
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 40 - Confronts the Avengers

As the Avengers gathered in the technologically advanced briefing room of the tower, Scott Lang, known as Ant-Man, and Hope Van Dyne, the Wasp, were deeply engrossed in their exploration of the Quantum Mania theorem. Their work symbolized the cutting-edge research being conducted within the Avengers Tower.

Scott, glancing up from his calculations, couldn't help but inquire, "Captain, why have you called us? This seems like a significant emergency. Is there a major attack looming or has Ultron returned?"

Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff, focused on his own investigations. He and Wanda, also known as Scarlet Witch, were busy tracing their DNA to unravel the mystery of their parentage. The evidence, veering towards the legendary Magneto, left them questioning their identities as mutants or natural heroes.

"In response to your questions, I want to share something. However, I only have some theories and a brief video," Tony Stark replied, his tone hinting at the gravity of the situation.

Wanda, always candid in her expressions, voiced her confusion. "Tony, you couldn't find more videos? Are you saying you couldn't crack a simple password?" The Scarlet Witch's skepticism reflected her high standards for technological prowess.

The room buzzed with speculation as T'Challa, known as Black Panther, sought clarification from Tony Stark. "Yes, Tony, your F.R.I.D.A.Y. is one of the best A.I.s we've seen, aside from Ultron and Vision. Are you implying that Ultron is making a comeback?" His keen intellect added to the growing confusion within the room.

Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, chimed in with her characteristic assertiveness. "Even if Ultron returns, we can turn him into scrap metal. So why the emergency?" Her skepticism echoed the sentiment of several Avengers.

Captain America, maintaining order with a calm authority, urged patience. "Let's all be patient and see what we have to show you before we start asking questions." With that, he initiated a holographic display, projecting a video that unfolded before the Avengers' attentive eyes.

The footage revealed a portal opening in the midst of a town, a burst of light heralding the arrival of a human figure. As the team watched, captivated, the newcomer created a diamond from his hand, exchanged it for money, purchased a house, and disappeared inside. The room, initially filled with questions and skepticism, fell into a contemplative hush.

"What on earth is that? Are you trying to show us this as if it's just a new recruit for the Sorcerer Supreme?" Scott Lang, Ant-Man, voiced his confusion, finding the scene less extraordinary than the team seemed to imply.

"Quiet down, kid, and pay attention," Clint Barton, Hawkeye, interrupted the question. Sam Wilson, Falcon, zoomed in on the image, revealing intricate details of the newcomer's actions, creating a sense of mystery that hung in the air.

As the holographic display continued to unveil the enigma of Sharky Tennyson, Sam Wilson, Falcon, proceeded to show the next video, capturing the attention of the assembled Avengers. The footage revealed Sharky's astonishing ability to pass through the Helicarrier's metal structure as if it were mere air. Their collective gasps echoed through the room as they witnessed him administering an electric shock to all the Symbiotes and exhaling a chemical substance, effectively resolving the Symbiote problem that had perplexed the team.

In the subsequent scene, Sharky effortlessly overpowered Power Man by growing in size, a display of strength that left the Avengers in awe. T'Challa, still puzzled, sought clarity, "Sharky seems truly remarkable, with a multitude of powers. But what's the significance of this video? It appears he's saving someone, so why is this a problem?"

Sam, the bearer of revelations, reassured them, "The issue isn't that he's a good guy. The problem is that we've discovered this person doesn't belong to our world. He hails from elsewhere, possibly an alien or a Kree Warrior. However, he's not Asgardian or from any of the nine realms. What's certain is that he's not from Earth, which is why we've invited Carol, in case she has any knowledge about him."

The revelation of Sharky Tennyson's ability to infiltrate their systems left the Avengers in a state of shock. Tony Stark, wearing a visibly stunned expression, admitted, "And as we tried to spy on him, we found he's different; he can infiltrate our systems."

Scott Lang, known as Ant-Man, couldn't hide his surprise and questioned Tony with a mix of disbelief and concern, "What on earth! He can hack your system, Stark? What's the use of you if you can't protect the system?"

