
Journey towards the end.

[Warning: This book is dark and is about revenge so it will contain mature and dark scenes, if you don't like this type of books, you can skip.] Scarlett Rose, known to the world as the raven haired beauty who has been dominating the modelling industry since her debut. A smart, charming woman in the world's eyes but holds a dark past. The fire inside her drives her towards her path of revenge and she will stop at nothing till she satiates her burning heart. Along her journey she finds herself being claimed by a possessive mysterious man, who is morally gray and will not even bat an eyelid while setting the world on fire, if his beloved asks him to. [Sneak peek] The door of the hotel suite opened with a loud thud l, a couple entered the room tangled in each other's embrace.. they were kissing as if the next moment the world would end and this is the only time left.. the man pushed the girl against the door and she without breaking the kiss locked it... with the sound of the click of the door..she pushed away that man away.. there was a hint of suprise in his eyes but also desire was visible...they were both panting as if someone cut off the oxygen supply...The girl pulled the man closer by the collar of his shirt... he looked down into her eyes..she tiptoed and kissed him hard again just as he tried to grab her waist..she held his wrist and broke the kiss again.. and wishpered in his ear "Keep your hands to yourself..I am the one who will be in control tonight.." He slowly lifted her face and made her looked into his eyes.."I am all yours baby."he wishpered... She tore his shirt off his body and he did the same with her dress, the reached the bed but before he could kiss her again, she spoke " Aren't we suppose to hate each other?" He smirked and wishpered in her ear, " We can continue doing that tomorrow again." (under editing)

not_your_barbie · Fantasy
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18 Chs

You Have Been Watched.

Third person perspective:

The man was sitting on his arm chair, his eyes closed, body relaxed, listening to a soft tune, when suddenly the music was interrupted by a phone call, "Speak.", the man said in a relaxed tone, " Sir, subject has left the airport and are moving towards the next spot, they will be checked in the same hotel that you suggested, and they will be here by 9:00 am tomorrow morning, and the investor have been arranged, they will be having a meeting with them. Everything is going according to the plan."the man on the other side spoke, "Good, I don't want any trouble or obstacle in my way." he said and disconnected the call. The man started speaking, "I have been waiting for you baby, please come soon, just can't wait to see you here, so close to me, now you will be mine and I will kill anyone who comes between us and that lover boy of your, he will have to pay, you don't even know how much I missed you, why did you left me, don't worry this time I will make sure that you stay with me forever, I love you." he was talking to a picture of the girl in front of him.

The next moment she along with her boss entered through the huge gates of the farmhouse, she stepped out of the car and started observing the place, she was clearly impressed by the interior and it made the the man smile with satisfaction, every corner of the house had cameras, she has been watching carefully, her every move was recorded. When she started her presentation, a man was sitting in a dark room with many computers in front of him, he was looking at her from every angle, he noticed how beautiful she is, how beautiful she presented her work, she was perfect example of beauty with brains, the man was lost in her smile, her eyes, everything about her amazed him, "My baby, you look so beautiful in that dress, your hair, your lips, just wow! you can never escape me, even if you try, but don't worry love, I can never hurt you, you know I even stopped sending you those gifts and cards, it was so hard for me and when you left for your home town, I felt like killing everybody. Once you are here with me you will forget everybody else." the smile never leaving his face, he even asked her boss to leave her alone so that he could watch her more. He was shocked when he noticed her looking at the cameras and tripping over the stairs, he just can't wait to go and pull her in his arms. He ran towards her, his plan almost ruined but luckily she lost her senses, he carried her in his arms and laid her on the bed and didn't waste any moment and called the doctor, "She will be fine, I have prescribed some medicines and painkillers just gave it to her once she's awake and feels any pain." the doctor said and left the room. He came closer to her and caressed her face, there was a thick Bandage wrapped around his hand, he had punched the wall many times because he could now save his love, "My love, I am so sorry, I was not able to protect you, it's all my fault, look I have punished myself, next time I will be there with you, promise." he saw her moving, so he quickly kissed her forehead and left the room before she wakes up.


It was all very strange, first we came to this weird place full of cameras, I mean who puts these many cameras, that too in a farmhouse where people usually come during vacations to enjoy some family time, the conference room was fine, but hallway, kitchen, seriously, I wonder does the bathroom has one too. I was roaming around the house to kill my boredom, Anthony was in the guest room, I must say this house has many spare rooms and according to Anthony, Mr Martinez have heard about my accident and he has insisted me to stay here till I get better, I didn't saw him after the meeting, I guess he just left afterwards, but I must say he is very generous or else why would he let any random person to stay in his farmhouse. Afterwards I decided to explore this large place, it was a three storey building, but I have explored only two, so I decided to go to the third floor, as soon as I reached there I heard someone talking, maybe having a discussion with someone, I was told that nobody lives here and Anthony was down stairs in his room, so who is this person, may be he was the one Anthony was talking to earlier and who came to help me, I was getting very curious, so I decided to follow the sound and I stopped in front of a dark, wooden door at the end of the hallway, I was about to hear what the person was speaking about, suddenly someone grabbed my hard and pulled me, it was none other than Anthony, he was tensed, "What are you even doing here, I know you like exploring every place, but please, it is Mr. Martinez's house and I don't want you roaming here and there." he spoke with anger and I just stood there watching him, "Look, I am really sorry, I didn't mean to shout, you know it's a unknown place and more over I am worried about you, you just got hurt, you should rest, I don't want you to get hurt again, I am sorry." he spoke again, this time I was the one getting irritated, first of all he hides something and lie to me, so I started speaking, "Look Anthony, you are my boss and I truly respect that, but it doesn't mean you hide things from me and then on top of that you keep on lying, look I really didn't mean to interfere but I saw you talking to someone about something that too hiding from me, I respect your privacy but at least didn't have to lie about you having an important call." I spoke everything in one go, then he was looking at me, maybe he was saying something, I expected him to be mad at me for talking to him so rudely but he was lost in his thoughts, "Anthony, please I want to go back home, anyway our deal is done and look I am fine, I feel much better, please, let's just leave tomorrow morning, I find it strange, I just heard someone talking, the sound were coming from this room, right here and don't you find it weird, Mr. Martinez just let us stay here, he barely knows us and this place is filled with cameras, why?? I just want to leave." I said and went to my room, leaving him standing there. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes, and a voice came into my mind, "You have been watched." I jolted awake at stared at the ceiling. I have to find out about everything that's going on.....