
KINDLED SPIRIT: A Unique Path To Cultivation

"There are the dreams that you see in the broad daylight; then there are the ones that find you. All I ever wanted to do was uphold justice in a world of corruption and trickery; I never thought it would lead me on the path of cultivation, on the path of immortality." Wei Lin Jiang was born in a poor family of peasants. Weak and powerless, he has to put up with the atrocities and torments that are a part of a peasant's life. When his brother Wei Huan is killed by a Royal Officer, he swears to gather enough power and return to take revenge. This quest eventually leads him into a world where masters can absorb and harness the energy around them by cultivating their Qi. Wei Lin Jiang is filled with an intense desire to learn this art but has to face a lot of obstacles along the way. His thoughts and beliefs are tested at each step. As they say the path to greatness is the roughest one. Can Wei Ling Jiang break the rocks and carve his path to a great destiny?

Apratyashita · Fantasy
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17 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Part 7

Luo Ran placed Wei Lin Jiang's left arm on his shoulder before grabbing his waist and drawing him closer. His voice was laced with worry as he spoke, "Hang in there, Xiaowei, Once you are out of the dungeon, you can find someone to heal you."

Luo Ran's eyes darted around warily, as he stepped out of the cell with XiaoWei. He took a few steps to the right only to retrace them. His eyebrows furrowed in deep thought and he locked up the gate again. Wide open doors were likely to draw more attention that closed ones.

With a soft grunt, he started walking into the dingy dark tunnel. Xiaowei remained still for sometime but he couldn't contain his restlessness for long. He cracked open his eyes with the cunningness of a sly fox, slowly, discreetly. They widened in surprise seeing that they were already far away from the cell.

Wei Lin Jiang's mind reeled with thoughts. Luo Ran seemed pretty agile and strong for someone who had spent five years locked up in a cell. He was supporting his entire weight yet he seemed unfazed by it. There wasn't a single drop of sweat on his forehead; neither did his breathing seem uneven. Luo Ran must have undergone some rigorous training in his younger days.

The deep and heavy silence of the night was disrupted by the resounding thuds of their footsteps. Luo Ran tried to keep his footsteps light but the pin drop silence made every minute sound, reverberate with a magnified pitch. Eventually, Luo Ran gave up on stealth and focused on speed instead.

He led Wei Lin Jiang through the tunnels with the swiftness of a gazelle; taking one turn after another without faltering even for a moment. It was almost as if he had traversed the path hundreds of times.

After walking for what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at a rocky wall. Luo Ran's steps faltered for the first time and he came to a halt. The lines on his forehead deepened and he pressed his ears against the wall; tapping the surface with his free hand.

Wei Lin Jiang noticed familiar pattern embossed on the wall. He groaned and started coughing loudly; naturally drawing Luo Ran's attention to him. With controlled feebleness, he stuttered, "I have seen this earlier…oho…oho. When the guards took to me to see Lady Xiu, that Wen person pressed the circular array and turned it clockwise…. Oho…oho…." Though Xiaowei tried his best, his actions did give off a vibe of pretense.

Luo Ran's eyes flashed with suspicion but he didn't say anything. He dragged Xiaowei closer to the floral pattern and pressed it hard. "If we turn this clockwise the entire wall will slide open which would make it difficult for us to remain unnoticed. It is better to hold it down," his voice was confident leaving no room for debate.

Time ticked by at a tormenting pace; five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds. When nothing happened even after an entire minute, Wei Lin Jiang couldn't hold it in anymore. "Xian Sheng! Just pressing it like that won't work; we need to twist it as well…."

He had barely spoken those words when a series of clicking sound echoed in the passage. With a soft whir a narrow section of the wall slid open. Wei Lin Jiang's eyes widened in wonder and his gaze drifted to Luo Ran; his posture straightened as an automatic response. He had almost forgotten that he was pretending to be sick.

"You seem to have recovered, Xiaowei," Luo Ran stated releasing his waist. "Once you have passed through this tunnel, you will reach the boundary wall. You can just show that Jade trinket to him and leave."

The color drained from Lin Jiang's face seeing his entire plan turn to dust. He gulped and drew deep breaths, urging his brain to come up with something else. He couldn't feign to fall illness again; Luo Ran had already started doubting him. Plastering a smile on his face, he took a step away from Luo Ran.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Xian Sheng! I will remain indebted to you all my life," he said in a serious voice, bowing from the waist. He stayed like, taking this opportunity to weave another plan in his head.

Wei Lin Jiang had realised that beneath Luo Ran's carefree demeanor was someone with exceptional skill and intellect. If he wanted to survive in the outer world, Luo Ran was his only chance.

Luo Ran shifted uncomfortably seeing his posture. Helping Lin Jiang straighten, he drawled in an indifferent voice, "It is nothing, Xiaowei…. You don't have to feel…."

Wei Lin Jiang suddenly covered his mouth; his eyes widening with horror; "Gosh! The guards are here." He grabbed Luo Ran's hand and before he could realise what was happening dragged him inside the tunnel.

"We must move faster or the guards will catch up with us." With those words he started running at full speed; pulling Luo Ran along with him. In a panicked voice he urged, "Faster, Xian Shen, if they catch up, they will kill us." There was such intense panic in his voice that Luo Ran found himself increasing his pace. Within a few minutes, they had emerged into the backyard of the mansion.

Luo Ran stopped running abruptly. He disentangled Lin Jiang's hold on his arm and stated in a firm voice, "This is as far as I can accompany you, Xiao Wei." He pointed at the guards standing near the watch tower as he continued, "Just show your jade trinket to him; he will let you pass through."

A deep frown of desperation settled on Lin Jiang's forehead, "Why can't you just come with me, Xian Shen?"

Luo Ran's lips pressed in a thin line and he patted Lin Jiang's shoulder, "I have my reasons, Xiaowei." Then, he spun around and started walking towards the tunnel again.

Wei Lin Jiang smacked his palm with his fist. What was wrong with this man? Why would he… why would anyone want to go back into that darned place when he can just escape. His eyes suddenly flashed with something and he called out at the top of his voice, "Xian Shen! Help! These guards will kill me!"

Luo Ran spun around reflexively to find Wei Lin Jiang standing alone. He glared at him and was about to leave when the sound of shuffling footsteps resounded in the clearing. Lin Jiang's loud voice had drawn the attention of the soldiers and several of them were running in the their direction.

Moments later, Luo Ran and Wei Lin Jiang were surrounded by a group of about fifty soldiers. With their spears pointing towards them, they started closing in; one step at a time….