

Are you grateful for the things in your life? A kind-hearted girlfriend, an abrasive, but caring friend, and a loving mom that would do anything for him. Akira Fuyuki has everything he could possibly want. The normal day to day life he had grown accustomed to suddenly begins to change when he one day meets a homeless man by the river bed. Uninterested in the strange advice the man tries to give him, Fuyuki ignores the man at first. However, he quickly finds himself troubled when past trauma starts to resurface alongside arising school drama when he realizes he has no one to turn to for advice. As time passes, Fuyuki begins to find out that he has far more in common with this mysterious man than he initially thought. And simultaneously he realizes that he’s been making detrimental mistakes that might cost him big time. What advice could someone that has nothing possibly offer to someone that seemingly has everything? And what do these mistakes mean for Fuyuki’s past, present, and even his future?! Hello everyone, Thank you all for checking out my story Kansha! This is my first time writing a novel, but I wish to write a story that will leave an everlasting impression. I typically try update at the beginning and end of every week. However, real life circumstances may entail that updates will be inconsistent. I apologize in advance and thank you all for your continued support. *Note: Credit to Cqingwei for cover Illustration

KuriMaki · Realistic
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 8: Let’s Go On A Date

(Ding Dong Ding)

Third period has just ended.

I haven't been able to focus on my class work at all. My mind has been infatuated with thoughts of what Kyoko could've made me for lunch today. If you couldn't tell, I've been looking forward to this with great anticipation.

"Hey, Fuyuki let's ea-"

I walk over to Kyoko's desk, completely ignoring Fujibayashi.

"That's how you treat your good pal?! *Sniff*

I see how it is, man…"

Fujibayashi feints crocodile tears to try and fish a reaction out of me, to which I pay no mind.

Sorry Fujibayashi, but today is a no-go.

"Yo Kyoko, are you ready to eat lunch?"

"Yup~" She excitedly takes out 3 bento boxes and puts them on the desk.

"Woah, you really did go all out today, huh?"

"Of course I did! I wanted you to praise me after all."

"Yes yes, you did a great job."

"Mmm~" Kyoko lowers her head, implying that she wants me to pat it."


I quickly survey the area to see if anyone's watching.

Seems like the coast is clear.

(Pat Pat)

"There there, you did well."

"Mmm~" Kyoko's cheeks turn slightly red and she smiles affectionately.

"There you guys go again being in yer own world. Well, if Kyo-chan made it, then I'm sure it turned out great."

Yamaguchi finally speaks up, presumably tired of watching our affectionate display. Although, it seems like she's still ignoring me…

"Ehehe, it makes me feel embarrassed when you put it like that, Ri-chan," Kyoko scratches her cheek bashfully.

"Do you guys want to eat outside today?"

I ask Yamaguchi and Kyoko.

"Actually, you guys're gonna have to eat without me today."

Yamaguchi stands up from her desk and grabs her bento.

"Thanks for the lunch, Kyo-chan. I'll catch ya later."

And just like that, Yamaguchi is gone.

"That's weird. I wonder why Ri-chan didn't want to eat together today. Usually, she's really happy to eat together with us."

"I wonder why…"

I decide not to comment further on the topic, considering It's more than likely my fault.

Guess I really pissed her off earlier. I don't really get what she's so upset about though.

Kyoko and I decided a change of scenery would be nice so we opted to go eat outside.

"That looks like a good spot," Kyoko remarks.

We find a bench to sit down on. Other students are eating outside, but luckily the area isn't too crowded so we don't have to worry about being the center of attention. When I say "we" I actually mean me. I don't like standing out and I especially don't like being watched while I eat. That is with a select few exceptions like Yamaguchi, Kyoko, and of course my mom.

"Let's eat."

"Let's eat."

The two of us bless the food and take out our chopsticks.

I open the lid to my bento and am immediately left speechless by what I see.


For lunch, she made an aisai-style bento which has chicken katsu, steamed veggies, tempura, sushi rolls, cooked rice, and some fruits on the side.

It all looks very delicious, but that isn't the issue.

The issue is the giant "I love you" written in hiragana on the rice…



"What exactly am I looking at?"

"Um, a bento box?" She tilts her head and asks me seemingly confused as to what I'm talking about.


I let out a small sigh and point to the rice.

"This right here. Care to explain?"

"Oh! So that's what you meant. It's an expression of my love, of course! Do you like it?"

How can she say something so embarrassing without the slightest bit of hesitation?

"Don't you think it's embarrassing to make something like this?"

