
Journey Towards Greatness

A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience due to the cruel war, and as of now our MC has turned 82 years old he was very satisfied with his life with no regrets and waiting for death to take him away but will death be is end or will it start a new beginning, a new legend. __________________________ Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zarakh

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Anime und Comics
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Ready For The First Challenge

After thinking about it for a while Julian decided to teach it Thunderbolt and Iron Tail, for now, Julian started to explain to Porygon how things work and he was surprised to see how good Porygon was at learning.

It didn't take it too long for Porygon to actually understand how to manipulate energy, it analyzed Julian's words and started to process them into understanding how a move works.

Julian then started to teach it Thunderbolt and then Iron Tail.

Even though it took some time, Porygon still got the hang of it and understood the concept, it tried to execute the two moves but it was not successful, well if it had been Julian would be shocked.

Even Infernape couldn't learn things by just listening to Julian.

He just watched as Flabébé and Porygon train all night till it was time for dinner, Porygon didn't need any food so it could go on for quite long, but it can run out of energy after abusing its power source, once it stays still its power source will recharge automatically.

Once Porygon ran out of energy it went still, Julian sent Porygon back to its Pokeball so it can recharge on its own, he just watched his other pokemons finish their food.

Flabébé seems to be a glutton who finished a whole bowl of sweet syrup that Julian prepared for her, well it was not a bad thing since she worked very hard, it was her first day of training and she did great, this was just her reward.

Once everything was done, he sent them back to their Pokeball and went to sleep, the next morning, he woke up and continued down the route towards Santalune city.

It took him one more day to reach there, he also spent a lot of time training them, and both of them progressed a lot, Flabébé was able to learn Energy Ball, it's still not as strong as it could be but it's enough for the upcoming battle, a powerful move like Energy Ball is a great addition to Flabébé arsenal for now.


Julian finally arrived in Santalune City, and just as he expected the city is beautiful, he saw people and pokemon everywhere, the city had flowers blooming in the middle of the streets, it looks like the city focused a lot on making this city look beautiful.

He even saw some will pokemons floating around in between humans, this was very special because wild pokemons don't like to live in midst of human beings.

There are of course the ones that live in the city but these pokemons prefer to stay in the swears and avoid human contact as well.

He found himself a hotel and rented a room for the day, once he found a room, he looked into the current gym leader of the Santalune gym.

Santalune gym being a bug type won't be a hard gym to take down, with bug-type pokemons having very low defense, his Porygon, and Flabébé should be able to take them down easily but it is still better for Julian to look into them.

He looked into them and found a few things about the gym leader and her pokemon, he found out her name is Viola and she usually uses two pokemon when facing her challengers.

Since most of the trainers challenge her gym as their first, the pokemons she uses are beginner level as well.

Her two pokemons are Surskit and Vivillon, Julian looked at these two pokemons and realized that things might be a little different than he thought, he forgot about a specialty about bug-type pokemons, they can reach their final evolution very fast.

Julian is not worried about her Surskit but her Vivillon is a pokemon in its final form, it will be faster and have better attacks that could deal a lot of damage to pokemons at a beginner level.

With that in mind, Julian started to figure out how to deal with the Santalune gym's gym leader.

He spent a day inside his hotel room figuring out a strategy, he then spent the next day training and perfecting his battle technique with his pokemons, after two days he finally decided to challenge Viola for his first gym challenge.


On his way towards the gym, he saw someone familiar, it was Ash and his friends who seem to be training, he saw another familiar face and its the reporter he saw in Kanto, Alexa.

She seems to be helping Ash train, Julian decided to stop and greet Ash and see what's going on, Ash and his friend soon noticed someone coming towards them, even Alexa's Noivern stopped helping Ash's pokemon and turned around to look at him.

Julian "Ash? You seem to be training hard"

Julian said as he looked at Ash.

Ash "Julian?"

He asked.

Julian removed his mask and smiled at him.

Ash "It really is you!"

Ash replied and smiled back, Julian looked and saw Ash's new Pokemon, Fletchling, he looked at it and realized that this one is quite good, Ash caught a great pokemon for himself.

Alexa also noticed Julian and approached him with an excited expression on her face.

Alexa "Mr. Julian, what are you doing here?"

She asked.

Julian "I was just going to challenge the Santalune gym but I saw Ash so I decided to stop by and see what is happening"

Julian said.

Alexa "Oh, that is great, Ash why don't we go and watch Mr. Julian battle my sister!"

She said excitedly.

Julian "So the gym leader is your sister?"

Julian asked.

Alexa "Yes, we are very close"

She replied.