

Are you grateful for the things in your life? A kind-hearted girlfriend, an abrasive, but caring friend, and a loving mom that would do anything for him. Akira Fuyuki has everything he could possibly want. The normal day to day life he had grown accustomed to suddenly begins to change when he one day meets a homeless man by the river bed. Uninterested in the strange advice the man tries to give him, Fuyuki ignores the man at first. However, he quickly finds himself troubled when past trauma starts to resurface alongside arising school drama when he realizes he has no one to turn to for advice. As time passes, Fuyuki begins to find out that he has far more in common with this mysterious man than he initially thought. And simultaneously he realizes that he’s been making detrimental mistakes that might cost him big time. What advice could someone that has nothing possibly offer to someone that seemingly has everything? And what do these mistakes mean for Fuyuki’s past, present, and even his future?! Hello everyone, Thank you all for checking out my story Kansha! This is my first time writing a novel, but I wish to write a story that will leave an everlasting impression. I typically try update at the beginning and end of every week. However, real life circumstances may entail that updates will be inconsistent. I apologize in advance and thank you all for your continued support. *Note: Credit to Cqingwei for cover Illustration

KuriMaki · realistisch
Zu wenig Bewertungen
32 Chs

Chapter 9: Let’s Go On A Date 2

I arrive at the station 15 minutes before the designated meet-up time.

However, to my surprise, Kyoko is already standing there waiting for me when I get there.

"Ah! Akira-kun over here!" Kyoko waves as she calls me over.

"Sorry Kyoko, did you wait long?"

"Not at all, I just got here myself~"

Her smile is infectious and I can't help but stare at her.


I find myself entranced by Kyoko's appearance.

Maybe it's just me, but she seems way cuter than normal today. Almost like she put in extra effort for our date today.

Kyoko has styled her hair into two twin spiral ponytails tied with white ribbons. She's also wearing white orchid flower earrings and the gold bracelet that she always wears. She has on a white frilly shirt and a black bow tie to go with her black gothic lolita skirt and black garter belt. She also has an extremely pleasant fragrance exuding around her. If I had to describe the scent, I would say it smells like a sweet bed of flowers. She really does look absolutely gorgeous. It's no surprise that there is an abundance of people looking at her as they walk by. It makes me feel kind of proud to be her boyfriend.

"Um, it's a bit embarrassing when you stare at me like Akira-kun…" She brings her hand up to her chest and averts her gaze bashfully.

"O-Oh sorry I didn't mean to…" Realizing that I had been staring at her without saying a word, I also quickly avert my gaze, feeling a bit flustered.

"Um, so what do you think? Is it strange after all?"

"I think… it suits you very well."

I'd like to avoid saying anything too embarrassing so I try to keep my answer simple and say it as nonchalantly as possible.

"That's a relief. I thought you might not like it…"

What is she even talking about?

There's no way I would think that after seeing the girl I like all dressed up, looking super adorable.

That's what I honestly think to myself.

"Is that so…" Kyoko's face begins to tint red and she starts to twist one of her ponytails with her finger."

Did I just…

"Um, Kyoko-san…"

"Y-Yes Akira-kun?"

"Did I perhaps say that out loud just now?"

"Mhm," she nods, still blushing.

Dear god, why have I been forsaken by my own mouth?

I cover my face with my hand to hide my shame.

"It um… makes me very happy that you feel that way."

"…Well, I guess it's alright then," I scratch my cheek, still feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Shall we go?" I hold out my hand to Kyoko.

"Yes~" She intertwines her fingers together with mine and we hop on the train.

After about 20 minutes, we arrive at Osaka Station City.

"So what's first up on the agenda today, Kyoko?" I inquire about our plans for the date.

"Let's see. Why don't we go see a movie?"

"A movie huh? Is there something, in particular, you want to see?"

"There's a movie directed by Takahiro-Sensei that I've been wanting to see, actually."

"Ohhhh, you mean that time travel romance film?"

"Yep yep, that's the one!"

I'm not really big on romance films, but I guess you never know. It could be good, and Kyoko seems to really want to watch it.

"Alright gotcha, let's go see it."

