
Journey of The Spirit Dragon

Shen Xiao the main lead of the story, faces many hardships after his parents went missing. He and his sister losed everything after the property that left behind by his parents is acqired by other big families and they are betrayed by the subordinates of his father. He wanted to everything back and give them the same humilation that he and his sister suffered but he was to weak for that. Afters years of strugle he awakens his bloodline of the Spirit Dragon and steps on the path of cultivation. He is introduced to the world of cultivation that his hidden in another realm connected to Earth. His adventures leads him to know many secrets that are burried in the history of this planet. The Fate of universe lies in his hands as he is the Spirit Dragon whose name has vanished in the time. The ruler and protector of spirit races with a huge responsibility on his shoulder yet unaware of it. Follow Shen Xiao's journey to what lies ahead and how he overcome the hurdles in his journey.

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40 Chs

Powers of Jade Realm

He took her araound the spirit space and told her about this place. He gave her permission to access the facilities in this place if they are free. There was lot of space for her to use. There were some places where he restricted her to go. he also told her about primal qi and aloowed her to cultivate with it so that she nourish her body. He did this on Mia's advice because it will be benificial for him in dual cultivation.

She listened to him carefully. She was amazed by the beauty and moreover the qi in this place was many time thicker than outside. Orginaly she felt sad and regretful on being someones slave, but now she felt it was oportunity for her and it was her good luck to be Shen Xiao's slave.

The came back to palace "Now tell be about yourself and what you know about qin clans and other clans."

"Master i am not one of the core members of the family, but my father is one of the grand elders. I have practiced in jade realm untill now and it my First time coming to this place. Ye family and yu family of mortal world have submitted to ling family and which has become one of the vassals of our clan. So Yu kang and ye fan were sent with me as a guide as their families have some power in mortal world." she explained.

"Many families and sects have sent their deciples to mortal world to find resources and opportunities. They also sent us to grab firm foothold here. Although they didn't tell us anything but we can't go aginst their orders. It is really strange because untill now they never looked in mortal world for resources, although their were some transactions between people of both places. they never shared cultivation techniques with people of mortal world. they were many talented children that were brought in jade realm but they were always forbidden from teaching to their families. But it is really strange that they taught to families around the country this time. Even Ye family and yu family are the same." 

Shen Xiao was in deep thought after listening to the explanation given by Qin yuan. After thinking about sometime he decided to drop the topic as it was no use for him think about something like this as he was too weak to know about this.

"Tell me more about the clans and sects in jade realm" he asked

"There are Three major families and four sects. There are also some other clans and sects but they are not as strong as these 7 powers. Our Qin clan is strongets among these powers. 3 families Qin family, Xuanyuan family and Xie family, 4 sects are profound maritial sect, Hundered flower valley, frozen water sect and Yin-Yang pavilion." She explained 

"Qin family and profound martial sect are one power as they both are controlled by our family. I am also a inner deciple of profound martial sect. Xuanyuan family is famous for swords and they also control a sect but they don't take in many deciples so they are not in seven great powers, Hundered flower valley is women only sect and they are famous for beauty and alchemy, no one dares go against them as they supply most of the pills in the realm and their power cannot be under estimated as they can go head to head against the joint power of Qin family and profound martial sect, Yin-yang pavilion as the name suggest is dual cultivation sect, although it is among the seven great powers but it is the weakest among them in terms of power but they have vast connections in the entier realm." She conitnued to explain about some other powers and small sects to him 

"What about Xie family?" he asked 

"Xie family is heretical cultivation family as they use humans as cultivation resorces such blood sucking and other evil methods, they exists in western region of jade realm but they have great power and there are many other families and sects under them as no one underestimates them. Western region is full of darkness if some other cultivators goes there then power is reduced so no one recklessly ventures in the western lands or also land of demons. If it found that someone has connection with those heretical cultivator then are killed because people with darkness eliment are hated by everyone."She explained

He said "keep an eye out if you found anything and if Ling family, Ye family or yu family makes any move tell me. If the those two Ye fan and yu kang plans anything don't stop them but report to me."

"If you have any information againts them you can tell me that i can use as to plan something against them." he said

"I have some interesting information but i don't know if that is of any use for you or not." She thought about it and told him "When i met Ye and yu family i noticed something about Yu huan, According to me she is complete slut as i can feel many types of male essence in her body and she is also Ye fan's mother. Moreover according to everyone Yu kang is ye mengqi and Yu han's son but i can tell that Ye mengqi is still virgin."

"i can tell because i am very sensitive to these things maybe because i practiced a dual cultivation technique, but i am still virgin as i just use males by enslaving them by my charm and forces them to produce yang qi with help from pills. I can even confuse people with same cultivation during my fight. If the people of higer realm then me have my weak mind they can also be confused by it." she explained.

He nodded at her continued to ask some questions and she answered obidiently. After that he asked her to leave if she wants and keep an eye on things. He asked her act normally in front of people as not grow suspicion of others. 

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