
Kakashi: A new life another world

Kakashi is taken to the world of The Witcher, follow him interacting with the characters from the work, his presence in that world will change canonical events and the way the characters interact with each other.

Aphis · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs

Philippa's decision.

After splitting the golem in half while destroying its core, using a single blow, Kakashi put away his sword, which did not suffer any damage from that attack.

He turned and returned to the place where the four sorceresses were waiting for him, taking Yennefer aside who already knew his true abilities.

They all had expressions of disbelief on their faces, they wondered internally if they could do the same as Kakashi.

They asked themselves if they could defeat a golem with such ease and speed, and the answer was no, they could even defeat a golem with a single spell.

However, this spell would leave them dizzy and a little exhausted, a golem can only be defeated when its core is destroyed.

This fact alone would hinder them, in eliminating this being, it would take them some time to undo its defenses, to be able to defeat it.

Kakashi however made it seem so easy, that they felt embarrassed, that a small child could do something they couldn't.

Even after Kakashi approached them, the three didn't say anything, they looked at him strangely.

Staring at Kakashi, several thoughts run through Philippa's mind, the battle she just witnessed was very impactful for her.

None of the three expected the outcome of the battle to be this, they didn't know what skills he would show, even in their most favorable predictions for Kakashi, they didn't expect this level of skill.

The one who was most pleased with Kakashi's demonstration of power was Philippa, she was the one who had the greatest expectations about Kakashi's abilities, but even she was taken by surprise.

She couldn't quite describe what she was feeling, but one thing she was sure of, Kakashi wasn't someone normal, he was far superior to a normal person.

It didn't matter to her, whether Kakashi was a person with ancestral blood or not, his skills were very valuable to her.

Philippa was aware that she made the right choice in coming to Arentuza, so she could finally see a clear path to achieving her goals.

Her eyes glittered with greed as she stared at him.

Kakashi, from the moment she saw him, Philippa knew he was special, that he was different, but she didn't expect a situation like this, his value increased a lot in her eyes.

'I've already made up my mind, Kakashi, I'm going to make him mine alone, with him by my side my plans can be successful, making me Queen of the North won't be anymore, just a distant dream'.

Philippa looked at him with eyes full of desire, she had the goal of possessing Kakashi, with his skill in element manipulation, he was unique and priceless in her eyes.

Even though she didn't know the limits of Kakashi's powers, Philippa believed he was an invaluable asset, just thinking about how many abilities he kept secret made her eager to find out more about him.

She was even happy to have risked yesterday to listen to his conversation with Yennefer, so Philippa discovered that inside this child's body, she resided the mind of an adult.

This fact alone changed Philippa's understanding of Kakashi a lot, just discovering that he was actually an adult man made a big difference to her plans.

From her years of experience Philippa knew that it was much easier for a beautiful adult woman to win the affection of a grown man than to win the affection of an intelligent and mature child.

Her plans were completely modified after she discovered this, her range of possible actions expanded, an adult's mind was different from a child's.

No matter what she had to do, Philippa would bring Kakashi to her side, someone powerful like him was a rarity, he was like a new discovery for her.

She didn't know why, but something told her that if she had him by her side, in addition to being protected she would also have her plans made easier.

In addition to great power, Kakashi also showed maturity, intelligence and experience, characteristics that combined would make him a great threat to his enemies.

At the same time, he would make his allies lucky, as they would have someone of his caliber supporting them.

Kakashi had other qualities that were very important to men, he was modest and polite, he seemed like a great combination of positive points in the female view.

Kakashi was like a unicorn to the women of this world, he had several personality traits that would be conflicting for men of that time, but they seemed so natural to him.

Men in this world, when they were intelligent, educated and mature, were very arrogant and boring, it was unbearable to spend time with them, women would just look for their status and money.

When they were powerful, masculine and modest, they were dumb and easily manipulated, with embarrassing behavior in social circles, they were attractive, but it was not a person they would like to present.

On the occasions when they had all these qualities they were very ugly or old, a good example of this was Dijkstra, whose only defect in Philippa's eyes was her appearance.

Dijkstra, was an ambitious young man, who was quickly rising through the ranks of authority in Redania, he was someone interesting in her eyes, but his appearance was what diminished his value.

He was very ugly in her eyes, Philippa could ignore his appearance if he wasn't so disgusting to her.

But he was a subject beyond his eyes were focused, on a treasure far more valuable.

Philippa didn't mind waiting for Kakashi to grow up a little more, it was obvious to anyone who saw him that he would be a beautiful man in the future.

As he grew older, she would get closer to him and gain her affection over time, Philippa never believed that she would fail, for her it was not a question of possibility.

She believed that with enough time she could get him by her side, no one would stop her dreams.

The other two had other, less selfish thoughts on their minds, but they were no less surprised than Philippa.