"Hmm, no not particularly. This felt like the kind of lunch a wife would make for her husband before he goes to work, so I thought it would be the best kind of bento to make!"

"…" I am flabbergasted by the fact that she actually went and said that.

"You… don't like it?" Kyoko's shoulders slump and she's looking at me with the same eyes a dog would make when its master is leaving for work.

"N-No that's not it…"

I quickly start shoving food into my mouth trying to escape pleading her gaze.


She's now staring at me with complete anticipation in her eyes as if waiting for my assessment of the food.


"It's good."

"Really? You really aren't just saying that to make me feel better?"

"You should know better than anyone that I'm not the type to compliment someone if I don't actually mean it."

"Ah, I suppose that's true. Ehehe, then it makes me happy to hear that you like it~"

She clasps her hands together in front of her chest and smiles sweetly.

This girl is way too cute.

As we eat our lunch together, the topic of club activities comes up again.

"Are you planning on joining any clubs this year, Akira-kun?"

Clubs huh? I can't say any of them have really struck my interest, honestly. I would say I'm relatively in shape and I do enjoy watching some sports, but it takes way too much energy to commit to a club. And more than that, I'd rather just go straight home to relax.

"No, I wasn't planning on it. What about you?"

"Hmm, well I told you and Ri-chan yesterday, but I've been thinking about joining the student council…"

She pauses for a moment so I don't say anything, presuming there's more that she wants to say.

"But… I'm not too sure honestly."

Kyoko has a troubled expression.

One that you don't typically see her make.

"Is there some kind of issue with you joining?"

"Well, I wouldn't say there's any issue… it's more like I'm not sure if it's something I'm really passionate about."

"I see."

I guess you wouldn't want to commit to something unless you really feel like it's something you want to do. It's not surprising a serious girl like Kyoko would be thinking so hard about whether she wants to join or not.

"Well, it's not like you have to decide immediately, right? Why don't you just take some time to think about it?"

"Yeah, I think you're right. Thanks, Akira-kun~"

Kyoko leans onto my shoulder and closes her eyes.

"No worries."

This is a very pleasant atmosphere.

I'd like to indulge in this warmth that I feel being beside her, forever if possible.

Those are my honest thoughts as I reach for Kyoko's hand.

"Um, excuse me…"

A voice suddenly calls out to us and I quickly retract my hand.

Well, I guess all good things must come to an end…

"Am I… interrupting you two?"

It's the red-haired girl from this morning.

"No, not at all."

"Yes, you are."


"Ow ow ow, I was just joking."

Kyoko pinches my side, seemingly unhappy with my apathetic tone toward the girl.

"What can we do for you? If I recall correctly, your name was Kotori-chan, right?"

I'm surprised she can still treat this girl so nicely after what happened yesterday. Then again, that's just how Kyoko is. Truly a saint amongst saints.

"Um, actually I wanted to apologize to you…"

"It's Yuzuha. Yuzuha Kyoko." Kyoko smiles at Kotori as she gives her name.

"Ah right, my bad."

"Anyway, Yuzuha-san, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I shouldn't have gotten so upset, especially since you totally apologized and all…"

Kotori bows her head slightly and sincerely apologizes.

I know she told Yamaguchi she'd apologize to Kyoko, but I honestly didn't think she'd actually do it.

"No worries at all, Kotori-chan. It's in the past already, so consider it water under the bridge, okay?

"T-thanks. Well, that's all I wanted to say. Sorry for interrupting."

"Oh no, not at all, and Kotori-chan?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"You can call me by my first name if you want to. We're practically already friends now right?"

"We're… friends?" Kotori's eyes widen as she's taken aback by Kyoko's assertion.

There's a plethora of emotions in her eyes, but the ones that stand out most are doubt and hesitancy.

"Yup, friends!" Kyoko brightly smiles at her and responds to her without so much as a second guess.

"I -I see… Well, in that case, I'll keep it in mind. See ya."

Kotori quickly walks away.

"I guess she wasn't such a bad person after all, huh?"

"Yup! I can tell Kotori-chan is a good girl. I hope we can become good friends."

Kyoko truly is a saint.

I honestly think she'd be a great student council member.


I can't deny that part of me doesn't want her to join.


(Ding Dong Ding)

Homeroom ends.

"Fuyuki…" Fujibayashi turns to me with a serious expression.

"What's up?"

"I've decided to forgive you for your betrayal, but…"

What the heck is he talking about?

I don't recall ever betraying anyone.

"Mark my words Fuyuki! I'll definitely find a girlfriend this year and then you'll be the one seething with jealousy!"

Fujibayashi loudly exclaims as he pumps his fist into the air.

