
Journey Of Zoro In Another World

"…How do you manage to fight with three swords?!" This wasn't the first time he had heard that. But he was used to it. Because he is the strongest. support me - patreon.com/fumiaki

Fumiaki · Anime und Comics
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179 Chs

Gaiden - Zenin Zoro 2

After the barrier was lifted, the faculty of both Tokyo and Kyoto Jujutsu High Schools scrambled to assess the damage and understand the situation.

With a Special Grade Curse wreaking havoc inside a barrier cast over the students participating in the exchange event between the two schools, the sorcerers from both institutions had no choice but to focus their attention there.

Meanwhile, someone stealing six of Sukuna's fingers and the first to third Cursed Womb: Death Paintings stored at Jujutsu High. Several sorcerers guarding the place were also killed by the intruder.

However, it was believed that the marauding Special Grade Curse was exorcised.

...Not by someone from Jujutsu High, though.

"—That concludes the report on the apprehended Curse User. Next, I'll report on the unidentified intruder."

Ijichi, standing alone before the seated key faculty members of both Jujutsu High Schools, turned a page of his report.

Yoshinobu Gakuganji asked, "Ijichi Kiyotaka, where is this intruder now?"

"...On the roof of the medical facility."

When Gojo brought Megumi to Shoko and saw him somewhat recover under Shoko's Reverse Cursed Technique, the man visibly relaxed.

As soon as the students of Jujutsu High showed signs of discomfort around him, he quietly left the medical facility. Jumping onto the roof of the facility, he had been sitting there on watch ever since.

Gakuganji expressed his displeasure, "Unidentified intruder with unknown motives. Why hasn't this person been detained like the other Curse Users?"

"...Well, that's because..."

"I objected," Gojo interjected, raising his hand. Gakuganji's expression soured as he turned to Gojo.

"Why, Gojo Satoru?"

"First, the guy eliminated two Special Grade Curses in the blink of an eye. One of them was even from across at Kokuryo, taken out cleanly from a distance. It's futile to confine him; he wouldn't simply comply."

Attempting to forcefully confine him could lead to casualties on their side. If agitated, almost everyone here might fall to him, except possibly for Gojo himself.

"Second, our prison wouldn't hold much power over him."

"Why's that?"

"He's a non-sorcerer."

Jujutsu High's prisons are primarily designed to suppress and diminish Cursed Energy and techniques. Though they can reduce pure physical capabilities to some extent, these features are significantly weaker compared to the suppression of Cursed Energy and techniques.

'Considering the size of the slash he sent, locking him up would be pointless.'

He'd likely just slice the prison in half and stroll out. Even if they took his weapons, would he really let them?

"Eh? No way!"

"Are you sure, Gojo?"

"That's preposterous…"

"Everything you just said, it's not a lie, right Satoru?"

The sorcerers were all astonished, each voicing their disbelief.

The sorcerers were all surprised and made their remarks.

Satoru could understand. When that person sent a massive slash without any Cursed Energy, even Gojo himself doubted his Six Eyes for a moment.

"100% a non-sorcerer. I stake my eyes on it."

The movement of that person when sending the slash, the path it took, even the ashes of the Cursed Spirits it killed, Gojo had scrutinized it all with his Six Eyes, but there was no trace of Cursed Energy or techniques anywhere.

Utahime asked in disbelief, "Is it possible for a non-sorcerer to kill Cursed Spirits without using Cursed Energy?"

"Well, there are quite a few non-sorcerers who can see Cursed Spirits. And if they have a Cursed Object, it's not impossible. However..."

"...This person killed with a sword, not a Cursed Object."

"Correct! You're unusually smart today, Utahime~"

Utahime's temples twitched with irritation, but she held back. Given the circumstances.

Yaga groaned thoughtfully, "So we have a non-sorcerer who's at least as strong as a Grade 1 sorcerer, possibly on par with a Special Grade...?"

"It's logical to assume they're a threat on par with a Special Grade sorcerer."

The room tensed at the Headmaster Gakuganji's words.

A Special Grade sorcerer isn't something to be taken lightly. It's a title reserved for the exceedingly rare among sorcerers who could potentially overthrow a nation on their own.