Tissaia saw Kakashi as a hope, she wanted the Sorceresses to be protected and therefore, she wanted to create a kingdom that the Sorceresses commanded and had its own army.

She did not have the greed to be the Queen of this Kingdom, but she believed that she was the most capable of this obligation, Philippa was very greedy and Margarita did not care about politics.

There were other names for this task, but they all had their flaws or would not be interested in taking on so much responsibility.

Margarita was curious to discover Kakashi's limits, what he showed today gained her interest, she would also do everything to protect him from the greed of others, she would let him grow and only then decide her path.

Realizing the strangeness of the situation, Kakashi approached Yennefer and asked softly.

"Yen, did I exaggerate?", Yennefer didn't know what to say, she told him not to show too many skills, and Kakashi did that.

But he is so skilled that it was difficult not to leave everyone impressed, Yennefer couldn't criticize him for that, this whole situation was complicated, and there was no correct answer to the situation.

There would be no way for Kakashi to know exactly how to conclude the duel with the golem, in a way that wouldn't impress them so much, while at the same time showing that he would be special enough to be able to break the rules.

Knowing that she had asked a difficult thing of him, which was to impress them while holding back.

The creature didn't stand a chance, so she had no right to criticize Kakashi for exaggerating, he was only in this situation because of her.

Yennefer decided that it didn't matter anymore, her focus should be on how to negotiate with them to get the maximum benefits possible for her and Kakashi.

With a slightly crooked smile on her face, Yennefer said, "You exaggerated just a little, but that doesn't matter now."

After a while the three recovered from their initial confusion, the surprise had already been overcome, now they would have to have another focus.

Tissia after seeing Kakashi's energy manipulation ability, in her mind she was sure about her origins, for her Kakashi had ancestral blood running through his veins.

Looking at Kakashi completely, looking for any injuries, he was too precious to be hurt, Tissaia was in ecstasy, the ancestral blood was like a legend.

A legend that was confirmed in front of her, she felt lucky currently few knew about their existence, those who knew believed that they could no longer exist.

The ancient bloods had been studied by another generation of sorceresses, and even they were unable to confirm their existence.

It was the dream of scholars to find a living specimen, but over time and with scant evidence of their existence, they were classified as legends and forgotten.

That's why when rumors about the princess of Cintra emerged, they didn't take the risk to confirm the veracity of the information.

It could be just another magical outburst from a woman who had the talent to be a sorceress, cases of great destruction, caused by lack of emotional control, on the part of people who had a magical affinity were not so rare.

As many Sorceresses did not know, the Brotherhood decided not to interfere in this matter with the ancestral blood.

However, some still knew them superficially, so it became a small debate in the group, even Tissaia was not a student of the subject, she started to research more when she felt Kakashi's strange energy.

And with such limited information in her hands, her belief and hope was what it took to believe in this fact.

After seeing that Kakashi was okay, Tissaia placed a gentle smile on her face, and approached him, bending down to look into her eyes.

She wanted to convey a sense of equality and closeness to him.

"Kakashi you are impressive, when Yennefer told me about her abilities I was skeptical, but she didn't exaggerate, in fact she softened a little, you are much more impressive than she told us."

Facing Kakashi, while observing his expressions, Tissaia continued to speak, she wanted to confirm his feelings.

"Kakashi I have a great proposal for you, how about you study here in Arentuza? If you accept I will give you everything you want."

Once again, everyone was surprised, none of them who knew Tissaia expected such an attitude from her.

Yennefer especially didn't expect this kind of development in this meeting, she expected that Tissaia would still show a little resistance about Kakashi's entry into Arentuza, everything was so easy that it left her confused.

That attitude didn't suit the Tissaia she knew, Yennefer didn't expect her to do an action like that.

Tissaia was widely known for her rigidity and irrational adherence to rules, Tissaia was an extremist when it came to following traditions, her morality was quite inflexible.

Her action of almost begging Kakashi to enter Arentuza, left Yennefer without a reaction, the confusion was so great in her head, she was taken completely by surprise, but it wasn't just her who was surprised by Tissaia's action.

Margarita and Philippa were in a similar situation to Yennefer, the agreement was for them to meet at night and only then would they decide how they would attract Kakashi and Yennefer to Arentuza.

And then to the Brotherhood, however Tissaia was so moved, that she found a person who could help make her wish come true, that greed took over her and she couldn't think straight.

Wanting to make the Sorceresses the rulers of this continent, Tissaia wanted to create a place so that everyone with magical affinities could stay safe and protect themselves from the influence of other powers on the continent.

The history of humans showed her that one time or another, they would go after the sorceress too, just like they did with the elves and other intelligent beings of other races, Tissaia wanted to prevent this outcome before it was inevitable.

