

What if Tanjuro never died of sickness and Tanjiro stayed home ??

Mimiri2345 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

?? POV :

Such terrifying monster's descendant turned into this ?!?

I can't help but to be happy , confident even .

I can sense that there are 6 other people in that house next to me and the boy, but he had the most harmless aura of all.

Such kind boy never existed in my life and probably never will again so it's best If I keep an eye on him.

He was serving me as he should, making sure everything was in my comfort.

Answering me immediately when I ask him to and stays queit when not .

Such a perfect servant only deserves a perfect master after all .

" Nakime ."

A door opened out of nowhere and I stepped in , knowing that I'll meet the boy the next day.


Tanjiro was thinking about the man he had met as he tried to sleep , the man was perfect in a way .

Only the cruelest of souls knows the true meaning of loss and rewards after all.

He kept squirming in his futon and it was noticed by his siblings.

The next day Tanjiro was doing the laundry till he saw a man, he had a mismatched haori on with a katana on his hilt , long dark blue hair and ocean eyes.

The man sighed in relief when he found Tanjiro as Tanjiro welcomes him.

" Hello sir , my name is -"

A rock was thrown by Takeo on the man before Tanjiro got the chance to finish his sentence.

" Hey !! We shouldn't do that to guests !!!"

" He has a katana big brother !!! He is by default a threat. "

" Takeo..."

Tanjiro then turned his attention to the man who was staring at him.

" ..."

" Child , have you noticed anything weird last night ??"

By those words Tanjuro ran towards the 2 with his breathing technique.

" What ?!"

Tanjuro looked at Tanjiro for answers and Tanjiro sighs.

" You might want to come in for this ."

The three go inside and saw a Nezuko, Kei and Hanako working with the plants on the mountains to create medicine .

The 3 sat down as Tanjiro explained what happened last night, unaware of how depressed he made Tanjuro and the man looked for a millisecond .

" And then he left , is there something else you need to know ??"

" No . I am-"

" No hashira sit down, we have much to discuss. "

The man's eyes widen before sitting back down.

" Kei , Nezuko, Hanako and Tanjiro I'm going to need to talk alone with this man ."

" Yes dear ."

" Yes father. "

The 4 leave the room leaving Tanjuro and the man .

" I know you are part of the Demon Slaying Corporation, no need to lie kid."

" How do you know ??"

" Your uniform , the katana and the way you asked my son if he saw some weird activities. "

" True. But how do you know what the DSC is ??"

" I've met one of you hashiras before , he was very strict and yet very caring. I think his name is Sakonji Urokodaki. "

" That's my trainer ."

" Well that makes things easier to say , the man Tanjiro described isn't a normal demon and you know that. That demon is a hellspawn , Kibutsuji Muzan. "

" Yes. I assure you that he will return ."

The 2 discuss till the sun setted .

The man sat down on a futon and slept while Tanjiro began cleaning.

The man woke up around 10 pm and waited till a door knock can be heard.

" Welcome again sir , wich tea would you like this time ?? My father has a guest so I hope you won't mind. "

" Ofcourse I won't, now tell me about this 'guest'. "

" Well sir he is wearing a mismatched haori with a hilt for a katana and a uniform that says ' Destroy ' on it ."

" Tch , Can you make me a sweet tea ??"

" Yes sir ."

Tanjiro was making the tea as Muzan's eyes landed on something.

" You have an amazing pair of legs ."

" Thank you sir for the compliment , I do workout every day. "

Tanjiro finished the tea and Muzan drank it and with a satisfied smile he gave Tanjiro a hug .

" Sir ??"

" You are mine , don't you ever serve anyone the way you serve me . Understood ??"

" Yes sir. "

The man was ready to attack Muzan but he has to many hostages to protect .

" Sir , you're squeezing me a little."

" Oh my apologies, I have a little trouble controlling my strength. "

" It's alright sir . Would you like a snack ??"

Muzan sat down and Tanjiro immediately fixed his posture.

" What type of snack exactly ??"

The question was crushing the man with pressure, one wrong word and the boy will die .

" What would you like sir ??"

Muzan smiles and signals for Tanjiro to come closer .

" Yes sir ??"

" A vannila cookie should do. "

" Yes sir. "

Tanjiro went to make the cookies in the kitchen and the man was alone with Muzan.

" Is that your pathetic attempt to ambush me ?? You're only lucky that he's here and is serving me properly ."

" I'm back sir , do you like your cookies brown or white ??"

" I would like them to be served from you. "

" Understood. "

Tanjiro went with a tray of cookies to Muzan and was confused on what to do .

" Sir ... What should I do next , I never served anyone like this ."

" Come closer ."

Tanjiro listens and he was lifted on Muzan's lap .

" Feed me ."

" Yes sir."

Tanjiro life's a cookie and puts it as careful as he can in Muzan's mouth .

" This is good , now keep feeding me. "

" Understood. "

Soon after the tray was empty Muzan smiled .

" You would be such a wonderful servant ."

" Eh ?? "

" Nevermind , what's your name ??"

" Kamado Tanjiro, my name is Kamado Tanjiro "

" Mine is Kibutsuji Muzan, remember it well. "

Muzan putted Tanjiro off his lap and left .

The man was in great relief and regret .

Tanjiro then cleaned everything up and went to sleep.

??? POV :

I saw everything yet unable to help , the poor boy was being harrased !!

How can Muzan be so wrong , well he is.

But now I know on what to do , I need to get this family out of here !!

I woke up the boy's father and told him everything.

" I understand we shall move first thing in the morning. "

" Good , my name is Tomioka Giyuu , the current water hashira. "

" My name is Kamado Tanjuro , this is my wife Kei Kamado, my sons Tanjiro, Rokuta and Takeo Kamado and my daughters Nezuko and Hanako Kamado. "

We two fall asleep and the next day our plan will set .