
Chapter 4 : The Delivery Girl

The next day, I wake up.

My room is still the same

Remembering about what happened yesterday reminds me of how I wet myself... how he took my eye out like it was nothing but now that it's back with a special ability I'm kinda thankful.

Before I can even get up, a girlish voice came out from outside, reaching my fluffy ears.

"Here's your delivery !" she says while enjoying herself.

"Delivery ?" mumbling to myself.

"Can you please come out ? This isn't free."

"Just a minute !"

I take this one minute to dress properly in my usual clothes and open the door, whenever it is fully open the girl disappears and laughs, she appears behind my back, carrying a box with food inside.

Nonetheless, she is a pretty girl, her face is a little red it might be some makeup she wears. Looking at her closely, her lips are definitely pink, her light blue eyes were smiling at me and her hair, goddamn such long hair of a dark purple color with a ponytail that made me jealous, how could such a pretty girl just be a Delivery Girl ?

"I want the money."

"I... Let me go find it."

"Actually, I don't mind getting something else that isn't money."

"Wuwuh what ?" I ask in shock.

"Take your clothes off."

"No, they aren't for sale."

"Listen here. I've been travelling for 12 hours now, you either give me your clothes and pay or you do me a favor."

"The favor ! The favor !" I don't want to sell my clothes, they are important to me...

"You see, I need your help to attract some very bad people. Just say that you are looking for a job, they'll believe you."

"And if they don't ?"

"They will, they do bad things because they like it and to be specific, they want you, the Heroine. Well no longer a heroine now huh."

She doesn't let me say anything else, slapping my human ears, she doesn't even let me eat and we get transported into a bar, she disappears letting me confront all these men that are in front of me, they are adults while I'm just a teen.

"You look quite delicious, wanna enjoy yourself with us ?"

"No thank you. I enjoy being by myself."

"Don't be so shy, we know everything about you." They say with their clearly suspicious intent.

"I'm leaving" I take a run as fast as I can, but three of the seven of them block my way out.

"We'll have lots of fun together. Let's start by introducing yourself. You are Sanaë, a 15 years old kitsune and after your world got destroyed you are the last survivor of your kind."

They know too much about me, how is it possible, when did they get all these info when it just happened yesterday ? I have to go back to the ship, I look at them, preventing them to not attack me.

"Don't touch me !"

"You're no fun, I'm Adrian so let's go for a drink you and I, I promise it will be memorable !" the brown haired man says in a distinguished manner.

"Let me go."

"Guys, don't let her escape ! It's our one and only chance !" says the Adrian guy.

I fastly use my power to see into the future but all I see is me being forced to drink, this is a future I should avoid.

So I finally use my other power to generate my pink flames that I turn into 14 arrows, throwing them towards the bad guys, they get hit in both their legs, making them fall. I run towards the front door that looked like an entrance, jumping high and transforming into my fox form to stop them from catching my feet with their dirty hands.

"Don't think so highly of yourself !"

I'm out of the bar, the outside is refreshing, I don't know why this girl did this to me, did she want me to suffer ? She did talk about me having to say that I look for a job, but I'd rather not go in here again.

I walk until I find the food of my delivery close to a river at the north, a pizza, still hot and I eat it, sitting on a S shaped rock.

The Delivery Girl was here, she glance at him for a minute and sit next to me, touching my fur with delicatesse.. It felt so good.

"Hey little fox, have you seen a girl somewhere ? I asked her to do one thing but she didn't. Wait ! That's the pizza I gave her you are eating !"

I answer her, by changing my voice a little so that she doesn't recognize me.

"Fluffly and soft... anyway. That damn heroine ! You see, she has the power to see the future and I wanted to make good use of it."

"Hm ?"

"Nice, you understand me ! I'm a Delivery Girl, I deliver things... food, people and other stuffs."

"You want to get rich using her for your sake ?"

"That's right !" she answers in such a blatantly obvious way. "But that doesn't mean I'm selfish ! I mean, I learned from a trustworthy source that she liked masturbating."