That Gojo Satoru, the only one present with the Special Grade title, emphasized the significance of such a ranking. Of course, Gojo was an extraordinary figure even among Special Grades.

Utahime, having calmed down, asked, "Is it really safe? To leave such a powerful and mysterious person near the students..."

"It doesn't matter where the students are within Jujutsu High, Utahime."


Are you even a teacher, acting like this?! Utahime finally exploded, lunging at Gojo to shake him by the collar.

Ijichi, sweating profusely, tried to calm her down.

"Please calm down, Ms. Iori. Gojo didn't just leave that person unattended. He's bound by a pact. As long as that person is within Jujutsu High, he's bound to protect all faculty and students present in Tokyo Jujutsu High at this moment."

"...Not just not harm, but actually protect?"

"Yes. We didn't specifically ask for protection, but... they initiated the pact themselves. Considering that, we can assume they don't have any malice towards us—"

"Pacts aren't omnipotent. If someone wants to evade them, there are plenty of ways to do so."

Ijichi clammed up. After all, Yaga wasn't entirely wrong.

'But they didn't seem like a bad person.'

That was partly because of how the person concealed themselves when the student and assistant teacher were frightened...

...Another reason was the items he handed to Ijichi.

"Have you interrogated him about his identity?"

"We only asked some basic questions. Name, age, affiliation, that's about it."

"What did he answer?"

"He didn't say much. Instead... he gave me these..."

"What are those, Ijichi?"

Ijichi took out a small, square card and a round badge from his pocket and handed them to Gojo.

The staff members' eyes widened at the sight of the yellow badge and card, both marked with the distinctive emblem of Jujutsu High.

These were items unmistakably associated with Jujutsu High.

Every student at Jujutsu High had one - a student ID.

Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College.

Student ID number 400001.

Name: Zenin Zoro (禪院 ゾロ).

Born on November 11, 1999.

This certifies that the individual is a student of this school.

Next to the stoic ID photo, a circle marked with the character '特' (Special) was distinctly visible. It indicated Special Grade Sorcerer status.


Gojo couldn't help but burst into laughter. Ahahaha, hahahahaha! After a long laugh, Gojo finally stopped and said,

"What's this, I was worried for nothing. He's my junior, isn't he?"

Gakuganji stared at the student ID, then turned his gaze to Yaga.

"...Yaga. Has there been a 4th-year student like this at Tokyo Jujutsu High?"


Yaga had never heard of a student by this name. Especially not a Special Grade, which would be impossible not to know about. Besides, all the 4th-year students at Tokyo Jujutsu High had already died. The same was true for Kyoto Jujutsu High.

Utahime asked,

"Could the student ID be a forgery?"

"That's a possibility... but it's identical."

The barcode on the student ID wasn't registered in Jujutsu High's database. However, everything else matched Jujutsu High's student IDs too closely.

Alright, Gojo, smiling, clapped his hands and stood up.

"Let's not stay here. It seems like everyone has a lot of questions."

About our student. He concluded playfully.


At that time, Zenin Zoro was lying on the roof of the medical facility, looking up at the sky.

Zoro briefly gazed at the sky before closing his eyes. As soon as he did, a powerful sense of presence spread throughout Jujutsu High.

The sky covered by Tengen's barrier, students inside the medical facility, the bustling Shoko, and the sorcerers approaching this way—Zoro captured all their presences.

Something was different.

This place was indeed Tokyo Jujutsu High, but it wasn't the school where he had spent his childhood.

Toji and Geto, who should have been here due to such an incident, and Zoro's classmates were nowhere to be seen.

Zoro took out his younger brother's VIVRE card from his pocket. Despite Megumi being seriously injured, Megumi's VIVRE card was in perfect condition, unscathed even before being treated by Shoko.

A place that looks similar but is somehow different in every way. Zoro knew what to call such a place.

'Have I come to another world?'

A parallel world, or something like that.

Then everything made sense. The people of Jujutsu High treating Zoro as if they were seeing him for the first time, and the intruding curses that dared to invade without considering Zoro's presence. They truly were seeing him for the first time, hence the unfamiliar and cautious behavior. The intruders hadn't taken him into account either.

'Maybe I was never born in this world.'

It wasn't surprising. Zoro was a 'summoned' being.

Being born was an anomaly, a defiance against heaven.