Tony, usually confident in his technological prowess, found himself in an unprecedented predicament. "Yes, that's the major issue. But we've still been trying to locate him, and somehow, we've provoked Sharky. That's when he issued a warning to assemble every Avengers team. He's coming to visit us, and a visit from him might mean trouble, possibly a confrontation," Steve Rogers explained, his realization sinking in. As the team processed the gravity of the situation, Steve noticed that Carol Danvers remained fixed on the screen, her gaze unwavering, implying a depth of recognition or knowledge.

As the room hung in suspense, Steve Rogers, noticing Carol Danvers' unreadable expression, sought her insight. "Carol, do you recognize the person? Can you explain to us about him?" His inquiry aimed to gauge how much knowledge Carol possessed about the enigmatic Sharky Tennyson.

Carol, still fixated on the screen, felt a complex mix of emotions. She recognized the face—it was her husband, the one with whom she had recently completed the marriage ritual. The Avengers had called her to deal with her own spouse, a situation she found somewhat foolish given the circumstances.

"Yes, I know him. But as he's coming, you'll get to know him as well," Carol replied, her tone carrying a certain assurance that seemed to put everyone at ease. The revelation of a personal connection added a layer of complexity to the situation.

"Alright, when he arrives, we'll demonstrate our powers and not be easily bullied," T'Challa, Black Panther, asserted with a sense of conviction. The resolve within the room strengthened, the Avengers preparing for the impending meeting with Sharky Tennyson, unaware of the personal connections that awaited them.

As the countdown to the impending confrontation dwindled, each Avengers team member intensified their preparations for the arrival of Sharky Tennyson. Tension filled the air, setting the stage for a momentous encounter that would test the mettle of Earth's mightiest heroes.

Suddenly, a resounding 'badoom' echoed on the rooftop of the Avengers Tower, prompting every member to shift their focus to the source of the disturbance. F.R.I.D.A.Y., the advanced A.I., swiftly reported that the video displayed a man in his mid-twenties standing on the rooftop.

"So, Avengers, are you ready to welcome me?" Sharky's voice boomed loudly, capturing the attention of the entire team. In the blink of an eye, he materialized in front of them. However, his surprise was evident when he noticed Carol Danvers among the assembled heroes, attempting to conceal her presence. A chuckle escaped him as he realized he might need to teach some family rules and need to give some family punishment to Carol.

As the Avengers confronted Sharky Tennyson on the rooftop, Wanda Maximoff stepped forward, questioning, "So, this is the guy who caused so much panic? Your entrance is impressive, but who gave you the right to hack into our system?"

With a nonchalant demeanor, Sharky responded with a chuckle, "Haha, you think I need permission to access any system? Then, who gave you the right to investigate me?"

Wanda, undeterred, maintained her focus. "Yes, we have the right to investigate you because you're not from Earth. It's legal to investigate potential threats to our planet, and you're no exception. You can be a danger if you don't prove otherwise," T'Challa explained, emphasizing the Avengers' responsibility to safeguard Earth.

"Trust me, if I were a danger to Earth, it would have been destroyed already. I can obliterate anything in the blink of an eye," Sharky stated, his words carrying an assertive undertone that hinted at the immense power he wielded.

As the tension on the rooftop escalated, Scott Lang, Ant-Man, shouted, "Whether you're a danger or not, we need proof that you're not a threat to Earth," visibly suiting up in his Ant-Man gear in preparation for potential conflict.

Sharky Tennyson, undeterred, issued a warning with a steely gaze, "I didn't come here for a party or to offer proof today. I'm here to remind you that some people need to stay in their lane, and if you step out of line, you'll face the consequences." He cracked his knuckles, a prelude to the impending clash. "So, get ready for a fight, and don't say I didn't warn you." With a subtle growth in size, Sharky hinted at the extent of his powers.

Steve Rogers, Captain America, unfazed by the warning, responded confidently, "You want a fight? I can handle you on my own; there's no need for everyone." Gripping his shield, Captain charged at Sharky, swiftly positioning himself in front of Sharky. With precision, he hurled his shield at Sharky, launching the opening move in a confrontation that would test the limits of their powers and reveal the true nature of Sharky Tennyson.

In the heat of the confrontation, Sharky Tennyson effortlessly caught Captain America's shield and, with a smirk, sent it back with even greater force toward Steve Rogers. The shield's trajectory created a burst of kinetic energy upon impact.

