
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Sara Pov 3.

2 years went by, In the morning.

I finally arrived at mid Town that was closed to my town. Yes I traveled to another town after convincing word spoken by my aunt, I leaved the town. Even though I was very emotional living aunt the only one in my life whom I love but I too understood what she meant so with heavy heart I left the town.

Seeing the town wondering what will I do in this town. Not knowing anyone totally with different people. But excited too start new journey.

The first thing I did was to search for a inn  then I would find guild and would start to complete mission to earn MS.

I started living in this town. After 2 years I became familiar with many people. Many where attracted toward me well, Not me but in my beauty, Since not many were as good looking as me with good figure and I too was proud of my assets. But I didn't let them come near me, Seeing them I felt like they were just good-for-nothing, guys who just wanted to get in my pants, So I kept my distance from them.

Like any other day I was eating my breakfast in the inn with some beast-kin girls talking with them which I made acunitence in following time in this town.

Suddenly door of the inn got opened and a good looking beast-kin guy entered the inn. When I looked toward him my eyes couldn't help but observe him, his slime but refine body and his looks in interest well their was not anyone with such a good looks in this town or the one I have met before till now. Well many other too wheir looking towards him.

He was also looking around but soon his gaze met mine and he stopped when looking toward me. His his sparkled seeing me, I lowered my gaze not knowing why but I didn't wanted to met his gaze but he still kept looking at me observing me with his gaze I could feel it even if I was not looking toward him, I became even more uncomfortable but oddly I didn't felt bad. Unknown to me my face started having a little red Hue.

Other beast-kin girls beside me also noticed this. And well all of them where jealous with me seeing such good looking guys was paying attention to her but not in them.

Observing me for a while he left and I too sighed in relief feeling no more of his gaze and asked myself" why was I feeling that way, it never happened to me before," and I too left towards my room.

Soon more days passed by but this time my life was little different the beast-kin guy started approaching me but as usual I tried to ignore him , but he was more forcefull in his attempt and for some reason I liked that way.

We started talking with each other  laughing with each other. We did many things together like going for hunt together since he was also at same rank as me 16. Soon I started liking him becameing more closer to him.

More days went by the liking went toward love I realized it too that I loved him. And we got more closer like we started kissing each other the first time we did I loved that first time, it gave me a good feeling. And he started touching my body , I felt more good, by his touch.

And the night finally came wheir we became one. He came at my room one night and we had a sex that night. At first it was painful but soon became pleasure that I have not felt in my whole life.

Soon we started to have more fun with more sex , I too started liking this pleasure I get from sex. I may even became little addicted to this pleasure.

After more 2 years passed and I finally broke through next major rank reached 20.

I got more beautiful while my assets to got bigger I became even more sexy. And one more tail grew on my back.

" Fufufuf... he would not be able control himself while seeing me. He would probably pounce on me like hungry wolf." I started imaging lewd thoughts and couldn't wait to see him tonight.

And as I predicted after seeing my new appareance he showed his lust in his eyes observing my body intensely. But I didn't dislike it and enjoyed his look on me feeling he got turned on just seeing me I felt happy of my assets and beauty.

Without wasting any more time we started having sex just like wolf in heat I to carved for pleasure.

15 min later,

"O-Ohh~, MMHHHH!!," (my moans)

"Yea!! , AAAHHHHH~" he realesed a loud moan.

I was ridding on his dick, while he was under me. But stopped my movement feeling his fluids inside me for second time tonight and also hearing his loud moan of his.

I could feel his rough breathing after Cumming inside me trying to catch his breath, I asked with a sweat smile" What happened baby you couldn't even hold yourself and cummed inside me 2 times in just 15 min,"

He said still catching his breath" haaa... What can I haaaa.. Seeing such beauty ha.. ridding me I couldn't haa.. hold myself "

I smiled hearing his praise my beauty even though many said that but listening that from him always made me happier, I then said " ohh... I became so sexy that you couldn't hold yourself fufufufu... " I stood up while removing his dick from inside me. His milk was leaking out of my honey cave I washed it with bedsheet.

"Ok then I will take a bath" saying this I went inside bathroom . I locked the bathroom from inside. While he slept right after that.