
Kumo-Tori! Spider and Chicken, so what!

Kumo desu ga nani ka? x Classroom of the Elite Fanfic Wakaba Hiro attended ANHS instead and one day as classes were proceeding as per usual, a green laser swallowed up and killed everyone in the school. Everybody reincarnated into another world, all as something that suited them. Wakaba, the loner in the class became a spider, while most became humans. Ayanokoji and some others ended up in a similar situation to her...

MrCluckYou · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Level and Unknown Skills

I'm not sure how much time has passed since I arrived in this world. If my internal clock is correct, it's felt close to an hour that I've been loitering around, trying to figure out how to lay an egg. Caves don't have a day or night cycle, hence the reason for my unsureness.

I'm giving up on laying currently, maybe I'll be able to tell like using the bathroom in my previous life.

Ever since then, I tried harnessing control over my vastly different body, and not very much time has gone by. Currently, it felt weird moving my arms and legs but I improved more from earlier. I just have to get fully used to it and then test the limits of this body. Not stamina, of course, It would be bad to needlessly tire me out.

I smacked the floor with my wing at full force. It wasn't fast by any means, probably a few times slower than when I was human.

Not only that but when my wing hit, the feathers just moved out of the way a little cushioning the entire blow. I didn't expect much at all in the first place and it was probably equivalent to having a napkin thrown at you. Nothing would happen at all.

I then tried to jump but it didn't really work. Chickens jump with their wing flaps somewhat I suppose. I lowered myself, bending my legs In preparation, and propelled myself up into the sky, multiple times my height.

Instead of stopping, I continued flapping my wings and landed on the floor approximately 10 meters. Once again, it's hard to tell though due to my size being smaller.

If I were to scale it down, I'd say around 4 meters. I haven't a clue if that's impressive for a newborn chick as the specifics of farm animals were never taught fully. The lecture mentioned how to raise them and get products from them but never got into deep detail about jump height or jumping distance.

I repeated the process once again back to my eggshell and finally stopped. I felt considerably tired just from flying twice. This body was newly hatched and stressing it out needlessly with a lack of food and water is not good.

I tried pecking the floor with my beak to get used to the sensation again, as well as scratching my talon on the floor to see the impact. As expected, nothing happened.

The strange this is, no matter how much I tried to keep my head down when scratching the floor, it always stayed up when I did so. It's like I lose the temporary function of my neck for that short second.

I even tried kicking, which felt weird due to my limited range.

Taking a short break while thinking quickly about the best route to explore in hopes of food, I paused.

Aren't chickens supposed to have bad night vision?

Not only chickens but a good amount of birds do with the exception of owls and some others. If that's the case that means the cave isn't as dark as I thought it should be, light should be radiating from somewhere lighten it. Nowhere close, however, as I would easily spot a sunlight glare.

It's that or possibly the chicken species in this world is slightly different. It isn't outside the realm of possibilities due to the existence of skills in this world. Animals and humans can evolve differently and adapt over time to certain circumstances, this perhaps is an example of that. Improved vision at night might be an evolutionary trait chickens acquire over time.

As I was deep in thought, not even a few seconds have passed by since I relaxed, and a sound reverberated in my head.

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Acquired skill 『Thought Acceleration LV1』"

A new skill without purchasing it? Proficiency huh? If I do anything enough, I'll get a skill for it then.

"Conditions met. Title 『Super Computer Brain』 was acquired"

A title now? What's the point of them if they provide nothing? Is it a bragging right that is visib-

"By the effects of the title 『Super Computer Brain』, skill 『Thought Acceleration LV1』『Parallel Thinking LV1』 『Arithmetic Processing LV1』『Memory LV1』was acquired"

"『Thought Acceleration LV1』 has unified into 『Thought Acceleration LV2』"

I suppose I thought too soon. Voice-san informed me I received 5 different skills just from the Super Computer Brain title I earned. Wait, isn't this a different world? I suppose computers exist here as well other wise the origin of that name is rather puzzling...

Disregarding that, I started dissecting the skills one by one.

I received Thought Acceleration as I previously did, and it combined with the prior earned one. The skill level was two, higher than any of the others I have currently. I don't feel all too much of an increase in thought speed though, perhaps the effect isn't too strong.

One thing to pick up from this is that skills cannot exist separately and can merge under the proper circumstances. This also confirmed it doesn't take too much to level up a skill.

Parallel Thinking now intrigues me, I felt like I can think multiple things at once at first anyways but if I really focus, I can tell there was a slight effect. I believe so at least.

