
Chapter 5

Title: Misunderstanding Gone Wrong

[A brief moment later, the intense one-sided battle concluded, leaving V utterly exhausted and famished. Overwhelmed by weariness, V's unconscious form succumbed to the combined effects of fatigue and hunger.]

[Eventually, they were carefully transported to a modest guest house, serving as a diminutive living quarter, providing a semblance of shelter and respite.]

[With a space so confined that only two individuals could comfortably stay, the guest house revealed its compact nature.]

[Despite the villagers' overwhelming gratitude towards their heroic saviour, they understood V's dire condition and prioritized his recovery above all else. Expressing their appreciation would have to wait until V regained strength and vitality, allowing them to properly convey their heartfelt thanks.]

Sukiyaki: Take care of him, Hiyori.

[Old man instructed, the girl who was his daughter, possesses captivating long black hair that cascades elegantly, complementing her slender and graceful figure.]

[She adorns herself in a traditional kimono, accentuated by a delicate butterfly-shaped hairpin, enhancing her enchanting appearance.]

Hiyori: Yes, grandfather. Should I prepare some food for him if he wakes up?

[She agreed and inquired while whispering as it was quite dark outside plus he was in deep deep sleep.]

Sukiyaki: I leave that on you, then. 'Now I have to prepare the swords for him. Although I feel he can pull this off, I am a little conflicted…'

[He responded to her question and left the house while thinking what he should do because those swords which V's demanded have killed a few thugs who tried to steal them.]

[As he leaves, he continues to ponder about the circumstance.]

Hiyori: *Yawn, I also need to sleep. It's quite late.

[She commented with a soft yawn as she stretched her arms around. She extinguished the small fire which was lighting the whole house. She slept in her bed, which was next to his.]

Hiyori POV- - -

Hiyori: 'Today I am totally drained, but I have to work hard for the sake of my people. I have to raise my rank and reach the top to ease the life of people here.'

[In the serene embrace of my bedroom, I lay in bed, enveloped by a profound stillness. Contemplating the crucial decisions that awaited resolution, I sensed the urgency to choose my path before surrendering to slumber's soothing grasp.]

[The weight of responsibility pressed upon me, urging me to select with conviction. Engulfed in the profound silence, I closed my eyes, immersing myself in the struggle between reason and intuition.]

[Determined to find resolution, I promised myself that sleep would only come after making up my mind.]

Hiyori: huh?

[My slumber was disturbed by a sudden sensation of warmth and comfort, and as I slowly opened my eyes to look, I was surprised by what I saw.]

Hiyori: H- H- He is embracing me!!!

[I yelled in my mind out loud, completely woken up by the moment because it was so out of anticipation I froze on the spot.]

[My body and mind stopped working, digesting that the man who saved the village from doom was holding me in his arms.]

Hiyori: 'Wake him up!' Mister wake up~ mister~ *poke X3 'What should I do now… I will feel bad now if I disturb his sleep….ahhh'

[I whisper softly into the hero's ears, calling him again and over, trying to wake him from his rock-like sleep, but nothing works. I realized at this point that he must be too exhausted to wake up.]

Hiyori: '*sniff He smells good… his muscles are…. Like steel. He looks….ahh! What am I thinking? I am such a pervert.'

Hiyori: 'All of us were saved by him, and I was having inappropriate thoughts about him..'

[Over time, I got more and more relaxed in his strong embrace. And I began to cook strange thoughts from then on. One thought that led to another later became inappropriate as I panicked because of it.]

V: MMmmm

[As he shifted and let out a soft groan, discomfort etched across his face, I couldn't help but freeze, paralyzed with concern. My heart skipped a beat, fearing I had disturbed his slumber.]

[Yet, as he continued to sleep soundly, oblivious to my presence, a sigh of relief escaped my lips, releasing the tension that had gripped me.]

Hiyori: 'Instead of disturbing his sleep by making a fuss about it, I should *Yawnn sleep.'

[Feeling more and more sleepy over time, I stared outside and saw it was still night and I had time to sleep more.]

------Next Morning------

----Third-person POV----

Villager girl 1: Kyaa!!!

[The village girl entered the house in order to check on the guest/hero; watched in disbelief as the man who had once saved her village's lives now lay intertwined with her friend.]