"Yay~" Kyoko cutely cheers and locks arms with me.

We head toward the cinema and buy our tickets.


"I've finally arrived… back with him."

(Sniff Sniff)

Kyoko is silently crying as the movie concludes.

I can't really blame her though. Even I feel a bit emotional after watching that film. It was much better than I initially expected it to be.

We walk out of the theater all the while Kyoko has been clinging onto my arm, sobbing.

"That movie was shoooo good."

"Yeah, I'm surprised. It was so well structured."

"Do you think Emi and Takatoshi will ever be able to stay together permanently?" (Sniff)

"Well, I honestly doub—"

Kyoko clings to my arm tighter and makes a sad puppy dog face.

"I-I mean I'm sure their love will overcome even time itself…"

"Right! I think so as well!" Kyoko's face instantly lights up and she agrees with my egregious statement.

Just how pure-hearted can this girl be…

"This movie really makes me want to value our time together more, Akira-kun."

"I'd say you value it plenty already though."

"No, it's not enough! I want to treasure every single minute, no, every single second that we're together!"

"Well, knock yourself out with that." I nonchalantly reply to Kyoko's declaration.

"So, what do you want to do next?"

"Um, let's see. It's only 2:23 now, so why don't we go window shopping around for a bit?" Kyoko suggests, pointing toward the plethora of stores lined up.

Honestly, I can't stand shopping with women because I always end up getting dragged around, but if it makes Kyoko happy, I'll put up with it for today.

"Alright, lead the way, Kyoko."

"Leave it to me, ehehe."

First, we head to a clothing store.

"Akira-kun try this on. I think It'd look great on you!"

Kyoko hands me a Hawaiian shirt and some sunglasses.

I feel a bit silly putting them on, but I oblige.


"Fufu, that suits you so well, Akira-kun. Hold on, stay still for a second. "

Kyoko is laughing whilst snapping pictures of me.

"Is this fun for you?"

"Yup, super fun!"

"I see."

I might as well let loose and try to have a bit of fun as well since she seems so happy.

"Here Kyoko put this on."

I hand her a sun hat and a fake mustache/glasses set.

"Ohhh, let's see."

"What do you think, Akira-kun? Pretty sophisticated if you ask me."

She pretends to stroke her fake mustache.

"Ahahaha, what the heck are you doing?"

"Ehehe, here let's try some more stuff on."

"Alright, what about this?"

We continue to mess around in the store until the clerk asks us if we're going to buy something.

Feeling a bit guilty I decided to pick up a shirt I noticed, it says "world's best mom" in cursive on the front. I'm sure my mom will love it.

Next, we go to a thrift shop that's selling small trinkets and different accessories.

"Akira-kun, look, look! Isn't this super adorable?"

She's holding up a small dog phone accessory.

"Yeah, it kind of reminds me of you," I tease.

"Heyyy, what is that supposed to mean?!"

Kyoko crosses her arms and starts pouting.

"Then, this one looks like you!"

She grabs the same type of accessory but this one is a panda bear.

"Both of you guys always look so tired, hehe."

"He might be my spirit animal then."

"Do you like it?"

If I say yes I'm sure she'll try to buy it for me. Usually, that situation leads to a back and forth of me saying it's fine and her insisting on me accepting the present. After dating Kyoko for a year I've come up with a simple solution to this problem.

"Yeah, it's alright."

"Then, I'll buy it for you as a way to commemorate today's date."

"In that case, I'll buy that puppy one for you. Then it'll be like we're matching right?"

"Ah… that's a wonderful idea, Akira-kun!"

She falls for it, hook, line, and sinker.

We buy the cell phone accessories and Kyoko insists we immediately attach them to our phones.

"I'll treasure this dearly~"

Kyoko holds her phone to her chest and embraces it gently.

I find myself mesmerized by her smile.

I've always thought this but…

My girlfriend really is the cutest.

After that, Kyoko drags me to a lingerie store because she insists she wants to buy a new swimsuit since summer is coming up soon.

"Hey, I don't think I should be in here…"

I feel the questioning looks of multiple women in the store on me as I'm dragged by the hand to the swimsuit section.

