
Just Another Beginning After the End | TBATE

The Beginning After the End details the story of King Grey's life after his reincarnation as Arthur Leywin in a new world. However, who's to say he was the only one? Before King Grey departed from his world, before he became King, he had friends that stuck with him, even in his narrowmindedness. Among these friends was Arias, who lived the entirety of his life devoted to his friends but was stabbed through the heart by his most cherished and precious friend. Now, reborn as Asher Aureus, he has a second chance to finally live his life the way he wants to. However, old habits die hard. Especially when it comes to the ones you cherish.

Rua7 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

4 Years


If you couldn't tell by the chapter title, this is the convenient time skip chapter (well, it's convenient for you guys, hard for me). Anyways, as the title says, I'll be time skipping a bit over 4 years. That'll leave Ash at around 6 years of age.

Do let me know what you think of this kind of time skip.

Happy reading :D

I blankly stared at the field that I had passed out on approximately 6 hours ago.

It turns out that we should've come out at about 3 or 2 am so it was about mid-morning. The sun pleasantly shone through the leafy canopy, so, though it was the dead of summer, it almost felt like spring.

During the daytime, the grassy field wasn't anything like it was at night. Rather than the mystical, magical vibe it had at nighttime, the field felt more… well, more normal, I guess.

"Oi brat, stop getting distracted!"

Virion's voice snapped me out of my daze, and I quickly made my way over. Virion gets rather annoying when he starts yelling. Plus, I can't imagine shouting being good for his health at his age.

Once the three of us arrived at the same spot as last time, Virion began.

"Now, how's your body?"

Heeding his instruction, I observed my body.

Strangely, I felt great.

Despite the incredible pain I had gone through a few hours prior, my body was in peak condition. In fact, it was hard to believe that I was in as much pain as I was just a few hours ago, but I wasn't about to complain.

I felt the ends of my lips curling up.

"I'm fine."

I spoke with confidence.

"Oh ho."

"Are you sure you're fine?"

Virion made an impressed sound while Alea asked me with a bit of worry.


I nodded.

"In that case, let's finally discuss your training. Try not to pass out from how awesome it's going to be."

My face turned sour.



…I really need to grow up soon.

"Anyways, your training will be simple."

I let my face return to its original shape and began listening intently.

"Your main problem is your pathetic body."

"I'm two."

"Indeed, you are…"

Virion's speech slowed, and he furrowed his brows.

"…When did you learn to get snarky?"

I shrugged.

Virion lifted a brow but continued.

"As I was saying, your body and core are currently inadequate to properly use your conjuring abilities, and I can't say that it ever will be."

The old elf paused.

"You're already the perfect conjurer but, that perfection is exactly the reason why it's dangerous. Therefore, the main purpose of this training will be to reinforce your body to be better able to handle your ridiculous amounts of mana."

Virion glanced over at Alea, who took over.

"That's why we'll be training your mana channels and your augmentation abilities. You remember those, right?"

I nodded, and a smile bloomed on Alea's face.

"In that case."

Virion grinned.

"Let's begin training."


August, age 2

It's been about a month since I began training, and it's also been my birthday. I'm now officially 2 years old.

In any case, throughout the course of the training, I've been forbidden from doing anything remotely conjurer related. Most of the past month has been spent reinforcing my mana channels to the best of my abilities.

I've discovered that my mana channels are extremely underdeveloped in this world, so it's just been a lot of grinding.

Virion and Alea take turns with my lessons.


October, age 2

Two months have passed, and my mana channels have improved to the point where I can finally circulate mana throughout my whole body.

Though it's not much, it's still a massive improvement compared to before.


January, age 2

It's a new year, and, as though to celebrate it, I've begun actual combat training.

"…Are you sure about this?"

Alea seemed a bit worried.

"I'll be fine."

I walked forward and readied a wooden practice sword.

"Well, if you say so."

She pulled out her own wooden sword and prepared a stance.

Though she was a conjurer, her cultivation had developed to the point where she could use her mana channels to a degree.

As we stood off against one another, I began to feel a rush of some kind.

Was it nostalgia?

No, it was the feeling of facing off against someone.

It was something that I had experienced countless times in my previous life.

Way back then and even now, I felt this feeling.

