
King Among Kings

Due to his poor performance as King of the Olympus over the millennia, the other kings of other domains of gods have come to the conclusion that Zeus isn't fit to succeed after Odin who decided to abdicate the title of The KAK (King Among Kings). Zeus lacks one key aspect of a ruler, compassion. What he once did to his son, Apollo, is done to him and he is transmigrated to the mortal realm as a baby boy who has to grow up understanding the ways of mortals and prove his fit to be King Among Kings. However, this tale shows that mythology isn't what we thought to be. There is conspiracy, betrayal, lust, conquest of gods, death of gods and the occasional destruction of the mortal realm by a drunk god but this time both the divine and mortal realms in danger by the wickedness of one god who no one thought who never do this. Will Zeus be able to uncover a hidden truth that he has been so blind to see? Will he save the realms and become a true king among kings? Will he stop being promiscuous for once in his entire existence?

Khovi_Kun · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter Two – My First Free Fall

Remembering the way Apollo interrupted a meeting among kings was downright disrespectful to the other deities seated on their thrones. My flesh and blood betraying me before my eyes were nothing new to me, heck I did it to my father. However, seeing him in all his glory doing the same really angered me.

"What do you think you're doing, boy?!" I said, raising from my throne, ready to punish him.

"I'm only responding to what the KAK asked, father," Apollo responded, bowing his head before the king deities.

Due to some unknown reason, I couldn't recall any of the other kings seated. They all looked like black mists, except Anubis and Odin. However, I could count the number of kings present. There were 13 kings, including myself, that were seated around a large wooden circular table. There, carved, was a large tree on the table with three levels. I don't quite remember clearly what it represented, but I know it is important. Why can't I remember some important details about the Council of Kings? Has someone tampered with my memories? What is the Council of Kings all about?

Suddenly, my mind went blank and I found myself suspended from the top of a two-metre bookshelf, surrounded by small light green humanoid creatures with wings. They were wind spirits, Anemoi Thuellai, and I believe they recognised me and were attracted to my godly aura. They were literally breathing down my face, containing their violent nature to wreak havoc. Clearly, they didn't understand personal space. And how can Aeolus allow this? He must know that his pets are causing me trouble. He'll regret bothering my infancy development.

Below, the Anemoi were running amok in Johnathan's study. They scattered the books from the shelf onto the floor, pages were flying around, and I was hanging upside down from the bookshelf. I knew I had to get down quick before Johnathan heard any of the news. I doubt his mortal mind would comprehend this well.

I looked at the Anemoi grabbing me by my leg and I contemplated how I would get down safely. I remembered reading a mortal article about infants surviving falls from six-story buildings. Maybe I could survive if I fall head-first from this height. The blood rushing to my brain affected my vision and it was now or never. And I dug deep and shouted, in the cutest way, "Put down!" And immediately the Anemoi let go of my leg and I fell to my doom. I can't believe I'm still having trouble pronouncing words.

Time slowed down as I fell and it was then I knew that I really messed up. I closed my eyes and braced for impact. The pain took time to register until I opened my eyes and realised that I hadn't hit the ground but was hovering over a few centimetres from the ground.

"How am I flying?" I thought to myself.

I looked around and saw that the Anemoi had all gone to the ground. They all knelt down with their heads bowed. Finally, they realised how to honour the King of the Olympians and they save me from my death, which they caused. I guess I'll spare them.

"Excuse me, Zeus? That's you, right?" said the familiar voice of a man.

Someone grabbed me from the back of the shirt and pulled me up to be at eye level with the man. His face was pale, hair white and translucent like mist, beard white as snow, and a belly that could hide a baby elephant. His eyes looked like a violent tornado was swirling inside with green lightning bolt flashes. He wore a white Greek toga and I knew that this was Aeolus, King of the floating island, Aeolia. The Anemoi were not kneeling because of me, but because of their master.

Aeolus looked into my eyes and started laughing, saying, "wow, you're really puny and cute. I wish Boreas was here to see this."

"Bewave, I'm still king, Aeo-os," I replied.

"You can't even pronounce my name, Zeus," Aeolus said, still bellowing his laugh.

