
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 39 - Warning Of One-Above-All

Following their decision at the Avengers Tower, Tony Stark initiated contact with Spider-Man, extending an invitation to join the Avengers. The message conveyed the team's acknowledgment of Spider-Man's heroic efforts and the potential benefits of collaboration with the renowned group of superheroes.

In a bustling New York City, Spider-Man swung through the skyline, initially surprised by the invitation, considered the offer, responding to Stark's invitation and joining the Avengers. Spider-Man, The collaboration between Spider-Man and the Avengers marked the beginning of a new era in superhero dynamics, as they united to face looming threats and ensure the safety of the world.

As the golden hues of the setting sun painted the sky, Captain America, taking a momentary break from the day's heroic endeavors, turned to Spider-Man with a characteristic warmth in his voice. "So, Spidey, how was your day?"

Spider-Man, still catching his breath after a day filled with acrobatics and web-slinging, flashed a tired yet satisfied grin. "It was a good day for learning new moves and teamwork," he replied, his spandex-clad form embodying the essence of a day well spent in the pursuit of justice.

Seizing the opportunity to delve into the events of the day, Tony Stark, ever the inquisitive genius, directed his attention toward Spider-Man's encounter with the mysterious Sharky Tennyson. "Spidey, we heard from Fury that you met a guy named Sharky Tennyson. How well do you know him?"

Intrigued, Spider-Man leaned back, propping himself up with his web-shooter adorned hands. "I don't know much about Sharky, but he's amazing, from what I've seen," he began. A spark of admiration ignited in his eyes as he delved into the enigma that was Sharky Tennyson. "He's got this unique set of powers, like, seriously next level stuff. I saw him go all intangible, almost like a ghost. And get this, he's not just your average hero – he's a chemistry genius too. The guy can concoct any chemical formula you throw at him. Plus, he's got these electric powers, kind of like Thor's hammer. It's wild."

The Avengers listened intently, absorbing the details of Sharky Tennyson's abilities. The prospect of having such a versatile ally intrigued them, and Stark, with a glint of excitement, remarked, "Sounds like he brings a lot to the table. We might need to learn more about this Sharky Tennyson." The mention of Sharky's powers sparked curiosity among the Avengers, setting the stage for further exploration of the mysterious hero's capabilities and the potential impact on their dynamic as a team.

Pausing for a moment to let the gravity of his words settle in, Peter took a deep breath before delving further into the enigma that was Sharky Tennyson. "But that's not all," he continued, his eyes reflecting a mix of awe and uncertainty. "In the recent Goblin incident, he displayed this incredible brute strength that blew everyone's minds. I mean, seriously, he easily overpowered White Tiger, Iron Fist, and Nova when they got hit with the Goblin serum. It was like watching a powerhouse in action. And get this, when he realized he couldn't take down Power Man in Goblin mode, he didn't just back down. No, he grew twice in size, maybe even bigger, and overpowered Power Man effortlessly. It was like witnessing a force of nature. I'm telling you; he might be even stronger than the Hulk, based on what I saw. I've only scratched the surface of his abilities, and I can't even fathom the full extent of his powers."

As Peter recounted these astonishing feats, the Avengers sat in silent contemplation, absorbing the implications of Sharky Tennyson's unparalleled capabilities. The realization dawned upon them that they were dealing with a force to be reckoned with, a hero whose strength and adaptability surpassed conventional boundaries.

In the midst of the discussion, the Avengers exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the weight of this newfound knowledge. Sharky Tennyson, with his versatile set of skills, had left an indelible mark on their understanding of what it meant to be a hero. His uncanny ability to adapt and overcome challenges painted a portrait of resilience that left the Avengers both astounded and intrigued.

The conversation naturally drifted towards the technological aspect of Sharky's prowess. Peter Parker, no stranger to the intricacies of technology, found himself particularly intrigued by Sharky's hacking abilities. The prospect of a hero who could navigate the digital realm with such finesse added another layer of complexity to the already mystifying persona of Sharky Tennyson.

"So it seems he has brute strength as well. The extent of his powers is quite mysterious," Clint mused, leaning back in his chair as he processed the astonishing revelations about Sharky Tennyson's capabilities. The archer's eyes reflected a mix of admiration and intrigue at the diverse skill set this enigmatic hero possessed.

Thor, Mjolnir at his side, interjected with a thoughtful nod. "And we also know he has the power to hack into systems."

