

What if Tanjuro never died of sickness and Tanjiro stayed home ??

Mimiri2345 · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Since the start of time the Kamados were unique .

They lived and thrived in hard conditions for no reason and are rather open about it.

They also do a traditional dance to thank the gods and to ward off diseases.

This family was no difference but they were much more kind and forgiving than their ancestors.

They lived up in the coldest mountains of Japan and loves it .

Every day they pray and then go in the snow to play .

Hyperthermia is no problem since they got immunity to the cold.

They would always help those travelers who ended up lost or where injured, giving themselves the names of 'Snow angels '.

This Family contains 7 people :

1. Tanjuro Kamado, a loving and caring 38 year old man and a very doting husband and father.

He is very skilled in swordsmenship and is very protective.

2. Kei Kamado, a caring and sweet 37 year old woman and a very loving wife and mother .

She usually is the medic but when push comes to shove she will fight with 2 knives in hand .

3. Tanjiro Kamado, a very calm, enthusiastic and sweet 13 year old and with his special sense of smell he can warn others before dangers happen. He never fights and is more on the medical side.

4. Nezuko Kamado, a very loving , intelligent 12 year old and is very patient.

She fights with 2 knives along side her mother only if it's a major emergency , if not she's a total pacifist.

5. Takeo Kamado, a very stubborn and overprotective 10 year old who will see anyone as a threat to his family till proven innocent.

He is under training of the sword and is doing amazing progress.

6. Hanako Kamado, a happy and care-free 10 year old who is in training in medical and 2 knives fighting style , is doing a steady progress in both attributes.

7. Shigeru Kamado, a oblivious 4 year old who loves to play and run about .

Like any normal 4 year old.

The 7 are happy to have each other and to help others.

Tanjiro being the true pacifist of the family never raises a hand to attack, even if he's in the right to do so .

Instead he calms down the threat or if cannot he restrains them from any movement.

Thanks to that he became very stealthy without noticing it.

One day Tanjiro was cleaning around the house , it was late at night but Tanjiro loves to keep things clean , he heard a knock on the door and went at the door .

He saw a tall man with long black hair, pale skin and red eyes .

Not the welcoming red eyes that the Kamados has but Tanjiro smelled no bad intent from the man.

" Hello sir , how can I help you ??"

Tanjiro asks as politely as he can making the man amused.

" Don't you find my appearance, wrong , imperfect ??"

" No sir, I don't really care for someone's features, please come in."

Tanjiro answered making the man happy.

" Would you like some tea ??"

" Yes , say why are you awake at such hours ??"

" I love to keep things clean sir , it grew to me like a hobby ."

" Oh ?? That's a weird coincidence ."

" It is , but sir don't you know it's dangerous to go in these mountains at night , these blizzards are no joke ."

Tanjiro said as he litted the pot .

" I can say the same to you , wearing a thin pajama in this cold ."

" My body became immune to this cold , would you like herbal or sweet tea ??"

" Herbal will do just fine ."

" Yes sir ."

As Tanjiro poured the tea the man eyes can't help but fall in fear and then joy .

" I am here with your herbal tea sir."

Tanjiro said as he slowly gave him the cup .

" This is a wonderfully tea. "

" Thank you sir ."

The silence was comforting for the 2 till the man stood up and shoke Tanjiro's hand and left with a smile on his face , leaving Tanjiro confused.