
Chapter 6 : Back to the ship

I am back to ship, but this time with this so called Princess of Darkness, Plutaria Nekretia, her hair are hiding her eyes, how can she even see like that ?

I go to the master's room, knock at his door, waiting for his answer.

He doesn't bother answering so I carefully open the big door, Plutaria enters the room and goes through the room directly standing next to him.

"Oh !? You are the weakling of this noble family !"

"I'M NOT A WEAKLING ! I JUST NEED YOUR HELP MORON !" screams loudly the princess.

"Don't call me that. You came to beg for my help is that a correct statement ?" my master ask with a polite tone.

"Well... yes. To be totally honest about it, I need to kill a lot of people before they start a rebellion against us. They have an army of beings as powerful as me. Which is a major problem !"

"So ?"

"So you have to help me !"

"Why is that ?"

"Because you are like a dad to me."

"It'll won't work."

"But but but ! I'll let you spank me as much as you want for a week !"

"Three weeks."

"Excuse me Master. How can I increase my actual power ?" I suddenly ask in order to interrupt them.

"We have more than me and Shadow in the ship. You could use one of your friends or take pills."

"How much time is required to become a god ?"

"You brat, answer her or it will be a full month."

"There isn't an exact amount of time... but if you do wish to reach such power like me you would need a minimum of a hundred years. One of your kind can easily live 200 years so it won't be a problem."

"You've really learned your lesson brat, I'm impressed. Now it's time to be spanked."

I leave the room when he says that, closing the door not even daring to care about what happens between these two individuals.

I hear Plutaria moaning right after I get out.

I go back to the laboratory for my second day of experiment, starting with Karen, she was happy to see me and quite amused.

"Are you okay ?"

"I'm fine. I just wonder, how is it to not be locked up in a shady place with a shadow bodyguard."

"It's fine..."

"You don't look so happy. What happened ?"

"I'm weak."

"That's why you came here ! To train with me !"

"Exactly !"

"You do know that I like money, gold and diamond."

"Yes, If you train me well you are free and you will sleep in my room since there is no other place you could sleep to."

"Finally some fresh air ! I've been waiting for that ever since we lost to the demon king !"

"He is my master."

"I don't mind having him as my master. It's still better than having a furious girl that keeps babbling about killing you."

"And what are the boys thinking ?"

"They are sleeping. Let's go find this training ground to show you why I'm stronger than you."

"You are older."

"Age doesn't matter, just like in love, but the family friendly kind of love."

"What makes you strong ?"

"My friends, being rich and thinking about good jokes."

"Don't you hate me ?

"Sure you've destroyed the world. The thing is, that was an accident so I forgive you."

"Billions of people died !"

"They weren't people. Only my moneymaker. We are friends, both of us. Let's get rich and do what you dream of."

"I dream of being a goddess that wipe out everything related to the evil gods."

"Wow that's deep."

Karen sighed.

"Train me..."

"Entertain me."

I walk with her for a few minutes, because the ship is still new to me, we find the training ground that looks like a desert in a dry land.

Karen starts the fight by loading her gun that appeared after some sparkles in her hand.

Her brown hair and yellow eyes are common to her kind, she fires a black bullet from her gun and I can't dodge with how fast it travels. Nightmare Bullets is how she call the black ones.

My mind went to another dimension for a minute, I know it's not real but I have to break the illusion.

The illusion is showing me Karen firing bullets at me with her audacious and so likeable smile.


Unlike what I expected, nothing happened. Her face not ever looking away from me, just being with her is hard for me since she is always such a nice person to hang with, maybe I should just wait... but in a real combat I wouldn't stay alive until the spell breaks.

What am I supposed to do in order to destroy this illusion of hers ?

I look around me, it evolves into something else, there are lots of fat guys around me, swinging their sword around to impress me. I can't stand this awful sight I have, did she make that change on purpose ?

"I-I-I'm waiting Sanaë."

"Me too. Break this disgusting illusion of yours !"

"Deal with it, I don't control your own thoughts. What you see right now is your worst nightmare, it gradually escalate in intensity."

"Let me go !"

"You want to stay weak ? Have you ever heard of such a god ?"

"Fine I'll be serious now."

"Sounds good to me."

The nightmare went from just seeing the fat guys, to them asking me to go out, the stinkyness of their smell were so stinky that I almost puked whenever they got close, I could only let them do as they pleased.

Trying to figure out how to get out, I transform into my fox form, breaking the spell, making fun of her, she then escapes the room, I run after her, Karen gets stopped by the demon king who is in front of the open door, he is looking down on her because of how tall he is.

"What are you trying to do you beast ?"

"Let me escape. Otherwise I can't train her properly."

"I see. Let me check something first."

Karen rolls her eyes, the demon king doesn't scare her at all, how can she be so confident.

Meanwhile, my Master press his hands against her chest, he left her like that whispering something I could not hear.

"Are you okay ?"

"Everything's fine. Bye-bye !"