"You have to be here, silly. Otherwise, how will I know which swimsuit you prefer?"

"My preference doesn't matter, does it? You should just buy whatever you like."

"Mmmm…Akira-kun you blockhead," Kyoko turns her head away from me and starts pouting.

It looks like I somehow made her upset.

I really don't understand what this girl is thinking sometimes.

"Wait right here, okay?" She grabs some swimsuits and goes into the changing room.


I notice people whispering and looking over at us. I feel like running away right now, if I'm being honest.

A couple of minutes later.

"Taadaa! Well, what do you think?"

Kyoko comes out and she's wearing a frilly white bikini with pink lining across the edges. It really goes well with her hair color and gives an innocent vibe that I find oddly alluring.

I take caution not to stare too much.

"I think it looks good."

"Hmm, alright I'll try on another one."

A few moments later.

"What about this one?"

This time she comes out in a sky blue one-piece bathing suit.

It looks incredible.

The color really highlights her eyes and emphasizes her beautiful, slender legs.

Ahhh no no no, what the heck am I thinking?

This one's dangerous as well.

I better play it safe with the praise.

"I think it looks fine."

"Mmmmm… alright I'll try a different one."

Is it just me or did she look a little bit upset?

After a few moments pass, she emerges again.

My jaw damn near drops to the floor the moment I lay eyes on her.

"W-Well don't just stand there staring at me… tell me what you think…"

I am at a complete loss for words.

Kyoko is standing there with her hands clasped behind her back whilst averting her head, blushing furiously.

She's currently wearing an extremely tantalizing black string bikini.

The way the bikini pushes against her smooth skin and outlines all of the right curves is far too provocative. I cannot take my eyes off of her. I am completely captivated by her beauty.

My eyes make their way from the nape of her neck down to her thighs.

"Um, well, I-I think uh... What I mean is you're um..."

I am completely stumbling on my words and cannot even formulate a proper sentence.

"You… don't like this one either?" Kyoko asks seemingly disheartened by my response or lack thereof.

There's absolutely no way I wouldn't like seeing my girlfriend wear such a provocative swimsuit, but I just can't look her in the eyes when she's wearing something like that.

"N-No that's not it!"

"It's just… well your swimsuit is a bit too revealing and I don't know where to look…"

"Then for the other ones?"

"I actually think they all look extremely cute on you."

"…Then I guess I'll buy them." Kyoko softly smiles.

"Even this one?!"

I definitely don't want anyone to see her wearing something like that.

"Y-Yes if it'll make you happy then… I wouldn't mind wearing it for you. B-But it's only for your eyes… I can't wear something so revealing in front of other people."


So she's ok wearing that in front of me?

I'll have to keep that in mind…

After we leave the store, the two of us decide to take a break and get some lunch at the food courts.

"Let's eat."

"Let's eat."

"Mmmm, this is shoooo good."

"I guess fast food every once in a while isn't so bad."

Kyoko and I are both eating chicken nuggets from Wcdonalds.

"This is completely different from the food mom makes at home. It's like a whole new experience!" Kyoko happily takes a bite of another nugget.

"Wait Kyoko, is this actually your first time eating fast food?"

"Yep! I've never had anything like this before!"

"Color me surprised. I was sure every high school student had tried Wcdonalds at least once. I'll have to show you some other good places next time."

"Is that an indirect invitation to go on another date?"

She's making that smug face again.

I wonder if I should play along with her antics.

"Well, I guess you could say that. Would you be opposed to it if I was?"

I decide to counterattack before she has the chance to tease me.

"Of course not! I'd love to spend more time together with you Akira-kun. Who would be opposed to spending time with the person they love?"

"O-Oh I suppose that's true." I turn my head feeling flustered by her blunt declaration of love.

Damn, she got me…

"I gotta go to the restroom, I'll be back in a bit Kyoko."

"Alright, I'll be waiting here," Kyoko waves at me smiling as I hastily leave.



I finish up my business and go to wash my hands in front of the mirror.

I hope Kyoko is having fun. All I've really been doing is letting her drag me around. Maybe I should try to take the initiative a bit more…

I dry my hands and look at the cell phone accessory she bought for me earlier.

