
Journey towards the end.

[Warning: This book is dark and is about revenge so it will contain mature and dark scenes, if you don't like this type of books, you can skip.] Scarlett Rose, known to the world as the raven haired beauty who has been dominating the modelling industry since her debut. A smart, charming woman in the world's eyes but holds a dark past. The fire inside her drives her towards her path of revenge and she will stop at nothing till she satiates her burning heart. Along her journey she finds herself being claimed by a possessive mysterious man, who is morally gray and will not even bat an eyelid while setting the world on fire, if his beloved asks him to. [Sneak peek] The door of the hotel suite opened with a loud thud l, a couple entered the room tangled in each other's embrace.. they were kissing as if the next moment the world would end and this is the only time left.. the man pushed the girl against the door and she without breaking the kiss locked it... with the sound of the click of the door..she pushed away that man away.. there was a hint of suprise in his eyes but also desire was visible...they were both panting as if someone cut off the oxygen supply...The girl pulled the man closer by the collar of his shirt... he looked down into her eyes..she tiptoed and kissed him hard again just as he tried to grab her waist..she held his wrist and broke the kiss again.. and wishpered in his ear "Keep your hands to yourself..I am the one who will be in control tonight.." He slowly lifted her face and made her looked into his eyes.."I am all yours baby."he wishpered... She tore his shirt off his body and he did the same with her dress, the reached the bed but before he could kiss her again, she spoke " Aren't we suppose to hate each other?" He smirked and wishpered in her ear, " We can continue doing that tomorrow again." (under editing)

not_your_barbie · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Face Behind The Mask.

Third person perspective:

It was a dark room, nothing was clearly visible, a man was leaning on his arm chair humming a song and was watching something on a large white screen in front of him, the only light in the room was produced by the projection on the screen, the room was silent, the sudden ringing of the cell phone broke the silence of the room, "Hello", the man spoke with a strong manly voice, "Sir, the work is almost done, it will be completed by the end of the week," the person on the other end spoke, he disconnected the call and a smirk made its way to his lips. He turned his eyes towards the screen, his dark eyes were visible in the little light produced in the room, deep desire could be seen in his eyes, he was looking at the huge pictures in front of him, those were the pictures of a beautiful girl laughing, the picture changed and in the next one she was with her friends, talking, smiling, dozens and dozens of pictures of the same girl, the man just watched them with affection, lust and pure desire, then the picture changed and there she was, laughing with a guy, holding his hands, kissing him, the glass of wine , that the man was holding, shattered in a hundred pieces and the man spoke in a soft voice,"You are mine, MINE! and no one will ever be able to get you, !!" the man threw all the things, present in front of him. His eyes was burning with rage, "You are going to regret it my love," the room filled with laughter, he then made a phone call, "Listen make it fast."


I don't know what happened, Anthony called me this morning and said that we have to leave tomorrow, the investor has preponed the meeting, I really don't want to go there, the meeting will take place in Cambridge as directed by the investor, I don't know, everything was pretty normal, no more blank calls or Letters, but what if I go there and the stalker start stalking me again, what am I gonna do, my life has changed after that incident, but one thing I know is that Anthony is going to be there with me, I trust him. Shaking all the thoughts out of my head I finally decided to go there, after all I can't stop living my life and it was just a past incident. The next morning I have my flight, I bid goodbye to my family and went along with Anthony. It was a long flight, it was dark when I landed there, Emily and Joseph were already there to receive us, Emily offered me to stay in her house as we left our old apartment after I decided to go back to my home town, so I has no place to stay there. I was about to leave with Emily, then I saw Anthony talking to someone on phone, he was standing a little far from us, and smiled at him when he saw I was looking at him, "Hey Elena, don't go with Emily as I have already booked a hotel room, and besides we have a early morning meeting and you will just get late if you stay with Emily," he spoke after returning from the phone call, he sounded convincing so I decided to agree with him and went to the hotel along with him. The journey was quite , he booked a hotel far from the main city, now I was getting worried but I trust him that's what I thought, "Umm why did you book a hotel in the far end of the city, it's strange you know, I mean...", I was stopped mid sentence when he started speaking, "Elena don't worry, it's just that Mr. Martinez wanted to have a meeting in his farmhouse, he really doesn't want to get interrupted you know, after all it is a important meeting and more over this is the first time he is investing with a small firm and he wanted to make sure everything was fine." he finished, I had to agree but deep down I was really worried , this Mr. Martinez was really weird, I had this weird feeling that something is wrong.