Spidey, always quick to respond, couldn't contain his excitement. "Wow, the fact that he can hack into even Tony Stark's system is mind-blowing." His words echoed the collective amazement in the room at the audacity and finesse with which Sharky navigated the digital realm.

Natasha, the Black Widow, leaned forward, offering a glimpse into the complexity of their interactions with Sharky Tennyson. "Yes, when we attempted to uncover his identity, he hacked into our system and warned us to stop searching for him." Her tone conveyed a sense of caution, recognizing the potential dangers posed by a hero who guarded his identity with such determination.

The gravity of Sharky's hacking abilities didn't escape Peter Parker's keen mind. "Wow, it's the most dangerous of all. With that power, he can do anything," he remarked, his thoughts racing to contemplate the vast possibilities and implications of a hero who could seamlessly navigate the digital landscape.

As the Avengers exchanged glances, it became clear that Sharky Tennyson was not just a powerhouse in physical strength but a formidable force in the realm of technology as well. The mystery surrounding his abilities deepened, and the team grappled with the realization that they were dealing with a hero who defied conventional categorization.

Stark chimed in, his resolve evident in his words. "Maybe he warned us, but we won't stop until we find out who Sharky Tennyson really is. Just you wait, Sharky Tennyson." Determination etched across his face, Tony Stark's unyielding spirit echoed the collective sentiment of the Avengers, a group known for facing challenges head-on.

As the Avengers continued their discussion, pondering the mysterious hero who had entered their orbit, Sharky Tennyson himself was reveling in an unexpected oasis of indulgence. The luxurious experience unfolded as Jennifer and Betty, recognizing the need for respite, pampered him with unparalleled care. It was a taste of paradise for Sharky as he lounged in comfort, enjoying massages that eased the strains of his heroic endeavors. Grapes, oranges, and apples were presented on demand, adding a touch of opulence to his momentary escape from the rigors of multiverse adventures.

Just as Sharky was about to savor the succulence of a grape, he shifted abruptly. The tranquility of his pampered sanctuary dissolved, and he found himself transported back to the magnificent chamber filled with endless shelves of ancient tomes. The holographic displays, alive with depictions of various dimensions, surrounded him once again.

In the midst of his luxurious reprieve, Sharky Tennyson's serenity was abruptly shattered by a summons from the cosmic enigma, the Living Tribunal. The realization dawned on him that this call to the cosmic court was likely prompted by his recent actions— the unconventional act of eliminating two of the most formidable beings in the universe.

As he materialized before the Living Tribunal, the cosmic entity wore an expression that could only be described as stern anger. It confronted Sharky, the weight of its disapproval evident in every ethereal gesture. "Sharky Tennyson, what have you done? You have disrupted this universe by killing Galactus and Mephisto."

Sharky, displaying an unexpected casual demeanor in the face of cosmic authority, offered an unapologetic explanation. "Well, it's not my problem. Galactus was on the verge of devouring a planet, and I tried to reason with him multiple times. His arrogance had no bounds. So, in the end, I took him down. As for Mephisto, he transported me to Hell. I can't let someone bully me."

The Living Tribunal, its three faces reflecting a mix of disbelief and consternation, absorbed Sharky's rationale.

"You, do you understand how much you've increased my workload? The balance of this universe is disrupted. I need to find someone as powerful as Galactus now, considering that Ghost Rider has become as strong as Mephisto," the Living Tribunal's main face expressed the magnitude of the dilemma. The weight of restoring equilibrium in the universe bore down on the cosmic entity, presenting a formidable challenge that transcended the usual responsibilities.

In the cosmic courtroom, a hushed tension hung in the air as the Living Tribunal grappled with the repercussions of Sharky Tennyson's actions. The disruption to the balance resonated through the ethereal realms, demanding swift intervention.

Just as the Living Tribunal contemplated the puzzle before it, a radiant figure bathed in cosmic light materialized, representing the One-Above-All—the supreme cosmic authority. "Living Tribunal, grants Adam Warlock the same powers as Galactus. Make him a force for balance in this universe," the celestial figure commanded, its voice resonating with an authority that surpassed even the Living Tribunal.

Acknowledging the directive from the One-Above-All, the Living Tribunal, with its three faces reflecting the weight of its duties, agreed to carry out the command. The focus shifted to Adam Warlock, a figure chosen to bear the mantle of Galactus-like powers. The cosmic energies surged as the Living Tribunal began the intricate process of bestowing the formidable abilities upon Adam Warlock, a pivotal moment in the unfolding drama.

