
A new Role

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on existing works. All original characters and plotlines are my creation, but I do not claim ownership of any pre-existing characters or content. All rights to these pre-existing works belong to their original creators. This is a non-profit work created solely for the enjoyment of fans and no copyright infringement is intended.

Nexus made his way to the front desk of the small motel, his eyes scanning the area for any potential threats. He had already made sure that no one was around, but he couldn't shake the feeling of paranoia that had been gnawing at him lately.

"Hey there, buddy, how can I help you?" the middle-aged man behind the desk asked, his thick accent betraying his origins in the southern United States.

Nexus locked eyes with the man and spoke in a calm, reassuring tone, "I need a room for the night."

The man hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting nervously around the empty lobby. Nexus could sense the fear radiating off of him and decided to take matters into his own hands. He looked directly into the man's eyes and began to chant softly, his voice barely audible.

The man's eyes glazed over, and Nexus could see the hypnotic suggestion taking hold. "You will give me a room for the night, and you will not remember me or anything that happened here tonight," Nexus whispered, his voice echoing in the man's mind.

The man nodded slowly, his movements robotic. "Room 204, second floor," he muttered, his voice monotone.

Nexus retrieved the room key and made his way up to the second floor. As he walked down the dimly lit hallway, Mundus appeared beside him, chuckling softly.

"Aren't you heartless, using hypnosis to get what you want?" Mundus taunted, his voice dripping with mockery.

Nexus ignored him, his mind focused on finding a moment's rest. He opened the door to his room and stepped inside, locking the door behind him. The room was small and dingy, but it was enough for him to get some much-needed sleep.

He lay down on the lumpy mattress and closed his eyes, letting his mind drift. He thought about finding a job to sustain himself, but the thought quickly faded as he drifted off to sleep


Ai Hoshino walked down the bustling streets of Tokyo, her mind wandering back to the mysterious young man she had met earlier. He had left a lasting impression on her, with his sharp features and hollow eyes that seemed to stare right through her. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of life he must lead to having such a hollow gaze as if he had forgotten what it meant to be human.

She continued on her way, her thoughts drifting to her own life. She was someone who didn't know love, at least not in the way that most people did. For her, love was a performance, a series of carefully crafted lies that she told her fans. She hoped that one day those lies would become truth, but for now, she was content with playing her part.

Finally, Ai arrived at her apartment complex and made her way up to her room. She slipped into her pajamas and crawled into bed, still thinking about the young man she had met. She wonders if she will ever see him again and if he could possibly be the one who could make her understand love. But as she drifts off to sleep, she knows that it's just wishful thinking and that the reality of her life is far from the romantic fantasy that her fans believe. She muttered a small prayer, hoping that they would cross paths again one day.


Nexus woke up in the late morning with a groan. He could feel the weight of his depression creeping in again. He took a quick bath, washing away the sweat from yesterday's fight and the grime from his long journey. As he looked into the mirror, he saw his younger self before he became the Kamen Rider. It was a reminder of how far he had come, but also of the things he had lost.

Shaking himself out of his reverie, Nexus dressed in a new set of clothes and headed out into the city. He needed to find a job and perhaps some new clothes to wear while doing so. The streets were crowded, filled with people going about their daily lives. Nexus watched them with a detached interest, wondering what it would be like to live among them.

Mundus piped up with a snarky joke, "Maybe you could work as a model with that pretty face of yours."

Nexus rolled his eyes and continued his search. "I'm not interested in that kind of work."

Mundus chuckled, "Oh come on, don't tell me you're not into young women who like bad boys."

Nexus ignored him and kept walking, his eyes scanning the various storefronts for any signs of a job opening. He knew he had to find something soon before his funds ran out.

Nexus continued his search for a job in the city, wandering the streets in search of opportunities. He passed by several stores and cafes, but none of them seemed to pique his interest. Eventually, he stumbled upon a wallpaper post announcing an audition for an acting role.

