
Just Another Beginning After the End | TBATE

The Beginning After the End details the story of King Grey's life after his reincarnation as Arthur Leywin in a new world. However, who's to say he was the only one? Before King Grey departed from his world, before he became King, he had friends that stuck with him, even in his narrowmindedness. Among these friends was Arias, who lived the entirety of his life devoted to his friends but was stabbed through the heart by his most cherished and precious friend. Now, reborn as Asher Aureus, he has a second chance to finally live his life the way he wants to. However, old habits die hard. Especially when it comes to the ones you cherish.

Rua7 · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Onward! The World Awaits!


Honestly, I have no idea why this chapter took me so freaking long to write.

Anyways, I'm sure you don't want to hear me complain so happy reading :D

—Tok tok.

Alea and I turned to the door.

"Come in."

Alea called out, and the door slowly opened, revealing a nervous maid.

"E-excuse me."

The maid stuttered.

"H-here's the outfit t-that L-Lord Virion has prepared f-for C-candidate Asher Aureus."


Was it something I did? The maid was barely able to speak straight. Alea had a similar expression of confusion but walked up and took the parcel.

"Please deliver our message of gratefulness to Lord Virion."

Alea smiled amiably as she spoke, but the maid bowed quickly and left as though she were running away.

"…Did you do something to the maid?"

Alea turned and asked with visible concern.

"No… did you?"

"Not that I recall…"

Alea scratched the back of her head as she walked forward with the parcel.


3rd Person POV

Unsurprisingly, the conjectures made by Alea and Asher were completely off the mark.

The real reason why the maid was stuttering and having difficulty speaking was not because of nervousness but rather because of extreme sadness.

The cause of this great sorrow was that she had been notified that Asher was leaving the kingdom for the Interracial Tournament.

In fact, this sentiment was actually shared by every member of the staff of the royal palace.

Though Asher was utterly oblivious to it, he had become beloved by almost everyone who resided within the palace throughout the years that he had spent there.

Despite having just been acting like anyone would to any other person, saying his pleases and thank you's, for the palace workers, such treatment was something that they could never have dreamed of receiving from someone like a Candidate who also received instruction from Virion and Prime Candidate Alea.

Now, under normal circumstances, actions like these would just have garnered respect. However, due to Asher's adorable appearance and his cute child-like voice, such respect turned into adoration and fangirling. This was especially apparent in the maids' mental scape when Asher would thank them for giving him chocolate or treats.

It was no wonder why the entirety of the palace had a gloomy atmosphere.

However, this dejection wasn't limited to the staff. Even the very King and Queen of Elenoir were in low spirits along with Virion though, Virion was also sad due to another departure.

In any case, although Asher was a human, he had really grown on every resident of the palace during the 4 long yet short years that he had spent with them.

However, despite the overall negative air, there was still an excited buzz.

Asher was going to be representing the elves, after all.


Asher POV

"How do I look?"

I glanced up at Alea, who was busy scrutinizing my outfit.

Conceptually, it was relatively simple. I wore a simple white elven robe tied by a light blue sash along with a pair of black pants that decorated my legs. Over all of this, a white cloak with a golden pattern lining the edges draped over my body.

"Mm… satisfactory."

Alea had picked up a habit of playing dress-up with me at some point and often fussed over my clothes more than she did hers. Though I personally found it exhausting, Alea seemed to enjoy it way more than making herself pretty, so I went along with it.

Anyways, it seemed that Virion's fashion sense earned Alea's approval.

"…But why do I have to wear this cloak?"

While it matched my hair and eyes, I couldn't help but feel a bit strange putting on a few decades old fashion; in my old world, that is.

"Well, we don't want the humans learning of your status as a human."

"Oh, right."

Suddenly, another voice spoke. It was Virion.

"If they found out, they might try to demand custody of you."

The old elf leaned on the door frame with a satisfied smile as he scanned me. Feeling a bit mischievous, I threw out a jab.

"…Did you guys get a divorce or something?"


Virion frowned at the bad joke before continuing.

"There's also going to be another human brat that'll be accompanying you."


I knew of the child's existence, but I was still unaware of his name, age, or anything about him. I looked at Virion with a look that said, "gimme all the details."

"Just keep your hood on and win."

Ignoring me, Virion smirked and then left.

Left alone, Alea asked me with a slightly anxious face.

"You'll be fine, right?"

"Gosh, you're the one who wanted me to go."

"I know…"

"I'll be fine."

I couldn't help but smile. The person who was struggling to figure out how to put on a pair of diapers and feed a baby was no more. I could tell that she had truly grown into a fine moth—

—Move it and get down here!

