

But as soon as they got to the place where the gate was in, it was now turning red. It had happened as soon as Damian Rose walked right past it, luckily for them, there no guards there at all. The three of them, Commander Kanon Sokolov, Leon Vergil and Kyro Shin stared at each other before coming up with the next course action, they instinctively pushed him in to the gate before the guards would come back from the so called 'break' that Commander Kanon Sokolov had sent them to have. After about two minutes of it just shining red as it continued, Commander Kanon instructed the two of them to carry Damian back to camp as they did exactly that. Since it was already far too late at night, the other members of the Fangs of Vargr were now fast asleep as they could not wait any longer at all, because of the fact that most of them had work to do early in the morning, they were not going to lose sleep waiting for them to return.