It wasn't very reassuring to see Aeolus laugh at me and noticed the Anemoi laughed as well. They only laughed because Aeolus was their keeper and could imprison them anytime, just like Typhoon the Storm Titan, their original master. Little boot lickers.

"What do you want, Aeo-os?" I asked.

"Well, I was just assisting with a summer storm along the English Channel when sensed a faint touch of your aura. Couldn't believe I would find you in Bristol," Aeolus said. I realised he was the first god I encountered since my reincarnation and I was just happy to see a deity I know.

I pointed at my head so that Aeolus could create a telepathic link between us so that I could talk to him god to god. Aeolus set up the link and I explained what I knew. His expression changed, he became more serious and pensive.

"It now makes sense," said Aeolus.

"What makes sense? Come on, spill the beans, god!" I replied, impatiently.

"Well, there was an announcement about three months ago that worried Olympus for both Greek and Roman gods."

Three months ago? It dawned on me that the divine and mortal realms operate and have different time frequencies. The time in the mortal realm moves much faster than that of the divine realm, but all deities have the ability to be conscious of both divine and mortal times and almost appear to be omnipresent because of their hyper-dimensional consciousness. Three months in the divine realm is three years in the mortal realm and technically, I've been going for about three months in the divine realm.

Aeolus continued, "The announcement was from the Herald of Council of Kings, Thor, and he said that you have abdicated your throne to your son, Apollo, until further notice. However, Apollo isn't the legit heir to the Olympus throne, so Hera is in charge until the next Council of Kings meets in the next nine months. However, Hephaestus and Ares are considered candidates by the other Olympians. Zeus, I suggest you recall everything from that meeting fast because I sense a great storm brewing in Olympus."

Nine months means nine years for me. I'll be twelve years old when the next Council of Kings meets again. Nine years to recall everything from the meeting and why my memory is foggy. That's going to be a piece of cake, I think.

"I'll do my best, old friend," I said.

Aeolus put me back on the ground and some of the Anemoi sneered at me as if remembering I'm among the traitorous six that imprisoned the titans. Now I see why they hang from the top of the bookshelf.

Aeolus looked down at me and smiled, saying, "It's going to be okay, Zeus. At least, I know where you live, so I can offer my aid from time to time. Just call one of the directional winds if you want to reach me."

"But they hate me," I said.

"Never said it was gonna be easy. I'll be taking my leave now."

I sighed, "Okay, thank you, Aeolus."

He and the Anemoi turned into mist and disappeared, leaving the wrecked room to me and my blown hair, which made me look like Frankenstein. Anyway, how the heck am I going to remember the meeting if something has magically tampered with my memories? I need to find a servant of Hecate or Hypnos if I'm going to remember, and I need to do so in the next nine years, great. Hypnos, god of dreams, and Hecate, goddess of magic spells, are the only two powerful enough to nullify a spell or compulsion from a council deity.

My encounter with the Anemoi made me realise that I still had my godly compulsion. This made controlling the situation the Anemoi caused to be straightened out smoothly. Although, speaking isn't that easy so there were a lot of mispronunciations and finger-pointing.

Johnathan never doubted a single word I said, or should I say, tried to say. He picked me up in his arms and smiled, saying, "you're just as clumsy as your mother. Let me clean this mess." He put me down on his chair and he cleaned the mess. My heart sank and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, cleaning after those creatures when it was supposed to be Aeolus himself to clean this mess before the King of Olympus.

However, I can't blame Johnathan's thinking processing because the godly compulsion creates a shadow over the minds of mortals we use it on. Normally, we would use it to sleep with mortals or to cause war among them for our entertainment. Never would I have thought that I would use it to escape a spanking. The more powerful the god, the stronger the compulsion than even a god can compel another god.

"Looks like you were reading something interesting, Jason. This is the story of The Alchemist. Can you read?" Johnathan said, curious.

I just nodded my head.

"I think you're old enough to start school now. If you can have an interest in The Alchemist, then you can read your ABCs. Besides, you'll be four years old this August."

School for little Zeus, that's just perfect.