Tony Stark, undeterred, swiftly suited up in his latest nano-technology suit and sprinted toward Captain America, catching the shield with all his might. However, the force of the impact threw Stark back, revealing the immense strength behind Sharky's actions. In the midst of the chaos, Clint Barton fired an arrow while simultaneously catching Tony to prevent him from colliding with the rooftop.

Natasha Romanoff moved strategically toward Sharky, Sam Wilson took flight, firing a barrage of bombs from above, and Scott Lang, utilizing his shrinking abilities, leaped at Sharky, aiming for a surprise attack. T'Challa, suited up in his advanced Panther gear, ran with remarkable speed toward the escalating confrontation.

Sharky, demonstrating his agility and resilience, deftly handled the bombs, felt Natasha's kick on his leg, Scott latched onto his fingers with his shrunken size, and T'Challa delivered a formidable blow to his head. The rooftop became a battleground, the clash of powers echoing through the air as each Avenger sought to gain the upper hand in this face-off.

In the midst of the battle, Sharky Tennyson, with newfound authority as Sigurd Tennyson's father, the next King of Asgard, successfully snatched Thor's Mjölnir. The symbolic privilege allowed him to wield the mighty hammer, and with a display of raw power, Sharky began beating Thor with his own weapon and his diamond-like fists. The assault continued relentlessly until Thor, God of Thunder, lost consciousness.

Tony Stark unleashed a barrage of bullets from his hand at Sharky, only to witness them ricochet off Sharky's impenetrable skin. Hawkeye fired an arrow with precision, but Sharky effortlessly caught it and hurled it back at Hawkeye. Meanwhile, Sam Wilson unleashed wing-like blasts in an attempt to turn the tide.

Sharky, revealing his Upgrade powers, caused both Stark and Sam's suits to malfunction, leaving them vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, he used his powers to slam them to the ground, rendering them unconscious.

Closing in on Steve Rogers, Sharky spotted Wasp, whom he promptly caught and crushed by absorbing the power of her suit. With calculated precision, Sharky grabbed Steve by the neck, tossing him toward Clint Barton, and continued his assault until Clint, too, succumbed to unconsciousness. Now, only Carol Danvers, the Hulk, and Wanda Maximoff remained standing, facing the overwhelming might of the Sharky Tennyson.

"Now, it's just the three of you. Let's get this over with quickly because I have no time to waste," Sharky quipped, tapping into his Humungousaur powers and growing larger than the Hulk. Seizing the Hulk, he unleashed a rampage once more until the green giant lost consciousness.

Surprisingly, Hulk, known for growing stronger when provoked, had chosen to revert to Bruce Banner, acknowledging that further harm from Sharky was unnecessary.

"Now it's just the two of you," Sharky addressed Wanda and Carol. With a confident demeanor, Wanda generated her red magical rays, prepared to continue the fight, carefully observing the situation.

"You will pay for this," she declared, aiming her powerful rays at Sharky. However, Sharky, drawing upon his Anodite magic powers, easily thwarted her attacks.

"It's okay, Wanda. Calm down," Carol reassured her fellow Avenger. With all the other members incapacitated, it became evident that recovery would take time—possibly months.

"Why, Miss Marvel, we should prepare to end this," Sharky remarked as he walked toward Carol and Wanda. Wanda, keenly observant, noticed Sharky gently catching Carol's chin. Instead of anger, she saw Carol blush, revealing a deeper connection between them.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Wanda directly addressed Carol, "Carol, who is he?" She had observed Carol's passive role throughout the entire battle, and now, with everyone requiring extended rest, Wanda sought answers to the mysteries that surrounded Sharky Tennyson and his connection to their own.

Before Wanda could receive a response to her question, she found herself in Sharky's lap, and just as her questions were about to surface, Sharky surprised her with a kiss.

Confused and somewhat uncomfortable, Wanda attempted to release herself from Sharky's grasp, but she found it strangely difficult. To her astonishment, Sharky's actions didn't stop at simple kisses and hugs; he even groped her oranges. The sudden and inappropriate nature of the act left her shocked, grappling with the audacity of someone being so forward. How could someone be so rude?