Now, the drama took a turn as the One-Above-All shifted his attention to Sharky Tennyson, delivering a judgment that resonated through the celestial realms. "I understand you tried to reason with Galactus, but you still killed him and Mephisto. You've disrupted the balance of the universe. You have one week to leave Universe 606, and you must not attempt to kill anyone else. You can leave your clone here, given its weakness, but the main body must depart."

In his celestial authority, the One-Above-All conjured a cosmic device, its intricate design representing the cosmic order, and handed it to Sharky. "If you ever wish to confront powerful beings, please consult me, and I will tell you whether they need to live or die."

Sharky, acknowledging the gravity of the judgment, accepted the cosmic device. He understood that his time in Universe 606 was limited, marked by the weight of responsibility and the consequences of his actions. As he held the cosmic device, the embodiment of cosmic wisdom, he couldn't help but reflect on the adventures he had shared with Spidey and the myriad experiences that had shaped his journey in this universe.

As he contemplated his departure, he was prepared to find a new universe to explore and, hopefully, a different set of adventures.

Back in his room, the soft glow of moonlight illuminated Sharky Tennyson's quiet sanctuary. The rhythmic breathing of both Betty and Elizabeth filled the air as they slept soundly. Not wanting to disturb their peaceful repose, Sharky chose to wait patiently until they awoke to discuss the revelation of his identity as the Multiverse traveler. In the gentle stillness of the night, he embraced the moment, falling asleep while hugging them close, a sense of contentment enveloping him.

Meanwhile, at the Avengers Tower, the team gathered around Stark as he unveiled a holographic display, the flickering images revealing Sharky Tennyson's recent activities. The footage showcased him seamlessly shifting between his diamond form and, intriguingly, purchasing a house near Peter Parker's residence.

Steve Rogers, ever the leader, acknowledged the development with a thoughtful nod. "So he's living there now. We should pay him a visit." The Avengers, fueled by a mix of curiosity and a sense of responsibility, prepared to venture into the unknown, seeking to understand the enigmatic hero who had become their neighbor.

In Sharky's newly acquired house, Super Ultron, the amalgamation of advanced artificial intelligence, delivered a report to Sharky, alerting him about the Avengers' tracking efforts. Its metallic voice echoed in the quietude of the room as it sought instructions from the Multiverse traveler, creating a dynamic convergence of forces and Earth's mightiest heroes.

Sharky, deep in thought, weighed the possibilities within the limited time frame of his remaining week in Universe 606. Considering the Avengers' persistent curiosity, he decided to take the proactive approach and satisfy their eagerness by arranging a meeting. With a subtle wave of his fingers, he sent a series of commands echoing through the digital corridors of the Avengers Tower.

Within the bustling confines of the tower, the Avengers were immersed in their various activities when an unexpected disruption caught their attention. Text began to materialize on their computer screens, the words taking shape as if guided by an unseen force. The message, displayed prominently for all to see, carried a direct and intriguing tone: "YOU HAVEN'T STOPPED TRACING ME, AND YOU SEEM REALLY EAGER TO MEET ME. WELL, IF YOU WANT IT SO BADLY, IT'S OK. GATHER ALL YOUR MEMBERS; I WILL PAY YOU A VISIT."

The Avengers, surprised by the sudden communication, exchanged glances. The gravity of the message resonated within the room as they processed the implications of Sharky Tennyson's invitation. The anticipation of a meeting with the mysterious traveler fueled a sense of urgency among the team.

As the warning echoed in their minds, the Avengers sprang into action, initiating the process of recruiting new members. Communications were sent far and wide, reaching out to every available candidate who could contribute to the formidable assembly. The prospect of a visit from Sharky Tennyson added an unexpected layer of excitement to their already dynamic lives.

In the dance of fate and curiosity, the Avengers prepared for a meeting that held the promise of unraveling the mysteries surrounding the hero who had emerged from the depths of the mysteries.

In the bustling corridors of the Avengers Tower, anticipation hung thick in the air as the team members prepared for the impending visit from Sharky Tennyson, the enigmatic Multiverse traveler. Sam Wilson, ever-ready with his wings, couldn't shake the apprehension that in the face of Sharky's unknown powers, their usual capabilities might prove futile.

Captain America, the seasoned leader, stood poised for a potential challenge. Years of combat expertise had honed his instincts, and he approached the impending encounter with a calm determination, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead.