Visualizing the possibility of fulfilling her desires was what made her lose control over her feelings, when she realized what she had done it was too late.

Her head was working furiously to find a way out of this embarrassing situation, but nothing came to her mind and the situation was quite unfavorable for her.

Noticing that situation Kakashi decided to play with Yennefer, to alleviate that heavy atmosphere, he put on an arrogant posture and looked at Yennefer next to him.

Kakashi gave Yennefer an eye smile, he conveyed the message with his look, 'question my methods, but not my results'.

Yennefer was reading his thoughts and rolled her eyes, every time they had an important meeting, Yennefer linked their minds, so that they can efficiently decide the best choice.

That little joke from Kakashi took Yennefer out of her stupor, she let out a fake cheer, to get everyone's attention.

Passing a message to Kakashi in her mind, Yennefer told him to leave the situation with her.

"After this fight, Kakashi must be tired, I believe it is best for him to return to his room and rest, and the four of us can discuss this matter alone."

Making her seen as an intermediary between the Sorceresses and Kakashi, Yennefer wanted to limit their access to Kakashi, so she could help Kakashi, reduce encounters with people who only wanted to manipulate him.

But it wasn't just out of jealousy that Yennefer had made this decision, even though she was very jealous and possessive of Kakashi and her feelings for him were confusing, Yennefer knew how difficult it was to get close to him.

She trusted that Kakashi would not fall for her manipulations and traps, so her action had as its main objective lessening the pressure he would suffer, bringing all this problematic part for her to deal with.

Feeling guilty for putting Kakashi in this situation, Yennefer wanted to protect him in any way she could, it would help her feel better about herself, even if she didn't want to admit it, Yennefer was very afraid of losing him to someone else.

This feeling could be irrational on her part, but she was still very afraid of being abandoned, Yennefer didn't want to be alone again, so she did everything to show that she was useful to Kakashi.

Even though she wanted to hide her feelings from him, Kakashi knew her too well to know what she was feeling and thinking, touching her hand, he wanted to reassure Yennefer.

"Yen I'm fine, I don't need to rest, let's do this together like always."

Kakashi trusted Yennefer with his life, this action of his was in no way motivated by distrust, he just wouldn't feel comfortable letting Yennefer take this responsibility alone.

He knew what Yennefer's objective was with her action, wanting to put all the political pressure on herself, this attitude would help Kakashi, but it would put her at the center of the political fight.

Even though he knew this would be the best option for them, Kakashi wasn't the type of person who would let the people important to him suffer, just because it was the easiest path to take.

However, that wasn't the only thing that drove his decision, he didn't want Yennefer to feel like she had to sacrifice herself for him, Kakashi didn't care if she was useful, for him it didn't matter.

The most important thing was the feelings the two had for each other, just knowing that she would use her life to protect him and he would do the same for her, was enough for Kakashi.

Looking at the confused Yennefer, Kakashi showed determination in looking at her, he was informing her that he would not leave her alone and the two were together.

Giving a helpless sigh, Kakashi did not follow her plan, but unlike what was expected, Yennefer was not angry or frustrated with Kakashi's action.

Yennefer put a helpless and upset expression on her face, however Kakashi knew that she was happy and satisfied with his action, her chest warmed feeling his affection and concern.

For Kakashi, women were curious creatures, when they wanted a certain action from men, they didn't like to tell him what they really wanted.

They usually skirt around the subject hoping that men will realize their unclear intentions, and satisfy their desires, it was frustrating, but Kakashi had already gotten used to this peculiarity of women.

Triss used to do this a lot at the beginning of their relationship, not showing what she really wanted, but over time she was more direct and sincere with her desires, Triss would say directly what she wanted from him or go there and get what she wanted. I wanted.

Kakashi even forgot how many times she was impulsive, with her desires putting the secret of their relationship at risk.

Yennefer, on the other hand, was not so direct with her feelings, she was always afraid to express herself, it took Kakashi much longer to learn to discover what her real desires were.

Withdrawing his gaze from Yennefer, Kakashi returned his gaze to the three, "So can we start the meeting?"

Still confused about what was happening between the two, the three agreed with this configuration, so they decided to change places where they could talk more comfortably.

In the meeting they had that day, several topics were discussed between them, first it was decided that Kakashi would enter the Arentuza magic school, he wouldn't really need to study if he didn't want to.

This action would be to legitimize his future entry into the Brotherhood, even though the three were very influential, some rules could not be broken if he did not graduate and become a sorceress recognized by the institution.

His joining the Brotherhood would be frowned upon, and he would face unnecessary pressure, so spending a few years studying or pretending to study was the best decision for Kakashi.

The second decision was that Kakashi would join the Brotherhood when he turned twelve, right after graduating from Arentuza school, he would be slowly introduced into the highest layer of sorceress society, in order to become familiar with them.