[The sunlight cast an eerie glow upon their entangled bodies, a haunting image that seared into her memory.]

Villager women 1: What is he doing with Lady!!!

[Another caretaker of the house enters, followed up by villager girl and seeing what Villager girl 1 saw she also had the similar reaction to it. Unable to contain her emotions, a strangled gasp escaped her lips, reverberating through the silence of the room.]

V: Huh? What the fuck can't a man sleep….. Oh, I see. 'How the fuck this happened.'

[As V jolted awake, his peaceful slumber shattered by the intrusive presence of a woman. Frustration and fury filled his voice as he shouted, his annoyance evident.]

[Due to the piercing sunshine coming through the window, he slowly came to consciousness while only having half of his eyes open.]

[He looked about and was shocked by the new development as much as the girl and women in the house, might even more.]

V: 'Wake you Hiyori or I will kiss you.'

[He tries to wake up the lovely girl who is sound asleep in his arms, but nothing seems to work, so he resorts to one final measure that seems to work on everyone.]

[He spoke softly and passionately in her ear so that only she could hear him. Otherwise, he will be perceived negatively by others if they overhear him, which will undermine his attempts to persuade them of something.]

Hiyori: Kyaaa!!

[As she lay in a deep slumber, a whisper pierced through the silence, reaching her ear like a warm breath. The sound of her name, uttered intimately, sent shivers of silver cascading down her spine. Startled awake, she jolted upright, her eyes snapping open in the dimly lit room.]

[To her astonishment, she found herself sleeping on him, their bodies intertwined, skin pressed against skin. The sheer intensity of the contact momentarily fried her brain, leaving her momentarily stunned.]

[Reacting instinctively, she let out a startled cry, a subconscious expression of sheer surprise that broke the stillness of the night.]

Banzaburo: What is this commotion here??

[Hearing multiple shouts from far, he entered inside the house out of concern for others in a rush manner and asked people around.]

Banz: What, how dare yo-

[Consumed by misinformation and fueled by a cascade of misinterpretations, he found himself caught in a storm of anger. Blinded by his assumptions, he made a rash decision, reaching out with a clenched fist to grab V's collar forcefully.]

[The surge of rage coursed through his veins, his mind clouded with a volatile mix of frustration and resentment. In that heated moment, he sought to exert control, seeking an outlet for his mounting fury.]

V: Don't piss me anymore. You don't have any right to do what you are about to do because first, I save, your, your and you're everyone's ass here.

[V also acted on similar emotion like Benz, slaps his hands off before it could grab his collars and begin to lecture the misinformed angry old man.]

V: Second, when my annoyed just because my sleep was interrupted for no apparent reason, I fuck shit up bad more bad than any pirate. And last it was her, not me, who initiated this cuddling thing.

[V continues in rage as his healthy beautiful sleep was destroyed, which ruined his mood.]

Banz: Lady Hi-

[Hearing the last point, he froze, everyone changed their focus from V to Hiyori to confirm V's claims]

Hiyori: ....?!

[In a moment of overwhelming embarrassment, Hiyori swiftly escaped from the house, her cheeks flushed and her heart pounding.]

[Avoiding eye contact, she hurriedly weaved through the crowd, seeking solace in anonymity. With each step, she shed the weight of humiliation, determined to rebuild her confidence.]

V: See, she ran from embarrassment.

[He scoffs, and proceeds to leave as his sleep was ruined as well his mood.]

Sukiyaki: What is happening here?

[Village leader also arrives and inquires about the issue as he saw V leaving the house absolutely pissed for some reason, so he waited and silently stared at V for a response.]

V: Ask banz-san I need to pee somewhere.

[He responded while rolling his eyes in annoyance.]

Sukiyaki: Banz. We. Have. To. Talk.

Moment later with V

[Walking as far as possible from the village, V enters the east, hilly area of the village where Sukiyaki lives. Now his rage has calmed down as no one was interrupting his peace.]

V: So is it ready.

[He questioned Sukiyaki with a grin full of anticipation, who was holding 2 blades on his back in the scarboards which was limiting the heavy threatening aura.]

Sukiyaki: Yes, here. But mark my words, you might….. Die.