She run away, I run after her again trying to catch up, she has more stamina than me, I keep running, following her as fast as I can, she fires bullets aiming for my legs but I easily dodge by jumping around with this uncomplete form of mine.

She waste enough of my time to hide somewhere, I am now in my bedroom where she might be waiting... but I don't see her in here after looking everywhere in the room.

I go to the bathroom that I didn't check before and when I open the door, there is no one, so I think about taking a shower, but when I start opening the bathtub I look upward, seeing the one I'm looking for being stuck to the wall like a spider.

"Found you !"

"You have to catch me !"

"I can't, I'm tired. Let me take a bath first."

"And what do I get in exchange Miss Wannatakeashower ?"

"My very precious smile." I answer, giving her a sweet smile.

"Don't take too much time. I will wait."

She jumps down and get out and I close the door completely, putting the lock in place, undressing and putting my clothes on the table not far away.

Now that I'm ready, I take the shower and enjoy every moment of it while taking my time and singing with love.

"La lala lala ! Lalala lala lala !"

It takes me a full hour, I put on myself a different pair of clothes that are the same but red, red being my favorite colour.

I unlock the door, get out and turn my face around to see Karen sleeping in my bed.

She waited for me to show up...

"I'm sorry !"

She isn't waking up to my voice, so I let her and take my leave, going back to the experiment room. She at least taught me something that I can make use of in the future.

Talking about future, let's see what happens to me in a few days... I can't see more than 3 days into the future... which means I will be able to see into a far future at some point in my life.

I don't see anything... strange...

I'm now back to the secret laboratory only me, Shadow and our Master knows where it is located in the ship, I haven't seen any other member from the Demon's Lord army which I find weird and troublesome.

The Princess of Darkness was there, she finished being spanked and followed me to there before I notice, she moans like an idiot and scream.

"I'm being sexually assaulted by a commoner !"

"Shut up ! I have to work, leave right now."

"You have to respect me, I'm older, that also means smarter."

"Do I look like an idiot to you ?"

"Yes. That is why I will tell you this. These friends of yours deserves to be labs rats. Look at this young man, his cat ears could be selled at a high price."

"And him ! Look at his tail ! Is he your brother ?'

"We have nothing in common asides of being friends."

"You sure about that ? This guy is definitely looking at her with passion. I can totally see his burning spirit and his heart shaped eyes."

"Are you planning to mess with them !?"

"Of course not, I'm not gonna dirty my hands on them. But the day will come when you have to choose between me and them. Obviously if you use your brain, you know that I'm the only here that can make you stronger."

"All of them can help me."

"None of them will help you. I bet my life."

She bet her life ? She is so confident that I can't say if she is saying the truth. But ever since we met, she was always telling the truth in her own way... I don't want her to be right, I walk past all of them, they look at me first and at Plutaria last.

"Guys... is it true that you will not help me get stronger ? We are friends right ?" I asked with my hopes up.

"We are not." The wolfboy, Terry answers frowning at me.

"And you ? Are you still counting me as a friend ?"

"What did you do to Karen..." my most important friend asked.

"She had fun with her, stabbing her a lot of times ! She loved it when she killed her without second thought ! Oops, I lied, did I make one of you cry ?"

The girl who was furious cried because of Plutaria, her gaze changed from cold to feeling hate towards the princess who played with her heart and it also hurts but I'm not crying.

"She is mentally retarded, please excuse her."

"As a matter of fact, I haven't introduced myself. So here I am, Plutaria Nekretia, Princess of Darkness, the one and only strongest demi-god !"

"Get rid of her before she gets rid of us." my best friend said.

"I can't... she is almost as strong as my Master."

"She's gonna toy with you, with us. You have to do something !"

"I heard from Karen that you wanted to kill me."

"Wouldn't you be mad if you were locked up here with us !? Just free me already, I'll free them too."

"You lie."

"Tch. You do want to lose."

"I do have one condition for doing that."

"You don't need to tell me, I know exactly what you are about to say. Do not try to kill the Demon Lord. Sorry but his death will be mine to take."

I sigh, she isn't ever gonna let him live, I can't see others future so I also can't see if she fights him, but from what I know, she wouldn't fight without being prepared.

"Let me be your witness once this happens."

"Was I that bad of a leader for you to betray us so quickly ? What did I do wrong ? Is it because of all my complaints ?" she searched for anything, but there really is no such thing.

"You only did what you think was good. You couldn't save my brother back then... but you did save me !"

"When will you let us go ?"

"Once we reach his homeworld, but before then you stay here."

"I guess you used your brain for once." she is still sad but no longer mad.

Plutaria is annoyed by her attitude and she leaves, showing her hands to the boys and waving at them to say goodbye.

I leave too, not wanting to hurt them anymore than that, me and this edgy idiot are now having an argument on the hallway about nothing.

Nothing happens except for the training with Karen for two days until we arrive into Master's homeworld, where the sky is completely blue, no clouds, one sun, the ship landed on an area with a lot of space.

I have another argument starting, but this one will lead me to an unknown truth that might be useful in the future.