"Why would I be jealous if I already have a girlfriend though?"


"Damnnnnn youuuuu Fuyukiiiii! Go die in a fire, you traitor!"

Fujibayashi runs out of the class, crying and cursing me.

Something is seriously wrong with this guy's brain.

"Haha, you got a really funny friend, Fuyuki."

The playboy remarks, chuckling a bit.

"I don't really know if I'd call him my friend though…"

"Hey, so Fuyuki, you wanna hit the arcade with me and a bunch of other people?"

That sounds like a huge pain in the ass…

"I don't really do too well with big crowds and also…"

I look over toward Kyoko who's waving at me.

"I was planning to go home with her today."

"Ohhh, is that the girlfriend that guy was talking about?"


"Heh, not bad Fuyu—"


The playboy suddenly stopped talking and is now staring at someone. I look in the direction his eyes are being drawn to and…

"Who is that beautiful girl?" He is staring directly at Yamaguchi.

"Ah, that's Yamaguchi. You've never heard of her?"

"No, but I sure would love to get to know her. Now that's a fine woman if I've ever seen one."


I really have no idea how to respond to that.

"Heyyyy Manabe, you coming or what?"

The same group of kids from yesterday call out to him.

"Tch! Yeah yeah, I'm coming."

He looks slightly annoyed that they interrupted his admiration session.

"Well, see ya later, Fuyuki. I'll definitely make that girl mine one day." He gives me a thumbs up and walks away.

"There's no way that'll go well…"


Kyoko and I are walking home together. Yamaguchi said she couldn't join us today because she had something to take care of at home. She looked noticeably upset when she said that, so neither of us inquired further.

"Say, Akira-kun…"


"I was wondering… If you aren't busy on Saturday. Would you like to go out on a date with me?"

A date huh? I wonder where this is coming from all of a sudden. Also, why did she sound so nervous to ask me? She knows I wouldn't say no to her.

"Is there somewhere in particular that you want to go?"

"Well, that's part of it…"

Kyoko starts twisting one of her twin tails with her finger as she looks down blushing.

That's one of Kyoko's habits when she's embarrassed or nervous. Although, it's not a very common occurrence since Kyoko is typically a very straightforward person.

"Actually um… Akira-kun, I really just want to spend the day off together with you…"

This girl really is adorable.

"Is that so? Well, I don't particularly have anything to do on that day so it's fine with me."

On the weekends I typically just work out, play video games, or watch Aku-tan streams. I don't really go outside much unless it's for a run or to pick up ingredients for my mom.

"Really? That's wonderful news!"

All I did was agree to go on a simple date with her and yet her smile is shining brighter than the sun itself.

"Let's meet at the station at 12 pm. Does that work for you, Akira-kun?"

"Alright, got it."

"Ehehe, I can't wait~" Kyoko happily giggles as she locks arms with me.


I let out a small sigh and start thinking about what we should do on Saturday.


Saturday, 9:45 am

It's been 3 days and now the date of destiny has arrived.

Obviously, I'm exaggerating, but I can't deny that I have been looking forward to it today. I had set an alarm for 9:30 so I would have time to get ready and still get to the station a bit early. After I finish stretching, I make my way down to the kitchen where I see a plate covered up with a note on it.


It's been 4 days since she started her new job and I haven't seen her in the mornings. It certainly is more peaceful, but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss our silly morning banter at least a bit. I sit down at the table and take a look at the note she left.

"Good morning, Aki! I'm sorry for leaving you alone in the mornings, I'm sure you're missing your mom right now. It's alright, I miss you too Aki. Since you don't have school today, why don't you go out? Oh, I know! You should invite Kyoko-chan on a date! How's that Aki? I know I know, I'm totally a genius. Anyway, if you do decide to go out, I left you some money on the dresser by the tv. And if you invite any friends over just make sure they don't break anything. No girls though, you sneaky boy~ I hope you have a great day my favorite son, and I'll be off tomorrow so we can spend the whole day together!" -Love, Mom

"Jeez, just what does she think I'm gonna do while she's gone…"


I notice that the corner of the note has a wet spot, almost as if there was something spilled on it.


"Just how clumsy can she be."

I quickly eat my breakfast and get ready for the date.

I decide to wear some jeans to go along with a black collar shirt as well a white t-shirt underneath and some black sneakers to top it off. I even style my hair a bit with gel and spray some light cologne. It's not much, but for my standards, I'd say I'm relatively "dressed up".

"Alright, I'm ready."

"I'm heading out!"

I lock up the house and start heading toward the station where our long-awaited date will begin.