
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasie
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82 Chs

Sara Pov 2.

My eyes became moist hearing how she died asked while my voice was breaking ,"S-She, Die-d giving bir-th to me,?" thinking 'doesn't that means I was the reason for my mother dead, I was the killer' I soon started crying.

Emma felt pain in her heart seeing Sara cry like that, So to console her heart and Sara she stood up and hugged her tightly, She didn't said anything knowing Sara didn't wanted word but herself right now. And stayed like that.

I felt the hug of my aunt that I always liked been hugged by her which provided me warmth and love in it, And This is exactly what I  needed a lot right now, So I hugged her back tightly and cried my heart out.

Crying for 2 minutes I asked still hugging her "Was 'sob' I the reason for my mother's dead?" I wanted to know from the aunt even though my heart told me, 'Indeed I was the reason'.

Hearing the absurd question Emma felt more pain in her heart thinking, she was considering herself for dead of her mother and she knew how emotional Sara was and it would be bad if she blame herself for this. So she broke the hug looking in her eyes she replied,

"Don't you ever think that, You don't know how much your mother loved you Sara even before you where born. Even though I didn't live long enough with her to know about her but I know more than enough, When it comes to you. She always used to talk with you thinking you were listening to her from inside her belly, And was excited for the day when you would be born. And if she wanted to live, She could have easily asked healer to safe herself rather then you but she didn't that show she wanted you then her life. So don't ever think you where the reason for her dead, This would have make her feel very bad if she was alive. Do you understand?"

Been heard everything gave me a comfort, So I didn't think like that anymore, I Wipeout my tears and sat on the chair again, Emma too did the same. I asked after having a clear mind a little, "W-What about my father, Who was he,"

Emma shaked her head in denial then said "No!, I don't know who your dad was but Your mother once told me from where she came and her little story to," Remembering for a second she continued "She had told me that, She was a personal maid for one of the prince of another kingdome. Since the start their family member have been the royal maids of the royal family and like any other she was chosen by, A prince too, to became his personal maid, She didn't had other choice but to accept this as being a member of that family." Taking a breath she continued,

"She did everything as a loyal maid should do she served him with her body, did everything he told her to do and sometimes he removed his anger on her but she didn't complain knowing it was futile just for the sake to live. But everything changed when one of the youngest prince of that kingdom was born."

"Since he was the youngest no one paid much attention to him or any hope for him to became anything important and even his mother who had another older son neglected him. This made him to feel like he was nothing but just a youngest prince of the kingdom for name which is why he used to hate other prince who used to be praised and where given honors as the prince. And in that was one of the prince who's your mother was personal maid off."

"So to make that prince name tarnished he made a plan to rape his personal maid. Since every prince only gets one personal maid each, She became his target just to satisfy his jeoulesy. So finding a correct time he raped your mother when she was all alone. And planned to spread a news that 'A prince couldn't even protect his personal maid been get raped by someone.' And that could be great disgrace for a prince that his personal maid was raped. And would hurt his reputation quiet a lot but the youngest prince didn't planed to let his name come in this matter, or else it would also bring his name to mud in this." Her eyes became moist saying the story of her mother but she continued anyway.

"Your mother was a strong and smart woman, So she knew that she was just been used to get to the prince she serves. Even after been raped by the youngest prince she didn't wasted her time in crying or cursing the prince. But thought that if this news comes out she would eventually die by prince wrath she serves or by the youngest prince to make her quiet forever so that she couldn't let his name come in this matter. And she didn't wanted to die, So she made a plan to leave that kingdom entirely before even this news spreads out. As a personal maid of a prince she had certain right in the royal house so she used it in her advantage to leave the royal house then left the kingdom."

"She knew it would be an offense for being such as her to ran from the royal house, so she decided to leave the kingdom itself after many difficulties she sussced too. But after that she got to know that she was pregnant with you. But that didn't made her sad instead gave her a new hope to leave a life for someone. So she came to this town to give birth to you and then leave this town and start a new life with you but things didn't worked out as she planned and died after your birth.

And about your father he must be either the prince she served or was the youngest prince who raped her because she forgot to earise the sperm of them in this chaos,"

After telling her everything she looked at Sara seeing her emotions been in turbulence mixed with rage and sadness, She spoke further "Don't think about all that now Sara it all happened in past now you need to think about is your future, Miss Sara had told me once that even the youngest prince in the kingdome could reach at rank 70, So you been the daughter of one of them you would definitely reach at rank 50 atleast, So you can't always stay in this town and would eventually require to go to higher town and cities to move up in your ranks,"

"NO! I won't leave you ," I replied without her speak any further. Emma too knew this was mean on her side to say her she would need to leave her too. She knew how much she loved her but she had to say so "Don't be like that Sara, in this world power is much more important then anything and to move up every rank time is essence, So If you waste your time in this town way longer that may affect your ranking journey and it is not like you have to Leave us now you still have time. I am just saying you in advance, So that you can be prepared for this. Because I can't even break through first major rank so I would die eventually but till that time arrives I would stay with you," she said with a loving smile.

But I felt like crying hearing this so I ran into my room and closed the door and started crying silently. While Emma outside sighed in sadness but let her take her time. And went to her own room to sleep.