What !? Someone has been spying on me ? How ? Shouldn't this person be dead ? And that means they know I'm enjoying doing it !?

"So I thought, maybe she wouldn't mind working as a... you know. Plus, it has been said for centuries that kitsunes are a horny specie."

"Who said that ? Who is your trustworthy companion ?"

"My brother, he often wanderered in the middle of the night to check on her, I don't know if he did anything to her. I hope not."

"Your brother... what does he think of her ?"

"Well... he thinks highly of her, personally I just want to show him that she is a slut by doing what I'm doing."

"I'm not."

"Indeed, you are a good fox. You're nothing like this bitch."

I swear I'm gonna get my revenge on this delivery girl and his brother !

"Anyway. I still need her to do the dirty work or else she would have gotten the pizza for free."

"I mean... I'm... fond of you. What is your name ?"

"Sara, you can call me Sara."

"By the way Sara. Is your brother fat ?"

"No. What's up with that question !?" she seems disturbed.

"Sanaë is used to fat boys who wants to go out with her and she always refuses to even talk to them. How can I say it properly... Sanaë hates the sight of ugly guys."

"What if the fat guy had a beautiful face ?"

"Still fat, she would most likely not let them go close to her."

"Anyway she thinks too highly of herself, she'll end up with a fat dude because of how horny she is. After all, pigs are meant to be together."

I'm furious.

I snapped at what she said and went back to my human form, Sara's face went blank after seeing me and she gulped.

"Pigs are meant to be together right ? Rrrright ?

"I didn't mean it ! I'm sorry !"

"Don't be. Bitch this, bitch that, aren't you the one looking forward to this you pig !?"

" I'm sorry ! I was wrong ! Please don't hit me ! You are not a slut... but kitsunes are horny !"

"Deliver yourself. It's gonna be fine."

"I'm not attractive or horny unlike you... My brother likes you so much it makes me so mad... That he cares more about you than me his family..."

Do I have to feel bad for her ? Because she wasn't nice to me at all.

"Are you 18 ?"


"Then go to this bar, ask for the job. And tell me how it was."

"You are the one with a debt ! You go !"

"I'm a hero not a slut !"

We keep arguing until the other break, somehow none of us win this battle, we are too tired and someone, a guy who looked like her, same hair but shorter and same eye color, he laughs at us.

"Calm down girls ! None of you is what you said."

"Your this bitch's brother !"

"You are the bitch !"

"You both are not ! My sister is just jealous of you because of... matters."

"Hm ? Anyway, I think we girls can both agree on something."

"You pervert stalker !" I shout angrily.

"That's right ! My brother is a pervert stalker ! But he isn't a bad person !"

"Watching me masturbate... I'll kill him !"

"But you didn't notice me all these times."

"All these times !?"

"Because I was invisible the whole time. Sneaking in your room without any of your friends noticing."

"Let's teach him a lesson. One he'll remember."

"Sorry brother. That's why you shouldn't do that ever again."

We slap his face together, we also punch him a few times, he gets hurt enough and smiles, showing a thumbs up of gratitude while Sara is the one doing the talking stuff to make sure he never does it again.

"Promise me !"

"I promise ! I will never do such a creepy thing anymore !"

"Great, because I don't want to hurt a boy that isn't fat."

"About that. Why do you hate fat boys ? Is it the same for girls ?"

"Fat girls exists ? Not in my world."

I got rid of them by accident.

"The more I think about it, the more the news about you betraying the heroes makes sense."

He says making me interested in what he has to say.

"How ?"

"We have a very advanced technology at home. A better version of the internet that was developed by three genius. They are known as The Hell Caretaker. One of them was identified and it was supposedly a boy."

"And how much worlds does they know of ?"

"More than you'd think. Regardless, I will still love you my favorite heroine of the Light Squad Sanaë ! May your dreams come true !"

"Thanks. Now get me back to the ship Sara. By the way, what is your name ?"

"I'll tell you next week when we meet again !"

The brother didn't seem that bad outside of what he did, but he learned his lesson now that he got beaten up pretty badly.

They left and I didn't even have to pay the pizza, what a good day to be alive.