Staring at each other's eyes and trying to strike down death upon the enemy with deadly killing intent; a true battle. A true duel.

Of course, I wasn't trying to kill Alea, nor was the current me capable of doing so. But the sense was still there.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the cool wintery air, spreading mana throughout my body.


I exhaled, and a deep smile spread across my face.

I opened my eyes, and a soft golden glow radiated from them


With a spirited shout, I charged forward.


November, age 3

I've been training non-stop for the past 11 months, and I have to admit, it's getting boring.

I didn't know if Virion noticed that or not, but he assigned a private tutor to me. He's an elderly elf who's like a stereotypical wise old man character. He has a bushy white beard and a balding head.

He's known as Sophus Berun.

Now, as someone who consistently skipped and slept through classes in my previous life, I was initially against these sessions.

But unlike my previous professors, Sophus didn't demand I stay or force me to learn.

Instead, his teaching style was for me to ask him about things instead.

I don't know if it's his style or perhaps the aura he gives off, but I couldn't help but come to truly enjoy his lessons.


January, age 3

Nothing to report.

I've become accustomed to my everyday life.

Training my channels and doing my best to grow stronger.

Perhaps it's because I've been actively neglecting to refine my core, but I've made little to no progress with it.


May, age 3

I've begun spending some time with the King and Queen.

It wasn't that I was trying to get close with them, but that Virion dragged me along to visit them.

Though they're a bit awkward with me as I was a human, I think we've gotten a bit closer.


June, age 3

Something's happened in the palace.

I heard that something called "Tessia" has gone missing.

What is that? Some kind of national treasure?


August, age 4

Strangely, we celebrated my birthday this year.

In previous years, Alea was the only one who would celebrate or do anything with me. But this year, everyone that I knew had a dinner to celebrate my fourth birthday.

It seemed that it had something to do with babies not often living past the age of 4.

…How morbid.

Regardless, it was fun seeing the King and Queen, Virion, Alea, Sophus, and a few other people I've become acquainted with over the years.

Also, it seems like they've recovered "Tessia," which I've come to find out is actually the princess of the nation.

There are also rumors about Virion taking in a human kid.

I wonder if I'll ever get to meet them.


April, age 4

I've had a run-in with the princess.

It happened one day while I was exploring a part of the castle.

["… Who're you?"

I flinched at the sudden voice before turning around.

It was a young elf girl. With long gunmetal gray hair, I mistook for silver in the sunlight, a pair of gleaming teal eyes shaped like perfectly rounded almonds looked at me with a curious yet slightly haughty expression. While all of her individual facial features seemed to be carefully molded gems, on the fair creamy skin of her face that was the canvas, it brought her features into a surreal, almost phantasmal work of art.

…Of course, this was just an observation that I was pretty sure I copied from somewhere.

"Asher Aureus."


She seemed to be at a loss for words as she opened and closed her mouth a few times, searching for a response.

"… I'll be going now."

It was a bit awkward as I hadn't known she was the princess back then.



I turned to look at her.


"Uh… w-who do you think you are to address me that way?"

…A noble brat?

"Asher Aureus."

Fortunately, my name response worked perfectly.

"No! That's not what I meant~!"

"I'll be going then, bye."

I bowed lightly and left swiftly. I was exhausted from training and a bit too tired to work.

"Hey wai—!"

I didn't hear what else she had to say as she was beyond earshot.]

Upon reflection that night, I felt a strange feeling about her. I'd already considered if it were something weird like romantic attraction, but for some reason, I felt like thinking about her that way was the same as thinking about my sister that way.



June, age 4

I accidentally broke through to the light red stage.

It wasn't intentional, I swear.

…Okay, maybe a little bit. But could you blame me? I was curious about what the next stage would look like.

Virion and Alea nagged me for an hour about how dangerous it could've been and how now they have to readjust the ruptures on my mana coalescing points.

Gosh, it really feels like I'm actually 4.


August, age 5

Yet another birthday comes, and another year passes.

I've grown quite a lot compared to when I began my journey. I can also move my body with much higher proficiency than before.

But the real kicker of the month is… Alea told me about my past. Specifically, my mother.

She didn't reveal much, but she told me that it was because that was really all she knew.

