
Journey Of The Crimson Demon.

What dark essence lies within Insanity's core? From whence does evil's infernal power emerge? What nefarious depths birth the essence of good? Where doth power's diabolical might find its source? What secrets lurk within the elixir of immortality? And who, in the realms of the infernal, holds dominion over these enigmatic truths? ………………………… Such inquiries, woven within the fabric of our existence, are the very threads that set individuals apart, each distinct in their perceptions and interpretations. ________________________ Arkan, a weathered soul hailing from earthly realms, finds rebirth in a realm of fantasy and wonder. Devoid of innate cultivation aptitude and bereft of fortuitous aids such as celestial systems, ancient mentors within enchanted rings(Grandpas if you may), or divine techniques of godlike stature, how may Arkan ascend to the zenith of cultivation and surpass even its lofty confines? _________________________ Note:- Although no cheats, plot armor will be present. How can anyone reach the peak without any plot armor, because if that were to be the case then everyone would be at the top.  And yes, I will use simple English in the novel, and unlike my previous novels this one has an editor. Yeah I know he is my friend but he is a professional with English Honors and some other degree, I forgot. And maybe, well we changed 1 or 2 chapters to a bit shakspear English, why? We were just having fun. Don't worry, I have removed the very difficult words and given out an explanation and a meaning for those so called easy words.(This paragraph is not edited, my friend asked for extra party for this one. So yeah. No editing from here on. Have a heatstroke while reading this.) Mc will get some op items but not so op that it gives him invincibility. Mc is extremely ruthless.(Not in the starting chapters.) Those who have read my novel [God's Era: An Error System] will find this novel darker than the other.  The novel is slow paced. But it's immortal novel, so it's fast as well. I don't really know what I am trying to say but yeah, it's both fast paced and slow paced. Depends on the situation. No Romance(Maybe, but not really but maybe) Thank you. ______________________________ (For further inquiries please visit my Review, I will answer all questions within a day or 2 at most.)

legendary_awesome · Fantasie
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12 Chs

[5] The Trial of Endurance: Ascending the Staircase…

Chapter 5:- The Trial of Endurance: Ascending the Staircase…

Arkan's attention was soon drawn to the task at hand. He reminded himself that he was not here merely as a spectator, but as a participant in the trials to become an outer disciple of the Azure Sword Sect.

With determination in his eyes, Arkan focused his mind on the upcoming challenges. He knew that this was his chance to prove himself and embark on the path of cultivation.

As the group began their descent from the mountain, Arkan took a different approach compared to the others. While most of them rushed down the slope, he moved at a slower pace, keenly observing his surroundings and gathering useful items along the way. He plucked ripe fruits from nearby trees and collected sturdy branches that could potentially be used as tools or weapons.

"I don't know if we'll be provided with any resources during the trials, but a little extra preparation never hurts," Arkan thought to himself, his eyes scanning the area for anything that could be of use.

Arkan's methodical approach paid off as he found himself well-equipped with provisions and makeshift tools by the time he reached the halfway point of the descent. He took a moment to catch his breath and evaluate his progress.

From there, Arkan continued his descent, consuming the fruits he had collected to replenish his energy and heal any minor injuries he had sustained. The magical properties of the fruits accelerated his recovery, leaving him feeling rejuvenated and ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

By the second day, Arkan had already descended the mountain, his determination pushing him forward. As he looked up at the towering peak of the next mountain he had to climb, he steeled himself for the next stage of the trial.

The sight before him was daunting—a seemingly endless staircase stretched out before his eyes. Arkan knew that this would test not only his physical endurance but also his mental strength.

Taking a deep breath, Arkan consumed another fruit, its healing properties instantly mending his tired muscles and fortifying his resolve. However, as he attempted to bring his collected items with him, a warning sounded in his mind.

"You are not allowed to carry those things with you. They were only allowed during the descent to give you an advantage. From now on, you must reach the peak on your own merits."

Disappointed but undeterred, Arkan reluctantly left behind the fruits and branches he had gathered. With determination in his heart, he took the first step on the arduous climb.

Each step brought a wave of pressure and exhaustion, pushing Arkan to his limits. His bones creaked under the strain, and his body was drenched in sweat and stained red with his own blood. Yet, his spirit remained unyielding.

Arkan continued his ascent, his mind focused solely on reaching the pinnacle. The pain and hardships became mere background noise as he pushed through the physical and mental barriers.

 Nothing else mattered except for the goal he had set for himself.

As the hours passed, Arkan surpassed the 100th step, leaving many of his fellow participants behind. Though some had managed to overtake him, he paid them no mind. His singular focus remained on his own journey.

With each step, the toll on Arkan's body increased. He felt cracks forming in his bones, and the pain intensified with every movement. Despite the agony, he refused to surrender. He knew that the path to success was paved with sacrifice and perseverance.

At the 300th step, Arkan's hands and feet were a mosaic of pain, his body a testament to his determination. The trail had taken its toll, leaving him battered and broken. Yet, his eyes burned with an unwavering resolve.

Even as others surpassed him, Arkan's indomitable spirit burned brightly within him. He took another step, and then another, his shoulder bone audibly cracking under the immense pressure. A gut-wrenching cry escaped his lips, piercing the air around him. Some turned to look, but their focus remained fixed on the summit.

Arkan's vision blurred, and darkness threatened to engulf him. It would have been so easy to surrender, to succumb to the overwhelming pain. But he couldn't. His dreams, his parents' loving eyes—they were his beacon of hope, guiding him through the darkest moments.

Through sheer willpower and the residual spiritual energy in the air, Arkan's unconscious body pressed on. With just 22 steps remaining, he was on the verge of completing the trial. Victory was within his grasp.

However, hope and dreams are fragile entities, often shattered when they are closest to fulfillment. The trial abruptly came to an end, announced by an elder who declared that only the eight children who had rung the bell three times would be accepted as true outer disciples of the Azure Sword Sect.

The elder's gaze briefly fell upon Arkan's unconscious form, but it held no significance. To him, Arkan was just another failed participant in a long line of hopefuls. The elder's attention quickly shifted to the remaining children on the stairs.

Without a second thought, the elder commanded the disciples to carry all the unqualified children, including Arkan, to the sword pavilion. It was imperative that none of them perish, as it would tarnish the sect's reputation.

The disciples obeyed, lifting the exhausted and wounded children one by one, their disappointment etched upon their faces. As for Arkan, he remained unconscious, oblivious to the events unfolding around him. The elder's fleeting impression of him faded away, lost in the sea of countless faces he had encountered throughout his long life.

Hours later, Arkan's weary eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of despondency etched on the faces of his fellow participants. The realization of his failure hit him, but it was tempered by the determination he saw reflected in some of their eyes. Perhaps, he thought, there might still be a way to enter the sect, to turn this setback into a stepping stone toward his goals.

A renewed fire burned within Arkan, fueled by his resilience and the unwavering belief that he was destined for greatness. Hours later, an elder dressed in black materialized before the group, welcoming them to the sword pavilion. He explained that they would be given the opportunity to become servant disciples, tasked with menial chores and sword polishing. Success in this role would eventually lead to the chance of becoming outer disciples.

With a black sheet of paper in hand, the elder vanished, leaving behind a list of tasks for each participant. Arkan glanced at his own list, surprised to find only three simple tasks:

1. Clean the velvet sword.

2 . Fill three vats of water.

3. Clean the purple moon sword.

A sense of relief washed over Arkan as he realized the relative ease of his assignments. It seemed fortune had smiled upon him, granting him an opportunity to prove himself once again.

*** *** ***