Virion's voice interrupted our little moment.


We broke into laughter and began walking down, pulling on my hood over my head while talking about various things.

"…Right, so make sure… you… uh…"

Alea's voice trailed off as we had stumbled rather awkwardly into a scene of a passionate embrace between two children.

One seemed to be the princess I met a few months ago, while the other appeared to be the previously mentioned human child.

Now, usually, we'd just scoot by, but they were currently hugging right at the front entrance to the palace, leaving us with little to no scooting space.

I looked over to Alea, but her face had the words, "I have no clue either. Don't ask me," written all over it.

I turned back to the scene and saw Virion with a satisfied smile plastered on his old mug.


No words could come close to explaining just how awkward the situation was right now. It reminded me of the days I spent third-wheeling while hanging out in my previous life.

Those two were…

I shook it off.

I didn't know what happened to them, but I was sure that they were happy now. So long as they followed the plan…

Agh. Forget it. I'm sure they're fine… probably.

I returned to the situation at hand.

…Brain? Analysis.

All evidence indicates that we need to break them apart.


"Excuse me?"

My sudden voice caused the princess and the human boy to jolt apart. It was then I noticed an interesting reaction.

…Aha, so the kid was just acting all cool.

The human boy, who had maintained a straight face throughout their hug, was currently blushing after having been called out.

…How cute.

I inwardly chuckled as I began to walk forward.

As I walked past the boy, a breeze gently flowed by, carrying a few leaves. I exchanged a glance with the human child.

When we made eye contact, I felt a strange urge to introduce myself.

"Asher Aureus."

It evoked an odd feeling like as though I were meeting someone again for the first time in a while and needed to reintroduce myself to remind them.

"…Arthur Leywin."

The boy responded in kind.


"…What was that?"

I flinched and looked at Alea, who had a face filled with schadenfreude. My face flushed, immediately realizing just how cringey the scene from earlier was.

"What was that~?"

"Shut up."


I couldn't think of anything to say, so I inwardly grumbled as I walked… no stomped on.

Then a familiar authoritative voice called out to me.

"Do take care."

I turned. It was the King and Queen.

If I were to explain my relationship with the King, it would be like the 'soon to be friends' relationship. We knew each other and were friendly enough but weren't close enough to call us friends. As for the Queen, it'd be that neighbor who was pretty much an aunt that changed your diapers… not that she did, of course.

In any case, the King and Queen's faces held some kind of emotion as they looked at me. Was it expectation?

I took on a solemn and serious atmosphere, and I got on a knee. I bowed as respectfully as possible.

"I shall bring back victory and glory."

The King widened his eyes as he was probably expecting me to just shrug it off and say 'later' or something. The Queen lightly laughed and smiled.

I got up and turned.


Alea held back a laugh.


"Pft, oh jeez, do you pft, put an effort to be like this?"

Alea could barely hold herself from bursting out in laughter.

"Shush it!"

"Pft! Hahaha!"

I shouted as she cracked and broke into a peal of laughter.


Seeing her enjoy herself, my anger dissipated, and I sighed as I looked away with a defeated chuckle.

Before we noticed, we arrived a few meters in front of the carriage, and Alea's laughter subsided.

"Well, then—"

My voice was cut out as Alea suddenly hugged me.


I looked at her with a confused face, my face popping out over her shoulder.

"…Be careful out there."


I stared silently before cracking into a gentle smile.

"I told you, didn't I? I'm going to win."

She peeled herself off and held my shoulders at arm's length. It was then I realized her teasing and joking was to uplift her own mood.

I wasn't too good with sappy situations like these still, so I did the only thing I could do and smiled.

Seeing me smile, it seemed Alea was reassured.

"Well, go give 'em hell."

My smile deepened.

"Of course."

I turned and walked one, two, three steps and paused.



"You know… for everything."


I could feel Alea's blank stare burning a hole in the back of my head. It was probably the first time she heard me being so mawkish.

"…Alright! Later!"

I waved and walked towards the carriage, my legs locked in a single direction.

It was the first time I was leaving the palace, and it was the first time leaving behind the people that I knew.

But that was something I needed to get used to.

The world was large and vast.

There was no life to be lived if I were to stay cooped up in the palace my whole life.


I wiped my wet eyes as I exhaled and smiled. My adventure of a lifetime was just merely beginning.


Onward! The World Awaits!


More of me!! Nyahahaha!


Anyways, the next chapter will officially begin the Xyrus Tournament Arc which will have a lot more action compared to the first arc's chapters. I'll also finally have an opportunity to display Asher's fighting abilities as well as his mysterious powers :D

Look forward to it!