Today we have a meeting with this Mr. Martinez, I somehow managed to convince my that everything was fine, it's just that he actually like having meeting in his farmhouse, after all these rich people have their own unusual style of living. I took a shower and got ready. The place was not very far from that hotel, just fifteen minutes away we were in front of a beautiful house, we went inside, it has amazing modern design and everything was elegant, I was busy absorbing the beauty of that place, when I realized Anthony was not besides me, I got tensed and ran outside to search for him, suddenly I stopped when I saw him talking to someone, I decided not to interrupt them, I turned to leave, but I was curious to know what they were talking about so secretly, so I decided to hide behind a pillar and started listening to them, "Don't worry about it, she really didn't suspect anything at all and I managed everything perfectly," I was confused, what are they even talking about, was it about me? why would they talk about me? who is that man? I really can't see his face as I was hiding there , but I can see his legs, he was wearing a business suit, he had this strong, dominating voice when he spoke. I suddenly got alerted as I heard footsteps coming towards me, I quickly ran back towards the hall and acted like I didn't hear anything, when I looked back I saw Anthony was alone , I smiled at him and he said he was busy on a important call, he lied, but why?

We entered a room which was quite big and had a long table in the middle and a big screen on the wall, it interior was quite modern and the view outside was amazing. The door opened and two men entered the room, both of them were dressed very professionally, but I when I observed them,I saw that the man with whom Anthony was talking before was not present here, I clearly remember his clothes, they were different, it is getting strange here.

After the introduction, I found out that the man with grey hair was Mr. Martinez and the other guy was Mr. Smith, I only had one question that who was that man Anthony was talking to. The meeting began and I shook all the thoughts away and began the presentation, I explained our project and gave them every detail, Anthony seemed quite satisfied with my presentation. I looked at Mr. Martinez , he seemed quite happy. Then the deal was done, I was very happy but Anthony had a serious look on his face, he smiled at me and said " I will be right back, you stay here for some time and don't go anywhere, I have a important work." he said with a smile and then left, I was left there alone. Minutes passed by, he didn't came , I was getting bored so I decided to enjoy the view outside, after looking outside, I came back and sat on the chair, and started playing with the chair, I know it's very childish but I was really bored. It has been about half an hour since Anthony was gone, I messaged him but he replied that he was busy. I didn't realize that I was asleep, until Anthony waked me up, I was really embarrassed about it but Anthony laughed and said that sleeping is the best thing to do when you are bored. I was about to leave the room when I felt someone was watching me, I looked around and saw that every corner in the room had cameras, I felt really strange, Was someone really watching me? I quickly walked out of the room and started walking towards the hallway, I suddenly noticed that the house is filled with cameras everywhere. Suddenly I tripped on the stairs and fall straight on the floor hitting my head really hard, my vision became blurry and suddenly someone ran towards me and I recognize him immediately, it's the same man with whom Anthony was talking before, then my vision got dark and I drift off to sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I was lying on a bed covered with a blanket,and I felt strong pain in my head, I touched my head and felt a bandage wrapped around my head. The door opened and Anthony came in and sat down beside me, "Are you fine now? Is your head still hurting, thank god you are ok, I was really worried." he asked, I just nodded and asked him, "Who was that man that helped me, I remember someone rushing towards me and helping me get up, isn't it Mr. Martinez's farmhouse ?", he replied with a blank face and said that it's someone related to Mr. Martinez and he really don't know anything about him. I knew Anthony was lying, he talked to that person, how can he just deny it, it was like that man is hiding behind a mask and I have to see the face behind that mask.....