
Journey Towards Greatness

A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience due to the cruel war, and as of now our MC has turned 82 years old he was very satisfied with his life with no regrets and waiting for death to take him away but will death be is end or will it start a new beginning, a new legend. __________________________ Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zarakh

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Anime & Comics
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1375 Chs

Training Begins

Now that his Porygon has been perfected by his system, his only task is to teach Porygon some new moves, right now Porygon has been programmed as a tank, it has a great defense and with his ability, he can deliver some powerful hits on opponents.

Julian decided to start training for both his pokemon from tomorrow and went to sleep.


The next morning, Julian woke up and checked out of the hotel, and continued his way towards Santalune city, he increased his phase a little as he had spent too much time walking on his foot on this route.

He got on his superbike and rode towards Santalune city, on his way he did find a place to camp outside and start his training.

He found a clam river alongside the route and decided to camp down here for the night, Darmanitan and Gengar helped him set up the camp while his other pokemon just sat by and watched, Kyurem continued to train as per Julian's instruction, while Infernape just sat next to Julian with his eyes closed.

It was time for Julian to introduce the two new pokemon to them, he took out the two pokeballs and released his two new pokemons, Flabébé and Porygon, seeing the two new pokemon, his other pokemons got curious.

Only Kyurem didn't show any interest as it is still very cold to strangers, even if they are Julian's new pokemon, Flabébé looked around and was surprised by seeing the current atmosphere, she saw many different pokemons around her.

She had seen Porygon before but seeing it didn't do anything other than just more around randomly, she lost interest, instead, she floated towards Infernape who had his eyes closed, seeing the little fellow approaching him, he opened his eyes and looked at her.

Flabébé felt close to Infernape as he had the same sent as Julian, she thought that Infernape would also give her some sweet syrup but to her disappointment, Infernape shut his eyes again and didn't bother interacting with her for now.

Flabébé got upset and approached Julian and latched onto him sadly, Julian just smiled and told Darmanitan to look after her.

Darmanitan being the most cheerful one was easily able to befriend the little Flabébé, Gengar also stayed friendly with the little Flabébé because he didn't want to experience the horror of calming down a crying baby.

Julian let Flabébé socialize for a while before finally calling her back.

Julian "Let's start training then, if you do good, you will get a lot of sweet syrup"

Julian told her and encouraged her to start training, hearing sweet syrup was involved, Flabébé got excited and twirled in the air like a bale dancer.

Porygon on the other hand had no expression, its eyes are as lifeless as before, it was just there to take commands.

Julian started his training, he started to Flabébé, since she is a special attacker, Julian focused on teaching her how to control her energy first, his Flabébé has great special defense and special attack, her main strength is her special defense so he had nothing to worry about in that matter.

For now, he needs to teach her some offensive moves, with her ability to float, she should be able to dodge most of the physical attacks that will be launched towards her, while the special attacks will be neutralized by her very high defense, right now see needs powerful moves.

She already knows the moves, Tackle and Vine Whip but there was useless for a pokemon like Flabébé who is a special attacker. When she levels up a little, she will automatically learn Fairy Wind but that will take some time.

Julian thought for a while and decided to teach her Energy Ball, thought a very powerful grass type move, Julian could easily teach it to Flabébé because he has thought it to so many of his pokemons.

Once Flabébé was done with understanding how to control her energy, Julian started teaching her how to use Energy Ball, even though she is still new to controlling energy, learning a new move will not be a problem.

She can gradually increase her proficiency as she grows stronger, with that, her moves will also have more effect as she grows stronger.

With the basics down, Julian left Flabébé under Gengar's watch and put his focus on Porygon who is just moving around the ground, studying the environment.

Even though it doesn't have emotions or feelings, it never stops analyzing, it is always analyzing its surroundings due to its ability, Porygon will analyze its surroundings and create a digital map of it inside its brain and process it.

With this digital data inside its brain, it then uses it depending on the circumstances.

As it noticed Julian approaching it, it stopped analyzing and turned towards Julian and stared at him with its lifeless eyes, inside its brain where the data is stored, Julian is its owner and it needs to do everything that Julian says.

Julian "Now, how do I begin?"

Julian said while looking at Porygon.