Arithmetic Processing and Memory were skills that were previously available for me to purchase with skill points. Doing some calculations, everything felt instant as usual...

What I can withdraw from all of this is that you can receive titles based on certain achievements one might reach. I was the renowned masterpiece of the white room who was theorized to think at the speed of a Supercomputer. Due to me thinking along that level of speed, I'd like to say Voice-san, as I'll continue to call it, awarded me the title.

The skills were just a by-product of it.

Proficiency levels too. From that, I can withdraw that if I use a skill enough, it will inevitably level up on its own, without having to purchase it again with skill points. If that was possible in the first place.

To test my assumption, I started using my recently bought skill appraisal a bit more on my surrounding.



Still no level-up? Perhaps using it on the same things has little to no effect or the threshold to level up is relatively higher than other skills.

Let's test it with Arithmetic Processing then.

2-->4-->8-->16-->32-->64-->128-->256-->512-->1024-->2048... 65536

3-->9-->27-->81-->243-->729-->2187-->6561-->19683... 43046721


"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Mental Arithmetic LV1』 has become 『Mental Arithmetic LV2』"

Oh so it did work, only took a couple of minutes too. I'm relatively certain I can continue doing this to raise the level but I wonder, would it take longer to get to a higher level or will it not? I guess I can try again but let's try with different numbers just in case the same ones don't count.

6-->36-->216-->1296-->7776-->46656-->279936... 2821109907456

7-->49-->343-->2401-->16807-->117649-->823543... 678223072849


"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Mental Arithmetic LV2』 has become 『Mental Arithmetic LV3』"

That took slightly longer but it was more or less, within a few minutes. Perhaps I got a bit quicker from the previous time or I leveled faster due to dealing with higher numbers. I can figure it out more in-depth later but I successfully leveled up a skill, twice no less, in a matter of minutes.

Putting down what I currently doing, I began to explore the cave in hopes of food but more importantly, a water source.

There has to be one somewhere if living animals are nearby. Organisms need hydration to live, even plants do. I'd like to think I'm not the only living thing here, I'm sure bats and a few other creatures live in here. I'm aware humans might come every now and then too, considering that a chicken is in a cave.

While walking, I noticed the previous distant feeling I had with this body was nonexistent now. Was it due to the skills I acquired? Helping me sync it faster and perhaps rooting my soul into this body more?

Quite abstract of an assumption for the latter part though. My natural instinct might have just kicked in.

Regardless, this cave was relatively hard to navigate. I went down some tunnels that split into even more tunnels and I decided just to go down them one by one while staying alert for predators. Once confirmed it was clear, I pecked the floor every now and then when coming across a tiny rock, eating it to help with digestion. Chickens have different digestion systems after all.

Tunnel after tunnel, I was seemingly met with nothing. Sometimes a dead end occurred but I haven't seen a single living thing yet.

That is usually a good sign, but if you think about it, animals prefer staying close to water. They swarm around any source rarely leaving for a reason other than food. I think I'm on the wrong path so I began to head back to the original tunnel I started off in.

Instead of going to the left side, I proceeded down the right side-

Until I halted.

Inspecting the tunnel shape, it appears to be a burrow of sorts. I could make an assumption humans created it based on the height compared to mine but something seemed off. It was taller than I imagined and was in the shape of a circle with scratch marks here and there.

The dirt and rock were also powdery in the near area and slightly damp. This was newly created, within the past few days or so.

Whatever made this was either a machine or an unknown species native to this world...

I immediately went back and walked all the way down the main tunnel as neither of those is things I'm looking forward to meeting.

If I met humans, they might try to eat me or use me for my eggs. Meeting the mole-type thing the size of a semi-truck also doesn't sound appealing...

I was met with normal-looking split paths again. This is going to take a while, I need to find something soon or I might die from dehydration. Half a day has passed since I started looking and something doesn't seem to make sense.

Babies need water within a day, otherwise, they might die. It's almost been that time but I haven't felt the slightest bit thirsty. Hungry, yes. Thirsty, no.

The other bizarre thing was my stamina. I didn't feel sleepy despite walking around all day. I didn't feel soreness but rather, tiredness while not feeling the need to sleep at the same time.

Chickens here are more peculiar than I imagined, I wonder if I even need sleep or water... Never mind, all things do, maybe they're just more used to less of both here.

Stepping on the rock floor, I was met with a turn and there I saw a little cliff ledge. Walking close to peer down, just stretching my neck and looking down, I saw a white spider approximately 20 meters below, walking around.