And before she tries to release herself, Sharky's other hands reach in between her both legs, and start rubbing her Sacred Forest. "Dear Wanda, my name is Sharky Tennyson," he declared, seemingly unfazed by her reaction. "Since I discovered your beauty and intelligence, I thought it would be wonderful if we combined our powers and created something new together."

Wanda, still processing the unexpected turn of events, struggled to comprehend Sharky's bold approach and his proposal for a partnership that extended beyond their abilities.

"What does it mean to mix magic?" Wanda asked, still struggling to free herself and giving an angry stare to Carol. Carol was sitting beside Sharky, and realized that Wanda was about to throw herself onto Sharky's bed and give him her virginity. The truth was that Sharky was a very lustful man; his hands started moving towards Wanda.

Sharky placed one hand on Wanda's Sacred Forest, and brought Wanda's hands inside his pants and made her touch his dragon. Wanda wanted to pull her hands away, but Sharky made it impossible. "I am talking about this magic. So, Wanda, are you ready to become my wife?" Sharky asked.

Wanda struggled to free herself, but now everything was going against her. First, her privacy had been invaded, then she felt a hot rod in her hand. And now she was turning hot; she was still a virgin, so it was a natural reaction.

"But, I think you have some connection with Carol," Wanda said in a meek voice, her body not listening to her, reacting strangely to his touch. It started cooperating with Sharky's body. Her hands started rubbing against his dragon.

"Yes, he is my husband, and now I think he is going to also become your husband," Carol said, revealing their relationship with Sharky.

"Yes, Wanda, I want to sleep both of you in the same bed; you don't think it's amazing, do you?" Sharky asked, turning her face toward his.

"How can you say this? Carol is still your wife," Wanda said, although her struggling has stopped, she still wants to explain the reason. She then turned towards Carol. "And Carol, he is your husband, how can you share him," She asked for further clarification.

"What can I say Wanda," Carol sighs while she comes near Wanda. "He is a beast in bed, I get tired faster than him, can't able to completely satisfy him. And, since he was my husband, I want to completely satisfy him. So you can help me," Carol whispered, as she was looking towards Wanda for answers.

Sharky has been playing with her Sacred Forest and oranges, while Wanda is rubbing his Dragon, "So, Wanda, are you ready for becoming my wife, and give the right of your Sacred and Nether Region, so I can explore them with my Dragon. And right of your oranges, so I can play with him," Sharky asked while he bit her ear.

Wanda's struggle had stopped, and her body began to accept Sharky. "Okay, I will be your wife," she said in a meek and shy voice, as she felt his Dragon had started waking. "You have all rights on my body," She accepted his decision.

But when Sharky noticed everyone else was starting to wake up, Wanda quickly lifted herself off his lap and adjusted her clothing into the proper position.

"It looks like we will have to continue this conversation elsewhere," Sharky said, giving her cheek a lick. Wanda blushed and nodded. She had accepted Sharky's advances and was ready for whatever came next.

As the Avengers gradually woke up and cleared their heads, they assessed the toll of the battle, recognizing the injuries sustained during the conflict. With a sense of urgency, questions lingered in the air, and it was time for answers. Observant eyes noticed Wanda and Carol blushing, and the fact that Carol was seated beside Sharky raised eyebrows. The unspoken understanding was that something had transpired between them, yet the details remained shrouded in mystery.

Steve Rogers, known for his leadership and perceptiveness, recalled how Carol had been shocked and fixated on Sharky's face when she showed his video. He had asked her about it then, and her reply was cryptic, suggesting that they would find out more when he arrived.

"So, Carol, who is he? I believe you have some connection with him," Steve inquired, taking a seat and prompting the other members to do the same. The atmosphere in the room became charged with anticipation, as the Avengers prepared to unravel the enigma surrounding Sharky Tennyson and the deeper connections that had emerged during the cosmic clash.

A soft blush graced Carol's cheeks as she gathered the courage to share a personal revelation. "Well, how can I put it..." she began, her voice carrying a hint of both joy and bashfulness, "a few days ago, we completed our marriage ceremony, and he is my husband."

A moment of hushed silence enveloped the room, the Avengers processing this unexpected turn of events. However, the stillness swiftly gave way to a chorus of cheerful congratulations as the reality of Carol's newfound marital bliss settled in. Amid the genuine well-wishes, Tony Stark couldn't resist injecting his signature sarcastic humor into the mix, adding, "Congratulations, Carol, for finding your match in your old age." Laughter echoed through the room as the Avengers celebrated the unexpected union, and Carol continued to blush, her day now filled with good-natured teasing.