It wasn't anything that I didn't know or already guessed, but I was happy that she told me as it looked like a weight was lifted off of Alea's shoulders.

Something that's changed is that I've become accustomed to calling her by her name now. Our relationships went from one of mother and son to sister and brother. It wasn't something that happened suddenly but something that's just been happening over the years that we spent constantly training with each other.

Still, Alea seems a little bummed out I don't call her mama anymore.


September, age 6

Nothing out of the ordinary has happened for nearly a year now.

It seemed as though that I had wandered up the grand tree that the palace was situated in. I was currently sitting on one of the branches, looking over the elven capital.

The view still blinded my sight, being as awe-inspiring as the first time.


At the same time, I realized that as much as I found this place beautiful, I barely spent any time around it, being cooped up in the castle almost 24/7.

Still, it was moments like these when I could look out upon this city, feeling the gentle breeze and the loving warmth of the sun, that I thought was more fulfilling than any life-or-death battle or grand adventure through the continent.

"… What're you doing up here?"

I jolted slightly at the sudden voice, which made me nearly fall out of the tree.


"Huhu, did I scare you?"

I pouted and glared at her, but she laughed it off.

Seeing her smiling, I couldn't help but do the same.

"Jeez, Alea."

Alea smiled sweetly and sat down next to me.



A brief silence hung as we blankly stared out into the city.

There wasn't a romantic sunset, nor was there a heavy night sky. It was simply midday, with the sun's rays illuminating the Elvish city. However, despite how commonplace the scene was, I couldn't help but be marveled and entranced by its beauty.

"…I know it's hard."

Alea spoke, causing me to peel my eyes away to turn to her. Her greenish white hair gently fluttered in the wind as she smiled bitterly. The sunlight illuminated her face, reminding me that she indeed was a beauty… well, I didn't feel anything towards her other than the love and care that a son or brother would have for his mother or sister.

"…But just work a bit longer."

…It seemed as though she had a misunderstanding about why I came up to the tree.

"Just a little longer, and you'll understand why you're suffering so much right now."


…Should I… fix this?

Nah, too tired.



Despite our incongruent feelings, the two of us enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the autumn breeze of the city hidden behind the leaves.


January, age 6

"So, I'd like Asher to represent the Elves in the upcoming Interracial Tournament at Xyrus."

Virion brought up the topic of discussion for today.

"I see. I can agree with that. Some noble house might disagree, but we can just use the rumors about Asher to convince them."

Alduin readily agreed to the old elf's proposition.


Alea seemed to be excited. I seemed to be in shock.

"W-wait… what?"

Was I finally getting deported?

"You didn't know?"

Virion asked me with an incredulous expression.

"How would I know? Every day is just train, eat, train, eat, train, eat, train, and sleep on repeat."

Virion avoided my gaze as the King, or Alduin Eralith, coughed awkwardly. The Queen, or Merial Eralith, looked at the two men with arched brows before explaining.

"There is a tournament that will be held in the city of Xyrus in four months. This tournament will be a significant event for the future as both the dwarves and elves are sending youths as representatives for both the tournament and as preliminary students to Xyrus Academy."

"Right, Xyrus the…"

My mind blanked.

Luckily, Alea bailed me out.

"Xyrus is a floating human city located in the human kingdom of Sapin."

"…How are you failing in basic geography?"

Virion stealthily changed the topic from my monotonous daily life to me failing geography, but I let it pass.

"Well, I'm sorry."

Still, I ended up getting pouty and looked away.

The King moved on, not wanting to deal with one of my sulks.

"In that case, Asher will go to Xyrus city as the elven representative in 4 months' time. Do you accept—"

"Yeah, yeah."

I dismissed the King thoughtlessly, and he sat with his mouth agape as though someone had hit the pause button on him.


Virion stifled a chuckle.


May, age 6



I made a battle cry and flew into a stance… well, it was closer to a scream due to my child like body, but you get the point.


Seemingly enjoying my reaction, Alea chuckled.

I glared and pouted at her as I climbed off the bed.

"Are you ready?"


I sighed as I responded.

Of course, I was ready.

I glanced out the window to take a look at the clear sky and smiled.

Today was the day I left for Xyrus, after all.