
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 55: Subtly.

'Fate? Perhaps so. But not even that can free Gojo Satoru.' I smile to myself.

"This world really enjoys playing favourites. You simply can't leave those eyes alone can you?"

My smile drops as I approached the Tombs of the Star. After all, what waited before me was simply another disappointment.

I look around the blank area.

"Where's Tengan? I'd rather get this over with quickly." Soon enough, Choso speaks,

"They don't want to meet you." Ah.

"A pathetic last stand? Well, do try your best. These games have to be fun after all. Even when the results clear."

Everything has already been prepared. The only complication is those two.

"Let me show you my vision for this world." My haughty look surely angered him.

The white world around us re-arranges itself to fit my will. Many rows of chairs spawn with a massive screen apparating itself.

A cinema. One of the fancy things non-sorcerers have made.

"I've heard off a friend that Tsukomo Yuki aspires to rid the world of cursed energy, but, that isn't the true way for this world to evolve."

The screen shifts to a group of non-sorcerers. The boring ordinary.

"This merging with Tengan, I call optimising cursed energy, is simply combining all non-sorcerers of Japan with the oldest cursed spirit. Tengan."

The screen once again switches, this time to a huge question mark.

"Tengan is now more cursed spirit than ever before, the merging will give them the cursed energy of a hundred million. Perhaps I can extract something from it. What will it look like?"

I can't help my smile.

"So many questions! I bet it's the same feeling non-sorcerers gained upon the discovering of fire! Really, I feel like a kid with a crayon, the imagination is endless!"

The barrier breaks to return the blank space into existence.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Did you not listen!" Has your intelligence decreased this much Choso?

"Let me rephrase. What do you gain form this! Why are you so motivated?" What a familar question.

"I feel fascinated." Immediate confusion spreads on Choso's face. "Like opening a birthday present, my excitement is immeasurable. Even if the curse was just a clown face, I know I'd laugh!"

"Piercing Blood!" Boring. 'Tsukomo Yuki must be watching this. Baiting me to reveal something.'

I dodge effortlessly and send out low level cursed spirits in one fluid motion.

'Birthday presents? That reminds me of my bet with Sachi. What gives her so much confidence?'

The patterned floor rips open as the piercing blood changes direction back to me.

'This won't be too interesting. I have something much better to look forward to.'

I dodge again and strengthen my next attack. Choso stupidly moves closer. By just strengthening low level cursed spirits.

I can kill a grade one sorcerer.

'A sharp jab to the stomach.' I quickly parry the attack and drag Choso to the ground before stepping on him.

"You want to reveal my cursed technique to Tsukomo, yes? But you can't even do that! All of you are failures that won't be recycled."

Squirming under my feet, the 'older' Brother still struggles to speak.

"Don't call my Brothers that!"

"Did I offend you?" This habit of speaking too much really is a time waster.

I active Cursed Spirit Manipulation and send Choso skidding across the floor. His body is bruised and violently ripped.

Now, where is T-


Another weak piercing blood shoots towards me. 'Though this feels a little different.'

It takes a few seconds but I realise it. 'The way he's spinning the blood around so easily is reminiscent of Ezo's technique.'

"Just a cheap copy."

I parry his blows as I've done so many times before, the blood converges around me. Completely compressed into the smallest spheres possible.

This is rather-

"SUPERNOVA!" On instinct, I activate the gravity technique. The blood smashes into the floor.

"Haaaa. My own arrogance strikes again." A flaw of the strong.

"Good work, Choso!" Tsukomo Yuki?I may have some fun.

I pay no mind to Choso leaving the barrier.

I summon a special grade cursed spirit, made to combat concepts. I can certainly think of a few uses.

She kick what seem to be a football at the curse. The curse breaks apart instantly. 'What!?'

I dash back as Tsukomo follows through with a punch whilst opening her mouth.

"Too scared huh? Well, I'll tell you, it's mass."

I raise my fists to my face as the punch lands and quickly sends me crashing through the barrier.

Both my arms are essentially ripped off. My head is fine though.

'I can already see how this will be a problem.' However, I did notice something.

"Lacking confidence in a Domain clash?" Her eyes widen for a moment.

"Domain Expansion: Womb Profusion!"

Behind me, a crying amalgamation of cursed spirits reach up from the ground.

'Strange. When I opened my Domain, there was some sort of resistance. It didn't stay for long but why did that happen?'

"Tengan!" Huh?

'Trying to dispel my domain? That'll take quite a bit of work.' I focus my gaze on the opponent in front of me.

"Tengan, I am not like you. I have lived." I laugh. "A THOUSAND YEARS OF CONFLICTS AND ALLIANCES. A CURSED WORLD!"

That is the Golden Era! An Era of endless cursing!

The ground shatters, as the the barrier is fully destroyed. I land softly on the floor.

"If you used your Domain this would have been more interesting."

I jump away to narrowly avoided a strike from Tsukomo's shikigami. Tsukomo herself appears to strike me down. But soon enough...

"You've reached your limit." She only grins at my words.

"Did you forget?"

What now? 'Did I forget anything? No, I don't think I did. Nothing important.'

"I like the rough type." It immediately clicks.

The barrier opens up behind me as I hear,

"Piercing Blood!" I spin my entire body to reduce the amount of damage done. 'Caught off guard once again. This feeling of constant surprise reminds of when I first discovered Sachi.'

I just can't rest for minute!

I do my best to block off the onslaught of attacks. 'An opportunity!' I slide under Choso's legs and activate my gravity cursed technique.

"Back to where we started Huh, Choso?" Under me as always.

'Now, cursed spirit manipulation should finish the job.'

I summon a curse whilst dragging my body to dodge Tsukomo's shikigami. 'I know that look.' She's quite mistaken if she thinks winning is a possibility.

Her arms becomes entrapped by my hands. A mini Uzumaki spawns in front of her face.

'That's much too small. My output is waning for some reason.'

I move down and thrust Uzumaki directly on to her exposed stomach. A bloody hole is formed from it.

"TSUKOMO!" Choso will be dealt with later. Before I can properly finish her off, she leaves a few words for Choso.

Live as a human? I remember someone told me that once. I'm sure they've probably been recycled by now.

I turn around to see my old friend.

"Tengan. That's quite the look." How-

"All I needed was a distraction." Tsk. That woman just can't give up.

"Go die as a 'human'." A big smile is all I get.

It happens in a flash like lightning.

'A Black Hole!'