Third decision was that he and Yennefer would not get into political fights directly, they both wanted independence so they could make the decisions they wanted.

They did not want to be used as bargaining chips or as anyone's weapon, the two would decide in which matters they would intervene or participate directly or indirectly, Kakashi would never be a tool for any organization.

These were the main points of the conversation they had, after these points they separated and each group went their own way.

Kakashi and Yennefer returned to their room, waiting for dinner, they didn't talk much to each other, the conversation they had with the three of them was exhausting and time-consuming, taking up most of their day.

At dinner time the two sat facing each other, Kakashi noticed Yennefer's strangeness, she was very silent and thoughtful, she didn't look like Yennefer usual.

Facing Yennefer, Kakashi decided to approach her about the cause of her strangeness.

"Yen, are you okay? You've been acting strange since we had that conversation with them, you've barely touched your food and wine, you're just staring into space thoughtfully."

Knowing he was telling the truth Yennefer returned her gaze to Kakashi, she was having self deprecating thoughts.

Even though the conversation they had was a success in her view, she and Kakashi got what they wanted, and they didn't have to pay a high price for it, it was unbelievable how much those three gave in, just to have Kakashi in the Brotherhood.

However she felt bad, Yennefer believes that she was always depending on Kakashi for everything, she was never the one who saved him in the end, that was always the role he took for himself.

In that world of illusion and in that world, Kakashi was always the one who took care of her and not the other way around, she was feeling useless, Yennefer didn't know what she could offer Kakashi, she felt like she was dragging him down.

Believing that without her, Kakashi would be much better off, he wouldn't need to be in that situation with those hypocritical and greedy people, if it weren't for her.

It seemed like she couldn't do anything correctly, it was because of her decisions that Kakashi always got seriously injured, both times he protected her by sticking himself in front of her, using his own body as a shield.

It was her fault that Kakashi was forced to join this group, who only wanted to use him, if it weren't for her Kakashi wouldn't have had to go through these difficult times in his life, he would be much better off without her in his life.

Yennefer was blaming herself, she had sworn that in this world she was the one who would take care of Kakashi and not the other way around, but it seemed like she was harming him once again, whenever she tried to do something for Kakashi, she was never the one to deal with the consequences. .

Noticing that Yennefer's mood was not very good, Kakashi placed his hand on top of Yennefer's hand to calm her mood.

"I'm here for you, Yen, you know you can tell me everything you're feeling."

Knowing that Kakashi could be pushy when she wanted, Yennefer decided to open her heart to him, she would talk about her frustrations.

"I feel useless Kakashi, I'm not able to help you the way I want, I'm always putting you in danger."

After she started talking, Yennefer didn't stop pouring out everything she was feeling with Kakashi.

"Kakashi, you've always protected me and helped me, and I can't do anything to help you, every time I just end up getting you in trouble."

His words came out like a waterfall, his frustration was apparent in his tone of voice.

"Since the two of us met, you've always taken care of me, always putting yourself in complicated situations to protect and help me."

She was a little crestfallen about the situation, this would be the first thing she felt like she could do something to help Kakashi.

But he didn't let Yennefer suffer the consequences of this choice alone, once again he stood by her side to help and support her.

This left her a little depressed, it was great to have someone who was always by her side helping her, but when you only receive and get nothing in return.

It was something very frustrating for a person who really cares about another, Yennefer didn't know what she could do for Kakashi.

He didn't care about her beauty, status, money or influence, Kakashi deserved a true act of affection and care, but she didn't know what she could do for him, everything she thought was insufficient as a form of gratitude in her view. .

If it were anyone else, an expensive and special gift might be enough as a thank you, but Yennefer felt that Kakashi deserved much more than that.

Kakashi however didn't care about these things, wealth and prestige were not things he wanted, Kakashi cared more for attitude than for these empty things.

What Yennefer didn't seem to know was that for him her feelings were enough, he never expected to receive anything in return from her, the only thing he expected was something she always gave him.

Smiling at her, Kakashi ran his hand over Yennefer's face and hair trying to cheer her up, he then joked.

"Yen you don't need to feel bad, if it's to make you feel better, I can cause some problems, and wait for you to rescue me on your white horse, I promise not to move a muscle to save me, you will have to do everything hard work"

Her comment made a small smile appear on Yennefer's face, Kakashi always had a way of making her cheer up again.

"Kakashi, you know you don't need to look for problems, they always end up finding you, you have a rare talent in attracting problems."

Running her hand through Kakashi's hair, Yennefer returned her joke using a playful tone.

"But when that happens, when you are trapped in a tower, kidnapped by an evil sorceress, I will save you, my defenseless little prince, I will put you on my horse and we will have our happily ever after."

Atmosphere at dinner improved, jokes and jokes appeared constantly in their conversation.

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