"But what can I even do?"

Kyoko seems to have everything planned out already. How exactly can I take the initiative and make this date memorable for her?

I contemplate in front of the sink for a bit before someone asks me if they can wash their hands.

"Well, that was certainly embarrassing."

"Hm? You've gotta be kidding me…"

As I head back to the food courts I see three guys surrounding Kyoko and talking to her. They give me the same playboy vibes as Manabe, but there's a distinct difference.

These guys seem to have no respect for women.

It looks like they're trying to get Kyoko to go with them, completely disregarding how uncomfortable she looks.

I quickly walk back toward our table where I hear them trying to persuade Kyoko.

"Why don't you come and hang out with us for a bit, cutie?"

"Yeah, we'll show you a real good time hehe."

"I'm sorry, but I'm actually with someone today."

"Awww, but they ain't here now, are they? So just forget about that loser and come with us."

"As I just said, I cannot accompany you as I'm currently on a date with someone. If you understand, I'd really appreciate it if you could stop bothering me."

"Hey hey no need to get so hostile, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be making a scary face like that, right guys?"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Exactly right!"

"All you gotta do is just come with us!"

"Eek, p-please let go of me…"

"That's enough."

I grab the man's arm and forcefully pull it off Kyoko's.


Kyoko quickly runs behind me and clings to me.

She's trembling…

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone."

"No, it's ok, I'm just glad you're here now."

"I see I see, so you must be her date huh? Say, boy, why don't you let us hang out with your girl for a bit, yeah?"

As I thought, these guys are absolute trash.

I can't believe I made Kyoko have to deal with them by herself.

I feel my blood boiling and I clench my fist tight enough for my nails to dig into my hand.

I need to calm down and think. If I try to fight with all three of them there's no way I'll win and it'll ruin the date. There are also a lot of people around us right now so it would cause a huge commotion. What should I do? How can I get us out of this situation?

"Don't you guys understand what the word 'no' means?" I try to reason with them and logically explain.

"Hah, trying to play the hero now, are you? Do you understand the position you're in, boy?"

It doesn't seem like I can talk my way out of this situation…

But I have to protect Kyoko, no matter what!

I suddenly spot a mall security guard ordering from Burger Queen.

Perfect, that's our chance.

Well here goes nothing…

I take a deep breath in and then…


I yell as loud as I can.




The three of them are taken aback by my choice of action.

"HEY, just what are you three trying to pull in a public area?!"

The security quickly comes running towards us.

"Shit, let's dip bros…"

"Stay right there!" The security orders.

The three guys take off running and the security pursues them.

"Phew…" I let out a big sigh of relief.

"Kyoko, are you alright? They didn't do anything weird to you, did they?"

(Sniff Sniff)

"Waaaaaaah, I was shoooo scared…"

Kyoko suddenly burst into tears while clinging tightly to me.

"I'm sorry… but it's alright now. I'm here, ok?"


Kyoko continues to cry into my chest for a bit before settling down.

After that whole fiasco, we started heading back toward the station to avoid running into those guys again.

(Sniff Sniff)

"Here, use this."

I hand Kyoko the handkerchief I was carrying in my pocket.


She dries the rest of her tears.

"I'm sorry for ruining the date, Akira-kun…"

"Don't worry about it. It's not your fault."


Kyoko looks incredibly sad.

A pang of guilt grips my heart.


I just got an idea.

I know how I can save this date and make it memorable for Kyoko!

"Hey, Kyoko?"

"Yes, what is it, Akira-kun?"

"There's actually somewhere I want to show you. Do you mind tagging along with me for a bit longer?"

"I don't mind, but where do you want to go?"

"I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise."

I wink at Kyoko and pat her head.

I won't let Kyoko go home sad today.

I'll make this a memorable date for her no matter what.

Now then, Let's begin our date!

Hello everyone ,

I hope you all having been enjoying Kansha thus far.

Yuzuha Kyoko will be the next character illustration and it will be the outfit she wears during this date.

Please look forward to seeing how cute she is ‼️

KuriMakicreators' thoughts