
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Anime und Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 56: Split.

"Haaaa. That gave me quite the scare."


"My body became a Domain to better suit the anti-gravity technique. A hard gamble." I walk away from the clone of Tengan.

"Definitely an exciting show. Almost makes up for your boring life."

Now it's time.

"Goodbye, old friend."

Soon enough, I'll meet my new one.








'As if that'll work out.'

I closely watch as Megumi, Yuji, and Maki discuss how they're going to get players out of the culling games.

The sound of my heartbeat readily speeds up. A mask of nervousness.

Megumi looks to Maki and asks,

"Please bring Tsumiki here." Strangely enough, I felt no reaction to those words.

Either way, I now have a chance. The entire reason I came here.

Slowly, I slip away from the building and glide over to the ground, far away from the prying eyes of others.

Only two people remain in the area.

I look at Maki cautiously. My own sense of dread crawling its way into my throat.

'I understand that my own actions led to this outcome. And- Wait. I sound like I'm writing an apology.'

Whatever, I always go head first anyway.

"Hey Maki." She abruptly stops. Though, she doesn't turn to look at me.

An irrestible feeling of moving back makes me pause, however, my mind pushes forward.

"I remember you once talked about learning more than just cursed tools. You wanted to know about science."

"And you told me that won't get me far in the Jujutsu world."

I blink.

"I did." I don't really know what else to say.

I look over to see the corner of Maki's lips turning up.

"You were never good at small talk. I know what you want to say but it's not necessary."

She turns to me meet my eyes, with a facade almost as good as mine.

"After this is over, I want an explanation." She moves forward. Not a single word more.

'She's quite different, not to just mention physical appearance.'

Mai isn't around anymore, so that also means Maki isn't connected to Fate or cursed energy.


"You haven't fully embraced your own power, Maki. Your full potential." You aren't quite like him. I can tell by just looking.

Maki looks around for, presumably, Tsumiki. 'I wonder how Tsumiki is reacting to this Culling Game situation.

"By the way.....

I resume my focus on Maki.

"Thanks for telling me you were around ahead of time. And, if I'm really not at the level you want me to be...what are you going to do about it?"

I didn't expect this. I try to pat Maki's head but she dashes away before I can.

"Well, as a Sensei, I guess I might have to teach you a thing or two. Perhaps how to make a special grade tool?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind that." She's also gotten a lot more cocky.

This little training session will obviously be more than just making cursed tools. I plan to find out everything that's happened whilst I was away.

"Tsumiki comes first though."

Ah. Right. My other kid.






"Good to see you here."

"Likewise, Megumi. And you too Yuji." Yuji smiles, with Megumi turning back to Tsumiki.

'Really? I was suspicious when I first saw her but come on. She's your sister Megumi. Don't you memorise the patterns of everyone you meet. Down to even how they breath?'

Come on Megumi. I'm not the weird one.

I look back at Tsumiki conversing with a rather eager Megumi.

'She's like a robot. All the small actions people make unconsciously, she's showing barely any. Tsumiki isn't like that all.'


'She's received Tsumiki's memories but luckily, Tsumiki never knew much about the Jujutsu world.' So I doubt our new friend would be on guard.

Especially against me. However, I won't be fighting this person. I am a Sensei you know?

"Tsumiki, use the points I gave you to withdraw from the Culling Games." Seems I was too caught up in my thoughts.

I look up at 'Tsumiki'. A demented smile spreads on her face.

"Kogane, add a new rule. Allow entry and exit for all colonies." Well, you got this covered Meg.

"What! Tsu- no. Who are you!?" About time you caught up Megumi. It's time to teach you a few things.

I move backwards and tap Yuji on the shoulder. He stutters for a moment but gets the hint.

We both leap back to the next building.

"Sensei! Don't we have to help Megumi!?" I don't spare a glance towards Yuji.

"Don't worry about Megumi. He can get through this."

'Megumi's going to chase after that sorcerer without realising the danger. Maki is there to guide him back so it'll be fine.'

"Yuji." Clearly, he still wants to rush to Megumi's side but I'll be needing him for something.

Or rather.....

"I'm gonna need you to switch with Sukuna for a second. I've got something I want to ask him."

I turn to look Yuji in the eyes.

"I'm your Sensei. You trust me right?"


His eyes close and reopen within the second.

Sukuna looks at me with a rather agitated gaze.

"What is it woman?"



Been off enjoying my holiday. Sorrrrrry.

And wow. Sukuna didn't get Megumi's body. Sucks for him, huh?


Rynincreators' thoughts