No, let me rephrase that.

It wasn't a spider you might see in your house. It had pointy legs, starting from black at the tips to pink and white then pink once again. 8 eyes, 2 larger ones dead center were spread across its face. The spider had a white abdomen with black stripes perpendicular to its head on its back, decorated in a similar way to how the yellow lane lines are. It also had jagged sharp fangs. Not only that, but it was larger than me. Not slightly, but probably double my height, and six times my width.

I'm either abnormally small, or that thing is abnormally big. While it's hard to say the size difference due to the distance, I can tell It's unnaturally big. Either way...

This really is a different world and this spider definitely poisonous.

While it would kill me in one hit, it has poison on top of that, so even if it doesn't, I'm certainly dead.



Still obvious as ever...

Deciding I shouldn't go this way, I slowly retreated back, yet as I did so, a small pebble, that was under my foot, flung in front of my eyes, and almost as if time had slowed down, I watched its every movement as It fell down and until finally, it hit the floor.

In a near instant later, the spider spun its entire body, looking at the cliff ledge and while I couldn't tell where it was looking exactly, I could feel its eyes cast at me.

It started skittering on the floor below at fast speeds and I could tell it would be near impossible for me to outrun it. It would arrive in ten seconds if I'm correct and it should be able to climb the cliff just fine. If I began to run now, it would catch me in 15 seconds, overcoming the entire gap.

As I was doing that math I glanced around, looking for any place I can hide in the time it cannot see me but there was none to be found beside the way I came from. I peered up and saw a small ledge much like this one that I might be able to fit on.

I flew up to a small boulder that was my size next to me and was about to continue the rest of the way until I envisioned another outcome. Instead of hiding up there where I imagine it could still find me, I stepped on the side of it, having a clear view of the spider walking up the wall, gravity not affecting it and I planted my claws in the most optimal spot of the boulder I was on.

Instead of flying downwards, I began flapping my wings as hard as I could while maintaining my position, in hopes of this succeeding. Ignoring the weird sounds my joints were making, I continued and continued, the spider 3 seconds from reaching me and I heard a cracking sound. The stone I was on began leaning forward after I successfully split it from the floor and when i was sure it would fall down, I let go of it and glided to where the spider was previously.

I heard screeching in the background and a large thud and as I changed my flight direction slightly, I saw the spider, caught under the rock, its face caved in by the rock. It made noises, alive still but the noise dwained little by little, seemingly going to die any minute.

The spider wasn't an intelligent being, otherwise, the outcome would've surely been different. As I was close to landing, my wings gave out and I fell from a couple of meters high, crashing into the floor.

I felt something snap and I didn't have to be smart to understand it was not healthy. As I laid on the floor, struggling to get up similar to how I did earlier today, I felt pain in my arms- no wings.

I could move one but the other remained completely stationary, not complying when I tried forcing it up. My right wing was broken and I just stared at the body of the monster that was nearing death, while lying on the floor.

I really have to get up, as this created quite a noise. If anything was close, there is a chance it might come to the scene and if it's something similar to the spider, I'm done for. Willing my body to stand, I was enveloped in warmth, and heard,

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Wing Propulsion LV1』 has become 『Wing Propulsion LV2』"

My wings have a skill...?

I suppose pushing my body past its limit can have an upside too then. Not recommended though if I result in broken bones.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Tiny Lesser Chicken LV1 has become LV2"

My body glowed and all my feathers and skin began to crumble on and next to me, almost like a snake sheds. I felt motion in my wing again, and not only that I felt lighter and stood up all the way. I was miraculously instantly healed. How?

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Piercing Beak LV1』 has become 『Piercing Beak LV2』"

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Thought Acceleration LV2』 has become 『Thought Acceleration LV3』"

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Parallel Thinking LV1』 has become 『Parallel Thinking LV2』"

"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Iron Grip LV1』 has become 『Iron Grip LV2』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Eggs LV1』 has become 『Eggs LV2』"

Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Appraisal LV1』 has become 『Appraisal LV2』"

"Skill point gained"

Level up...? Is that what it is? My race is a tiny lesser chicken it seems, level 2 now.

Why did they have to put two insulting words instead of one...?

Not only that but the majority of my skills upgraded too, mainly what I used when fighting that spider now. Some others like Eggs and Piercing Beak, which I was unaware I had, leveled too.

