures, and I don't know if I'm the one imagining, but she has more of my pictures than hers

After going through all the pictures, I pick one folded paper. It was a stick drawing of a tall man, a little girl and a boy. I read aloud what is written there, Sir Richard, Ad and me. My family. I dab my eyes with my palm, when I notice drips of water staining the paper. No matter how hard I try, April always manage to pull down my walls, without even trying. I really miss when we were younger

I bring out a pink book, remembering that I got it for her, when she just started middle school. I'd met Skyler then, and he told me girls love getting gift. And since I saw most girls in my class having a diary, I decided to get one for her. I did that till I graduated high school

Why did I stop?? I ignore the thought as I open the first page of the book to read

Dear Diary....

Don't forget to comment, say what you think about in this chapter , Thanks for reading, see you next time

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