Naturally, many people, knowingly or unknowingly, were involved in Zoro's life.

Without Zoro here, naturally, many would have walked a different path from that of Zoro's world. Some might have found better outcomes, while others might not have.

And some might have died, disappearing altogether.

Zoro scratched the back of his head. It sounded absurd, but living a life filled with absurd events wasn't new to him.

Whether in his previous life or current life, Zoro, who had faced the absurd as if it were daily routine, accepted this situation as it was.

'Changing worlds isn't new to me.'

Only this time, it wasn't through death and rebirth. Recalling Nanami's look of horror caught between the storm of power, Zoro felt uneasy.

'I need to return quickly.'

But he had no idea how to go back. It would have been possible to try something with that mirror-like object if it had come with him, but it seemed to have remained in the original world.

Zoro clicked his tongue. Thinking like this wasn't his responsibility.


Below, Gojo called out, cupping his hands around his mouth. While the surrounding sorcerers were filled with suspicion and tension, only Satoru remained calm and collected.

Zoro leaped down to stand in front of Gojo.


"Aw, come on, that's cold. I'm your teacher, you know? The one teaching you!"

Of course, Zoro scoffed at Satoru's words. As if. Gojo had never taught Zoro anything. Nor could he have.

"I've taught people from Jujutsu High too."

Though it wasn't part of the regular curriculum, anyone who wanted to learn about Haki or swordsmanship came to Zoro. Be it students or staff members.

Zoro didn't refuse and taught them. It wasn't particularly difficult, and it was good for more people to learn Haki and swordsmanship.

Gojo's eyes sparkled with interest.

"Wow, what did you teach?"


"Tell me. I'm curious about a lot of things right now."

It seemed so. Zoro sighed at the overly eager gaze. This nutcase had gone crazy again.

Since Zoro needed other people's help to find a way back to his original world, he had no intention of not explaining the situation. It wasn't something he needed to hide anyway.

"Just a moment before that."




When Zoro suddenly opened the door, Nobara and Yuji, who had been eavesdropping closely, lost their balance and stumbled forward. Zoro caught them smoothly as they screamed and were about to fall.

After setting them straight, Zoro sternly said.

"Eavesdropping on others isn't good."


"We're really sorry…"

Having received their apologies, Zoro didn't scold them further and gestured towards the inside of the building with his chin.

"Let's talk inside. In front of Megumi."

"Hmm. You don't want to talk with Megumi alone?"

"It's annoying."

He disliked repeating the same story several times. Once was enough for him.

Zoro hesitated as he saw Nobara and Yuji's eyes sparkling with curiosity. He sighed.

"If you want to listen, you can come too."

"Is that okay?"

"It's not something to hide."

It was just a bit hard to believe. Zoro spoke briefly.

"Let's go inside."

There was a lot to discuss. He entered the medical facility and walked in.


"Shoko, don't you have popcorn here?"

"Shut up, Gojo."

Following Shoko's advice that too many people in the medical room could adversely affect the students who had just recovered through Reverse Cursed Technique, only the faculty members Yaga, Utahime, Gakuganji, and Gojo were allowed in. Shoko, naturally, was already there as the medical room's assigned.

Additionally, Megumi was sitting on a hospital bed covered with a blanket, with Nobara and Yuji on a guardian's bed next to it.

On the opposite side, Maki, Panda, and Inumaki sat on another hospital bed, looking on with a mix of tension and interest.

Zoro, surrounded by these people, pondered briefly what to say.

Then, he explained bluntly.

"I'm Zenin Zoro. Zenin Megumi's brother and a swordsman. I'm from another world. A fourth-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High, and my rank is Special Grade. Nice to meet you."






"Ha ha ha ha ha!"


"What did he say?"


"That's a hell of a straight pitch."


Everyone was taken aback, and Megumi's green eyes looked as if they were hit by a void, unable to process the information just heard. A brother? His brother from another world? Special Grade?

"Ahaha, hahahaha! Megumi, your face is hilarious."

Hahaha! Gojo was the only one rolling on the floor with laughter.

Seeing Gojo, wrapped in an infinity, rolling around at her feet, Shoko's face soured dramatically.

'It's so hard I could die.'

