

For the first time in their fight so far, Dia finally showed some semblance of an emotion on his face rather than just being bored all the time. Now it was a look of utter shock.

This was one of the rarest of occasions that someone was able to deal with Dia's cold hard diamond armor. He stared at the dust while jumping backwards, creating some distance between him and Rhys. "This kid. His destructive power might not be as severe as the other two, but there is no doubt, for a Vitalem such as mine, his is the most dangerous against someone with the ultimate armor like me." Dia said with a panicked look.

"What's wrong? Not so tough now without your armor, aren't you?" Grim grinned as he kicked Dia, but the latter was in time to block it. Meanwhile K hovered above him, making his last three weapons rain down below like a storm, cutting through Dia's skin much easier than he would have if he still had the diamond armor on.