After I thought it was over and was about to test them all again, I felt another surge of power from myself.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV1』, skill 『Poison Resistance LV1』and『Night Vision LV9』was acquired"

"『Night Vision LV9』 has unified into 『Night Vision LV10』"

"Skill『Night Vision LV10』 has evolved into 『Vision Expansion LV1』"

"Unable to withdraw two skills due to incompatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 90% of stats"

I felt like my strength increased to another level, but due to a skill called Diverge? It appears I had another skill I was unaware of.

I wonder if I can view them all at some point, though that might happen when appraisal levels up.

I should test that now.

Using appraisal of myself, I got the outcome:

『Tiny Lesser Chicken No name』

No name? I suppose I don't have one in this world but I imagine it has little significance.

Now the floor:

『Floor of Labyrinth』

So this is a labyrinth, not a cave.

Judging how I saw a monster just now, I can conclude this is similar to Daedelus's prison in greek mythology, just without traps and more natural. Hopefully, I do not encounter a minotaur if those exist here.

Now, let's appraise everything at once:

『Wall of Labyrinth』

『Spider Thread』

『Small Lesser Taractect No Name』

After appraising, I realized that the 'spider' I killed, was something called a taractect. It had similar words in front of it as well but I paused slightly.

That spider was big, and in its name, it's considered small...?

How large would a big one be in comparison to this?

I came out of this fight stronger but it also helped me realize, there are stronger things than this taratect lurking around.

While thinking that, I also finished inspecting the area for any monsters that might be near, and to my relief, this area was empty but I'm not sure how long it'll stay like this.

I walked over to the dead body and sighed.

I should eat this as I need a source of food. I somewhat know it was poisonous but it should be fine since I acquired a skill recently via Diverge. I have some resistance to it and who knows? I might be able to level that up too.

Due to the fact of there is resistance to poison, I'd say it's logical there is one to most other things as well. That means I should eat anything I come near, regardless of how unappetizing it looks.

I walked closer and started pecking at it, ripping it apart piece by piece, letting the unsavory meat slide down my throat. It felt strange due to me not chewing as I previously did. Chickens eat little pebbles and store them in the gizzard which is what breaks down the food for the stomach to digest, not the teeth like humans have. I did it naturally though, although I did attempt chewing at first.

Definitely one of the worst things I've tasted. I need to try to have ice cream if that's at all possible in this world or as a chicken.

After eating I quickly noticed, it was gone. All of it. How did something bigger than me, fit inside my stomach?

The chickens in this world are significantly different than the ones in the past one honestly. I expected to have to use the bathroom every now and then on my way here, but nope, nothing.

Just after I confirmed I was done, Voice-san said,

"Conditions met. Title 『Gross Feeder』 was acquired"

"By the effects of the title 『Gross Feeder』, skill 『Poison Resistance LV1』『Corrosion Resistance LV1』 was acquired"

"『Poison Resistance LV1』 has unified into 『Poison Resistance LV2』"

Another title that isn't the best sounding. At least it leveled my resistance to poison and provided me with one to corrosion as well. I don't understand how it would work for me but do animals here rust or corrode over time? Doubt it, there must be something that causes it.

Dropping it as it would be hard to figure out with insufficient information, I attempted to make my way up the cliff, looking for a shorter ledge to jump onto. I prepared to launch myself while aiming towards the ledge and flapped my wings, and I made it.

From there, I rotated myself, facing the cliff and once again, I reached the top

I knew my stat abilities increased, along with my propulsion skill but, isn't this too much already...?

It was 10 meters or so, wasn't I able to only jump 5 before? Wait only, isn't that a lot to begin with?

As I was organizing my thoughts once again, mainly about the new evolved skill vision enhancement, I felt and heard a pop.

Turning around, moving my neck to look at the floor I saw...

An egg...

Kiyo's Current Information:

Species: Tiny Lesser Chicken

Level: 2

Stats (Not Known yet):

HP: 7

MP: 4

Yellow SP: 8

Red SP: 8

Offense: 3

Defense: 2

Magic: 2

Resistance: 3

Speed: 6

Known Skills:

Appraisal LV2

Eggs LV2

Mental Arithmetic LV3

Piercing Beak LV2

Thought Acceleration LV3

Parallel Thinking LV2

Wing Propulsion LV2

Iron Grip LV2

Diverge LV1

Vision Expansion LV1

Poison Resistance LV2

Corrosion Resistance LV1


Super Computer Brain

Gross Feeder

~Author's Notes~

Hello, Hope you are enjoying it so far. This is a work in progress so if you believe something should be changed like skill names I made or have any tips let me know, thanks!

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