Seizing the opportunity to lighten the mood further, Natasha chimed in with a mischievous smile, "So, Sharky, if you're Carol's husband, all you have to do is tell us. We won't even try to investigate you. You really made us worry."

Sam Wilson, adding his own touch of camaraderie, playfully interjected, "And here we thought you were some unknown alien, a danger to Earth." Laughter erupted once more, echoing in the Avenger's headquarters as the weight of suspicion lifted, replaced by the shared joy of a newly revealed connection with Carol.

In the wake of this revelation, the Avengers found themselves not only united by a common cause but now connected by the threads of personal relationships. As the banter continued, the bonds of camaraderie and friendship deepened, turning an ordinary day into a memorable chapter in the lives of Earth's mightiest heroes. Little did they know, this unexpected twist would only strengthen their resolve as they faced the challenges that awaited them on the horizon.

As the echoes of the intense battle still reverberated through the air, Clint, catching his breath, voiced the lingering question on everyone's minds. "So, if you're family, why did you come here to fight us?" His expression mirrored the shock that lingered from the unexpected clash, and it was evident that the entire team needed a moment to recuperate.

Sharky, with a calm demeanor that belied the recent combat, began to unravel the mystery behind his actions. "First of all," he explained, "I healed all of you to relieve your pain." With a wave of his hand, infused with the rejuvenating power of Swampfire, he invoked a healing aura that worked its magic, restoring each member of the Avengers to perfect health. A collective sigh of relief swept through the room as the residual strains of battle faded away.

"Now, as for the reason I fought you," Sharky continued, his tone carrying a hint of ambiguity, "I just wanted to enjoy it before returning to another universe." His words hung in the air, leaving the Avengers to ponder the motivation behind the seemingly friendly clash. Was it a simple enjoyment of combat, a way to release pent-up frustration, or perhaps something more complex? Even Sharky himself wasn't entirely sure.

Perplexed by the cryptic nature of Sharky's response, Tony Stark, always eager for answers, posed the question that lingered in the minds of the entire team. "But what do you mean by 'before going to another universe'?" The room fell into a thoughtful silence, the Avengers now eager to unravel the layers of mystery surrounding their newfound ally, family, and fighter.

In the aftermath of the intense confrontation, Sharky Tennyson, now standing amidst the Avengers, acknowledged the lingering curiosity with a calm demeanor. "It seems I left out some crucial information. Since you're all curious, go ahead and ask your questions. I'll provide answers within certain limits," he replied, his tone carrying an air of transparency that hinted at a willingness to share, but with an acknowledgment of certain boundaries.

"Consider it compensation for making me use a small fraction of my powers," Sharky added, a subtle nod to the intricacies of the recent battle, where the Avengers had witnessed just a glimpse of the vast reservoir of abilities at his disposal.

Tony Stark, never one to hesitate, quickly seized the opportunity to pose the most pressing question that lingered on everyone's minds. "So, my first question is: how can you acquire so many different types of powers?" Stark's inquiry cut to the heart of the matter, seeking to unravel the mystery of how a single individual could possess such a diverse and formidable range of abilities.

Sharky, sensing the eagerness among the Avengers to unravel the mystery, began to weave the tapestry of his extraordinary journey. "You've asked some important questions, and it's a long story, but I'll give you the short version," he prefaced, projecting holographic images of the Omnitrix figures to visually aid his narrative. "In our universe, a guy named Azmuth from the Galvan Planet created the Omnitrix."

The images displayed the intricate design of the alien device, a testament to Azmuth's technological prowess. "The Omnitrix is alien tech, and Azmuth, being incredibly intelligent, created it by incorporating the DNA of every known alien species. There's a villain named Vilgax who has always coveted the Omnitrix for world domination."

As the Avengers absorbed the weight of Sharky's revelations, a collective realization dawned – they were now privy to a narrative that transcended dimensions and connected Earth's mightiest heroes with an intergalactic legacy. The stage was set for a deeper understanding of Sharky Tennyson's role in the cosmic tapestry that bound them all together.