Analyzing the cause of death, ensuring the corpses weren't used for curses, and treating the patients were stressful enough, and now she had to watch Gojo roll around near her feet.

Her dark circles, which had already reached her cheeks, seemed to deepen further. The urge for a cigarette she had quit a while ago came rushing back.

'Such white trash.'

Imagine laughing because the intruder you were wary of turns out to be the brother from another world of your student.

'I want to clock out, medical duties be damned.'

Shoko thought blankly to herself.

Maki questioned with skepticism.

"Is that even possible? Another world? How exactly?"

"I didn't come here by choice. I was swept up by the energy emanating from some mirror-shaped artifact, and next thing I knew, I was here."

Gakuganji looked bewilderedly at Yaga.

"...Is such a thing really possible, Yaga?"

Under normal circumstances, Yaga would have flatly denied such a possibility.

However, astonishingly, this time he couldn't dismiss it outright.

"Coincidentally, on our side, the repository at Time Vessel Association was invaded, resulting in the destruction of many artifacts. Among them were artifacts related to 'worlds' and 'movement.' If the destroyed artifact from that world interacted with an artifact from this world during the process... it's not entirely impossible."

Panda looked at Zoro curiously.

"So you're really a senior from a parallel world? That's fascinating. There's no brother of Fushiguro in this world."

"That would make sense."

Zoro is a 'summoned' being. If he had been in this world too, it would have been more surprising.

Inumaki looked at Zoro worriedly before speaking.

"Unripe Salmon?"

"Well, I've been through a lot. I'm okay."

Inumaki's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting Zoro to understand and respond to his onigiri language question.

Itadori looked thoughtful.

"So... Fushiguro from another world... no, you said Zenin there. Anyway, you're Megumi's brother and our senior?"


"Zenin, like senior Maki."

"Is that so?"

Considering this world's Megumi became Fushiguro, Zoro thought this world's Maki might have changed her surname too. But it seemed Maki was still a Zenin in this world.

"...What are you looking at?"

When Zoro looked at Maki, she retorted sharply. Zoro just shrugged and turned away. It wasn't a matter of great importance, after all.

Itadori rested his chin on his hand, pondering.

"If we call you Zenin senior... no, that overlaps with Maki. What should we call you?"

"Call me whatever you want."

Zoro didn't really care what he was called, though it was rare for others to refer to him as "Zenin."

The first reason was that he often spent time with Toji, Megumi, and Maki, and calling him by his surname could lead to confusion since they were all Zenins. The second reason was that people were cautious about referring to Zoro as Zenin, fearing they might offend him.

Given what Zoro had done to the Zenin family in the past, there were hardly any sorcerers who didn't know about it.

Itadori clapped his hands cheerfully and said,

"Then, Senior Zoro!"

Zoro's eyes widened, then he chuckled. In his world too, Yuji had called him that.

"Senior Zoro!"

Recalling the face that used to call out to him with hands raised high, Zoro smiled. Some things don't change, even when worlds do.

Nobara looked uncomfortably at Fushiguro Megumi. From the color of their hair to their facial features and physique, there was no resemblance between the two.

After looking back and forth between them for a while, she finally spoke up.

"...Sorry if this is a rude question, but don't you two look too different to be brothers?"

"Megumi is the spitting image of our father."

Megumi, except for his build, was a spitting image of Toji, while Zoro, if you exclude the physique, didn't resemble Toji at all. Hence, it made sense that they didn't look alike.

Hearing the word "father," Fushiguro's expression instantly hardened. He said stiffly,

"I don't have something like a father. He left when I was too young, so I don't remember his name or face."

He didn't find that regrettable. After all, Fushiguro Megumi didn't value the man much.

Zoro looked at Fushiguro with an indifferent gaze. There was no sign of reproach or anger, just neutrality. Seeing that face somehow made Megumi more irritated, and he blurted out,

"My biological father abandoned Tsumiki and me before I even entered elementary school and vanished."

Around the same time as Tsumiki's biological mother. Fushiguro Megumi felt a lingering rough sensation in his mouth. It was a fact he had accepted long ago, yet it left a bitter taste.

"...By now, he's probably somewhere living well."

A man who didn't even know the gender of his children, naming one 'Megumi' of all things.

Such a man was nothing like a father.


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