
just be into me (GL)

: : —

Hee_won · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Luella Williams

"Remember, avoid junk foods, don't overwork yourself, don't neglect your sleep" it was the 100th time her mom had said these and Luella was fed up.

"I know" she answered calmly

They were currently at the airport, ready to send her off.

"Do not forget, avoid the opposite gender. Do not be the reason why someone's precious son lost his penis" Lee warned, earning a glare from his mother.

Their father had something important going on and Whitney left to do her thing so only Lee and her mom were available to send her off.

"You didn't loose your brother when you pursued Whitney, did you?" Luella rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, because I'm a perfect gentleman"

"My ass" Ella rolled her eyes

Seriously, their crazy banter....

After countless reminders and few drops of tears, Luella waved them goodbye and left.

"Jeez mom, she's not dead" Lee couldn't help but grumble in dissatisfaction after seeing his mom cry


Luella wasn't sure how many times she slept before the plane finally landed.

First thing she noticed in her new environment was the weather, it was very cold. Thankfully, she had read about the unusual weather and was prepared for it, though it was more cold than she expected.

Just as she was thinking of a way to get a cab, she saw someone holding a mini board with her name written boldly.

That's lame... she thought, it was normal though.

Walking up to the young man, she tapped his shoulder gently. He seemed to be caught off guard since all his attention was on his phone.

He raised his brows, the words 'what do you want' written all over his face

"I'm Luella" she said calmly, pointing towards the board

It took him few seconds to register what she said before he gave a single "oh"

This time, it was Luella's turn to raise her brows since he wasn't saying anything else. He was texting someone seriously, she was really tired after the long flight and needed to rest.

"I'm the duke's son" he said after god knows how long.

Luella wanted to scream 'I don't care' , but swallowed her words in order to not get a bad feedback about herself on her first day in this foreign land.

She simply gave him a nod of acknowledgment before he ushered her to follow him.

Shameless asshole, he couldn't even help her carry her stuff. What type of guy would calmly lean on his dirty, lame car while watching a girl struggle to keep her stuff in order.


The ride to wherever they were going was very quiet. Luella had just fallen asleep when the asshole pulled over near a building.

"What now?" Ella grumbled, frowning

"Move to the back" came the young man's not very polite voice

"And why should I?" Ella asked, her frown deepening. She was currently sitting at the front passenger seat.

"Because I want you to" the young man frowned

"And what if I don't want to?" Ella asked, hands stubbornly folded on her chest.

The young man didn't answer instead he got down, moved to Ella's side, opened the door and gestured for her to get down.

Hell! This wasn't the first day she had imagined, who the hell was this scum!!!

Ella had no plans to move, who dared to bully a Williams

"Lee?" A voice came from behind the maniac. Seriously! Lee? Were all Lees annoying?

The young man turned to face whoever had called him and smiled widely..... Seriously!!

Luella also turned to look at the direction he was looking at and saw a chubby, no fat, lady walking towards the car.

Was that his girlfriend? Cause hell, she'll definitely laugh her ass out.

The girl's hair was tied in a messy bun, wearing an high school uniform with big, round glasses. The fatty wasn't ugly just weird and looked easy to bully.

"Brother Lee, this is?" The girl asked with raised brows

"Ion know, dad asked me to pick her up..."

"I'm Ella, Luella Williams" Luella said, still sitting.

The girl gasped in shock before saying "Luella Williams, as in Country A's Williams?"

Why was she overreacting....

"Yup" Luella shrugged "That's me"

"I'm Belly, and he's Levi, my brother" the girl, Belly, said shyly.

"Pleasure to meet you" was all Luella had to say.

Belly quickly hopped into the back seat, paying zero attention to her brother who was still standing in shock.

"You're her?" He asked clearly shocked

Luella raised her brows at him, what happened now, why were they overreacting?

"That shouldn't stop you from hopping in and driving. I'm really tired and need to rest, You've already wasted too much time" Ella's head had started aching and she was really hungry.


W_W here

Like I said, there'll be a few changes

Hope you like..

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