
Journey of The Spirit Dragon

Shen Xiao the main lead of the story, faces many hardships after his parents went missing. He and his sister losed everything after the property that left behind by his parents is acqired by other big families and they are betrayed by the subordinates of his father. He wanted to everything back and give them the same humilation that he and his sister suffered but he was to weak for that. Afters years of strugle he awakens his bloodline of the Spirit Dragon and steps on the path of cultivation. He is introduced to the world of cultivation that his hidden in another realm connected to Earth. His adventures leads him to know many secrets that are burried in the history of this planet. The Fate of universe lies in his hands as he is the Spirit Dragon whose name has vanished in the time. The ruler and protector of spirit races with a huge responsibility on his shoulder yet unaware of it. Follow Shen Xiao's journey to what lies ahead and how he overcome the hurdles in his journey.

d07 · Fantasie
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40 Chs

First slave

After attending classes at university, Shen xiao and Feng Xing decided to go home but they didn't notice some following them. She was none other than Qin yuan, she wanted Shen Xiao as her slave but she didn't care about Feng Xing. She was confident in her abilities and her cultiation was also higher then both Feng Xing and Shen Xiao.

"Master that girl is following you." said Mia

Shen xiao and Feng Xing didn't understand at first but they suddenly remembered Qin yuan. Shen Xiao then had a evil sile on his face.

"Lets go to deserted place and we will deal with her there." said feng Xing

"No i will go alone, you should leave this to me. you can go back wait for me, i ll be back soon." he said

They went on different route as Feng xiao went back home and Shen Xiao went in another direction.

"where is he going? Am i discovered? They shouldn't be able discover me with their cultivation and my concealment technique is one of the best in Jade Realm." she thought and continued to follow him.

He turnred into empty ground and stopped. He then turned around looked into Qin yuan direction, which greatly shocked her as she was confident in her concealment technique

Then she heard She xiao's mocking voice "are you not coming outside now that we are alone."

She frowned slightly but she didn't go infront of him, she chose to check where he was getting his cofidence with his cultivation level, but she didn't found anything in surroundings.

She chose to come out after he asked again "Why are you following me?"

When she came out she directed her charm technique at him. She said "nothing i just wanted to meet you, i haven't seen such a handsome man even in jade realm, i just wanted to get to know you but your girlfriend was with you so i chose not to disturb and waited for the right time. but i didn't expect you to be able to find me."

"oh its rude not to introduce myself. My name is Qin Yuan and i am from Qin Family of Jade realm" She introduced herself as she went closer to him but she was just waiting for him to get under her controll.

"Its not good for someone from such a big family to use such petty tricks like charm technique to get me under your controll. now is it" he said as suddenly moved and attackted her

She was not ready for this and got directly hit by him. He made her lose her consiousness. His body is very strong because of his physique that he had trained to second level.

He directly sealed her cultivation and took her to spirit space.

He left her in the spirit space and came at the same place, he checked his surroundings and decided to go back home. 

When he came back home he noticed that house emplty, he asked Mia about everyone's whereabouts

"Feng ruxue went to check a new a location for her restaurant and Feng Xing is in training ground. Shen xia and and Zhao Yao are immersed in cultivation and probably won't come out for few days.

He went to his room and directly went Spirit Space where he kept Qin yuan. He gave her the slave mark and a black dragon mark appeared below her naval. He brought her to a room and after that he woke her up.

"What happened to me? Where am i? she asked Shen Xiao as she looked around.

"This is my place since you want me take under your charm affects i brought you here and gave you my slave mark. From now on youi are my slave and you have to follow my orders." he said to her calmly. 

She looked at him with dazed expression, when she noticed that she could'nt feel her cultivation she panicked. She asked "why are you doing this to me? we don't have any enimity?

"first you tried to use you charm on me to enslave me, second you are related to yu kang and ye fan and i hate them to bones, and you are from qin family which supports ling family that ruined are lives and humiliates us many times." he replied

"So do you think that i should wait for you take action against me and later repay you after i lost something at you hands, i am not naive anymore."

She was speechless to answer him as everything he said was true. "what are you going to me now?" she asked worriedly.

"First thing you don't have to think anything against me and my loved ones otherwise you will feel unbearable pain. Second you can't tell anything that you see and hear here. If you will follow orders and be obidient we will not treat you badly. you will also have to dual cultivate with me infuture" he said 

She listened carefully to everything he said. Finally she tried to release the killing intent towards him but at the same time she felt unbearable pain that was worst than death. She sceamed painfully, seeing this Shen Xiao waved his hand and the pain in her body disappeared. after relaxing for few minutes she sighed and got up. She bowed her head "What are your order for this slave, Master." She totally resigned to her fate after feeling the pain and totally gave up on any thought that she had of getting free.

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