
Killer Move


selfish_dev · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

CH-2 Nightmare

Chapter 2: The Nightmare

[The story continues from where Chapter 1 ended.]

TRIPUTRA: Where am I? This place looks familiar... Wait, this is Planet Namos. Yes, I remember that kid. He snapped, and we got teleported here. But where is he now?

[Tripura spots a bus hurtling towards Baba. Without hesitation, he jumps in front of it, risking his life to save him.]

TRIPUTRA: I will die but never let you die.

BABA: Where am I? Who are you? And why the hell is that bus driver shouting?

BUS DRIVER: Are you blind or mad, son of...

TRIPUTRA: Leave them. I think this kid used his power to save me. That's why he forgot all about it. I will never let him know what happened. I know that those bastard scientists and police will search me throughout the planet after they hear that I'm back. If they ever found out that this kid is an alien, they will kill him. I have to leave this planet as fast as possible.

[Slicy, the son of the Black Hole, possesses the power to read minds. He reads Tripura's thoughts.]

SLICY: Wait, are you leaving me? I am your son too. Please save me, else they will kill me too.

TRIPUTRA: How did you know what I was thinking? And no, you rubbish child, I will not save you.

[Baba falls unconscious.]

TRIPUTRA: Looks like I have to go home.

[Slicy follows Tripura until they reach home. They enter the house.]

TRIPUTRA: I think I have to bandage this child.

[Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, revealing an investigator from the police department.]

INVESTIGATOR: Hey Tripura, we would like to have a cup of tea with you in the office.

TRIPUTRA: Sorry sir, I can't go. Could we talk here?

INVESTIGATOR: Oh, such a busy guy. Looks like you're hiding something from us. First of all, we sent you to the black hole. How did you get here? Second, who are those children behind you?

TRIPUTRA: Sir, when I entered, I saw a child. He was about to kill me. He overused his powers and teleported us here. He damaged my son, Baba too. Please take this child with you. His name is Slicy. He is an official criminal.

INVESTIGATOR: Oh, looks like you know too much about this child.

TRIPUTRA: Because this child is following me.

INVESTIGATOR: If we find out you're lying this time, you will be killed along with those children.


[The investigators take Slicy, put him in a cyber truck, and head towards the lab. Meanwhile, Tripura takes his spaceship, puts Baba, who is still unconscious, inside, and flies to the 10th planet of the Omicron System, Xamos. The Omicron System consists of 10 planets in total, each dependent on the energy from the Black Hole and White Hole.]

[In the lab.]

DOCTOR: I think we have to start with a blade, cutting down the side of his nose.

[The doctor cuts Slicy's nose, causing him to scream in agony. His scream grows louder, causing items to levitate and Slicy himself begins to float. His eyes turn pure white, and then the scream abruptly stops.]

DOCTOR: What the hell is going on? Are we all about to die?

[As the scream ceases, time seems to halt for an instant. Suddenly, Slicy shouts again, louder. A sonic wave emanates from his body. All the buildings in the lab and everything within a radius of 100 km turn to ashes.]

SLICY: Killer move.

[Chaos ensues. Namos is destroyed within seconds, and all planets of the Omicron System except Xamos are reduced to ashes. The entire universe turns red. On Planet Xamos, cataclysmic events unfold, causing destruction on a massive scale.]