
Killer Move


selfish_dev · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Ch-1 Inside The Black Hole

Chapter 1: Inside the Black Hole

[Inside a sleek spaceship, astronaut Triputra communicates with the people of Planet Namos through the spacecraft's communication system. The control panel flickers with lights and data streams as Triputra's voice echoes in the cabin.]

TRIPUTRA: Hello, I'm repeating, hello. I'm about to enter that black hole.

[Signals cut abruptly, leaving a tense silence in the confined space of the ship.]

TRIPUTRA: What? The signal's been cut. But this hole is swallowing me. I think I should go inside. If I go back to Namos, they will kill me. This is my punishment.

[Triputra braces himself, making a fateful decision, and leaps into the gaping maw of the black hole. As he hurtles through the unknown, the darkness envelops him, and his consciousness begins to blur.]

TRIPUTRA: My whole life was a bad nightmare.

[The background remains an abyssal void as Triputra slowly opens his eyes. Suddenly, an overwhelming brilliance assaults his senses.]

TRIPUTRA: Ughhh... It's too bright. Is this light coming from that child?

[Triputra squints against the radiance, trying to make sense of his surroundings.]

[After one week, Triputra gradually regains awareness, finding himself in an ethereal realm of luminosity.]

TRIPUTRA: Where am I? Why is this whole place white?

[Triputra's mind races as he tries to piece together the fragments of his fractured memory, his gaze lingering on the distant figure of the child.]

TRIPUTRA: Oh, I found that child. Where is he now? Am I in a dream?

BABA: No, you are not.

[From the glow emerges a figure, emanating an otherworldly aura. The child-like being addresses Triputra with serene authority.]

TRIPUTRA: Who are you? Why are you here? And how are you alive? Why do you look like that child I met before?

BABA: I am the Son of the White Hole. The one you met earlier was Slicy. He was the Son of the Black Hole.

TRIPUTRA: Does that mean you are an alien?

BABA: By the way, you are the alien.

[The dialogue unfolds amidst the surreal landscape, where reality seems to bend and warp, giving an eerie yet mesmerizing quality to the encounter.]

TRIPUTRA: What... leave it. You can't save me. You're just a twelve-year-old child. I need to find a way out.

BABA: Do you think my powers are less?

[Baba's words hang in the air, charged with enigmatic potency. With a subtle gesture, he demonstrates a fraction of his unfathomable abilities, hinting at the vastness of his power.]

[Baba's presence illuminates the enigmatic realm, offering glimpses into its mysterious nature as the dialogue unfolds.]

[Baba snaps, and they all get teleported to Namos. Since Slicy was within the teleportation range, he gets teleported too.]

[End of Chapter 1]