
CHAPTER 2: Part 6

Wei Lin Jiang's gaze was fixed on the closed fist which he held right in front of his eyes; his expression laced with deep thought. He opened the fingers one by one starting from the little finger, "One… Two…. Three… Four…" He stopped counting at four, closed his fist again.

His expression turned defeated as if he had lost everything that was dear to him. With a deep sigh he started counting again, "One…Two… Three…. Four…."

He kept repeating this menial task like some spooky ritual; again and again and yet again. When Lin Jiang started counting for maybe the tenth time, Luo Ran couldn't take it anymore. With an annoyed sigh, he questioned, "What in the world are you doing, Xiao Wei?"

"Me?" he pointed his index finger towatds himself, "I am counting my days, Xian Sheng. What else can a poor peasant like me do?" He pretended to sniffle as he continued, "There are only four days till the full moon. I will be executed publicly after that." His expression suddenly turned fierce and his eyes flashed with fury, "Don't worry. Xian Sheng. I will turn into a monstrous ghost and haunt every single one of them."

Wei Lin Jiang slid closer to the place Luo Ran was seated and placed his hand on his shoulder, "I will remember our friendship even after I die. So, even if I bump into you accidentally, I won't harm you."

Luo Ran grunted before turning his gaze away; as if he had lost interest in what Lin Jiang had to say. He started twisting the string in his hand with great concentration. He looped and unlooped the knots ignoring the tantrums Lin Jiang was throwing.

"Xian Sheng! Is your heart made of stone? I am talking about my death here and all you do is grunt." Wei Lin Jiang said, a disappointed scowl clouding his expression. "Shouldn't you be saying something like, 'I can't let you die Xiao Wei. Let us escape together?"

"That is not possible, Wei Lin Jiang. This prison is my home and I am bound to stay here my entire life," his voice didn't show the slightest signs of wavering; determined like unmoving rock.

Wei Lin Jiang glared at him for a long moment before jumping to his feet; his jaws taut with annoyance. "Fine! Since you are being so obstainate, I will swallow my words and leave you alone," he snapped as stomped to the door of the cell and peeked outside.

The tunnel seemed to be barren till his eyesight could follow. With a relieved sigh; he looked to his left and right once more. Then, he put his hands through the bars and reached out. He managed to insert the key in the lock but it swung to and fro as he tried to twist it.

He thrust out his other hand intending to support the lock but his arms weren't long enough; the bars in the middle obstructed his free movement. He could either hold the lock or the key.

The lock swung like a pendulum every time he tried to turn the key; hitting the bar with a clank. Wei Lin Jiang turned his gaze to Luo Ran. He was still busy toying with that stupid string; totally oblivious to his struggle.

With a pained grunt, Lin Jiang thrust one of his legs the gap between the bars and stretched himself out. His eyes narrowed and a small frown formed on his forehead. Pressing the lock against one of the bars for support, he turned the key.

Click! The sound of the loop detatching from its bondange fell into Lin Jiang's ears like a musical beat.

"Xian Sheg!" Lin Jiang exclaimed with Joy. Then, realizing that he was supposed to be discreet, he continued the rest of the sentence in a hushed voice, "Did you see that? I managed to unlock the gate."

Luo Ran looked up; his gaze shifting from Lin Jiang to the open gate; his expression however remained unchanged. Giving him a slight nod, he stated, "Now leave before the guards find out that something is amiss."

Wei Lin Jiang narrowed his eyes and glared at Luo Ran. Why was he being so difficult? What happened to the humor loving man he had met in the cell?

Lin Jiang gripped the bars of the door as his body swayed suddenly. The next moment he dropped to the ground with a thud. The movement caused the gate to rattle. This drew Luo Ran's attention. Eyes widening in horror, he stood up with a gasp and rushed to help Lin Jiang.

Luo Ran supported him with his arms and helped Lin Jiang to his feet. In a voice laced with deep apprehension, he questioned, "What happened, Xiao Wei?"

"Xian Sheng," his words came out as a raspy whisper. "I don't know, Xian Sheng. All of a Sudden, my head started spinning." His eyes drooped shut as he continued. "I am finding it difficult to even keep my eyes open."

Luo Ran's eyes flashed with worry and he looked around desperately, "I…I will call the guards and ask them to get us a healer."

"Don't be crazy, Luo Ran," Wei Lin Jiang exclaimed before breaking into a bout of coughs, "If they come here and see the door open, they will figure out that I was trying to escape.

"What should I do then?" He snapped in a desperate voice; pressing his fingers against Lin Jiang's neck to take his pulse. His eyebrows furrowed and his lips parted but before he could say anything Lin Jiang croaked in a pleading voice, "Please help me get out of here, Luo Ran. This is probably my only chance."

Luo Ran's expression turned complicated and he gazed into the dark tunnel, "I…I don't think that is…"

"I don't want to die, Xian Sheng," Xiao Wei's desperate voice interrupted before he could say anything; his dull eyes pleading with him to give in. When Luo Ran didn't respond, Lin Jiang continued, "If you don't want to escape with me you can just return after helping me get out."

Luo Ran's jaws clenched and his eyes hardened, "Alright, I will come with you but only till the boundary wall. Once you have crossed over it, I will return." He raised his eyebrows and warned, "Don't start haggiling with me to accompany with you any further."

"I won't, I promise," Xiao Wei replied promptly, his eyes twinkling with mirth. Luo Ran narrowed his eyes but before he could suspect anything, Lin Jiang let out a groan and slumped against him.