"Acting, huh?" Nexus muttered to himself as he read the details on the wallpaper post. "Well, I've never tried it before. Might as well give it a shot."

Mundus snickered at Nexus. "Acting? Really? Are you sure you have the chops for it?"

Ignoring Mundus' snide remark, Nexus decided to give it a try. He made his way to the audition location and found himself in a long line of aspiring actors. Nexus took a deep breath and prepared himself for the audition.

As he waited for his turn, Nexus noticed that the other actors seemed to be nervous, fidgeting and rehearsing their lines. He smirked, knowing that he had already faced much worse in his battles as Kamen Rider Zephyr Blaze.

Finally, it was Nexus' turn to step into the audition room. The director sat at a desk, looking bored and uninterested. Nexus introduced himself and the director signaled for him to begin.

Nexus stumbled at first, struggling to find the right tone and delivery for his lines. The director looked unimpressed, and Nexus could feel his(director's) hopes slipping away.

But then, something clicked. Nexus found himself sinking into the role, and his lines flowed smoothly from his lips. The director's expression changed, and he leaned forward in interest.

"That was unexpected," the director said with a smile. "You've got the part. Be here tomorrow for the script reading."

Nexus couldn't believe it. He had never acted before, but it seemed that he had a natural talent for it. As he walked out of the audition room, he couldn't help but grin to himself.

Mundus spoke up, "I'm impressed. Maybe you have a future in the movie industry."

Nexus rolled his eyes, "Don't get too excited. It's just a small role."

After that, he spent the rest of his time observing other actors. He could go back to the motel way earlier but he wanted to see who else would be contending but by the time it was done, Nexus realized it was night and it was time for him to head back. Along the way, his thoughts drifted to the Fiends. He shook his head as he walked down the street, his thoughts consumed by the possibility of more fiends appearing in this world. He knew it was his duty as a Kamen Rider to stop them, but the idea of an endless battle against the darkness was daunting. He turned to his ring, Mundus, and asked him a question.

"Hey, Mundus, what do you think about the possibility of more fiends appearing in this world?" Nexus asked, his voice low.

Mundus responded with his usual crass and vulgar tone. "What do you think, dumbass? With all the negativity and hatred in this world, it's a miracle more fiends haven't been born."

Nexus lets out a heavy sigh, knowing that his job will never truly be finished. "I suppose you're right. But I can't help but wonder, when will it all end? Will I ever be able to rest?"

Mundus chuckles at Nexus' question. "Rest? You? Please, don't make me laugh. You were born for this. You chose to be the Kamen Rider for a vengance. So stop whining and get back to work, kid."

Nexus rolls his eyes at Mundus' response, but deep down, he knows the ring is right. His duty as a Kamen Rider will never truly be over, but he will continue to fight for as long as he can.

"Thanks for the insight, Mundus. I guess I'll never truly be able to rest," Nexus says, a hint of resignation in his voice.

Mundus laughs once again. "That's the spirit! Now come on, let's get back to the motel. You've got a big day tomorrow, remember?"

Nexus smiled at the ring's words, feeling a small spark of excitement at the thought of future battles. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to do whatever it took to protect this world from the darkness.

As he walked back to the motel, Nexus couldn't help but think about the young woman he had met the day before. He wondered if he would ever see her again, and if he did, what he would say to her.

Nexus arrived at the motel and headed up to his room, feeling a sense of exhaustion wash over him. He knew he had a big day tomorrow, but for now, he just wanted to rest. He closed his eyes, feeling the weight of his responsibilities heavy on his shoulders.

But as he drifted off to sleep, Nexus felt a small spark of hope in his heart. Maybe, just maybe, he could make a difference in this world. And maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to bring a little bit of light to the darkness.

AN: Slight changes, Hoshino Ai in this fanfic is just starting out as an idol. Special thanks to Akira_Hishigami for giving me the idea. Thanks for the support.