Meanwhile, the Hulk, ever the powerhouse, seemed unfazed by the potential danger Sharky posed. Engrossed in his own world of eating and sleeping, the green giant engaged in a playful argument with Thor, seemingly oblivious to the brewing tension within the Avengers.

Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, recognizing the limitations of their usual arsenal against an unknown force like Sharky, immersed themselves in rigorous training with Life Model Decoy (LMD) models. The archers honed their skills and upgraded their combat abilities, acknowledging that technology might hold little sway against a hero with such mysterious powers.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, the Avengers extended invitations to other part-time members, including Captain Marvel, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Ant-Man, Wasp, Black Panther, and several others. The diverse array of powers and skills within the extended team reflected the collective effort to stand united in the face of the unknown.

Notably, Doctor Strange declined the invitation, citing his need to focus on larger threats such as Dormammu and Mephisto. Recent developments, including Johnny Blaze assuming the role of the King of Hell and aiding in the control of demons, had made Strange's work more manageable, allowing him to direct his attention to challenges of a grander scale.

As the Avengers gathered in the technologically advanced briefing room of the tower, Scott Lang, known as Ant-Man, and Hope Van Dyne, the Wasp, were deeply engrossed in their exploration of the Quantum Mania theorem. Their work symbolized the cutting-edge research being conducted within the Avengers Tower.

Scott, glancing up from his calculations, couldn't help but inquire, "Captain, why have you called us? This seems like a significant emergency. Is there a major attack looming or has Ultron returned?"

Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff, focused on his own investigations. He and Wanda, also known as Scarlet Witch, were busy tracing their DNA to unravel the mystery of their parentage. The evidence, veering towards the legendary Magneto, left them questioning their identities as mutants or natural heroes.

"In response to your questions, I want to share something. However, I only have some theories and a brief video," Tony Stark replied, his tone hinting at the gravity of the situation.

Wanda, always candid in her expressions, voiced her confusion. "Tony, you couldn't find more videos? Are you saying you couldn't crack a simple password?" The Scarlet Witch's skepticism reflected her high standards for technological prowess.

As the Avengers gathered around the holographic display, the tension in the room escalated. The convergence of minds, each absorbed in their own inquiries and research, set the stage for the revelation that awaited them.

The room buzzed with speculation as T'Challa, known as Black Panther, sought clarification from Tony Stark. "Yes, Tony, your F.R.I.D.A.Y. is one of the best A.I.s we've seen, aside from Ultron and Vision. Are you implying that Ultron is making a comeback?" His keen intellect added to the growing confusion within the room.

Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, chimed in with her characteristic assertiveness. "Even if Ultron returns, we can turn him into scrap metal. So why the emergency?" Her skepticism echoed the sentiment of several Avengers.

Captain America, maintaining order with a calm authority, urged patience. "Let's all be patient and see what we have to show you before we start asking questions." With that, he initiated a holographic display, projecting a video that unfolded before the Avengers' attentive eyes.

The footage revealed a portal opening in the midst of a town, a burst of light heralding the arrival of a human figure. As the team watched, captivated, the newcomer created a diamond from his hand, exchanged it for money, purchased a house, and disappeared inside. The room, initially filled with questions and skepticism, fell into a contemplative hush.

"What on earth is that? Are you trying to show us this as if it's just a new recruit for the Sorcerer Supreme?" Scott Lang, Ant-Man, voiced his confusion, finding the scene less extraordinary than the team seemed to imply.

"Quiet down, kid, and pay attention," Clint Barton, Hawkeye, interrupted the question. Sam Wilson, Falcon, zoomed in on the image, revealing intricate details of the newcomer's actions, creating a sense of mystery that hung in the air. The Avengers, now fully engrossed in the unfolding narrative, awaited further revelations, unaware of the complexities that awaited them in the presence of Sharky Tennyson, the Multiverse traveler.


Ethan and Revengers and has finally found the Sisterhood Of Mutants. And he quickly captured them. In the Sisterhood Of Mutants only the girls were present.

It created a dilemma in Ethan, because he has not killed any member of them. The first member is Marrow. A mutant able to control her bone growth, providing her with armor, clubs, and knives. But just as the rule of Ethan she has promised to now only work for Ethan and Revengers.

The next one is Martinique Jason, Martinique is the daughter of the original Mastermind Jason Wyngarde and half sister of Regan Wyngarde aka Lady Mastermind. Martinique is an illusion specialist like her half sister. But from now on she decided to only use her illusion for Ethan's benefit.

The third is Mist Mistress. Mist Mistress had the power to emit gasses of any variety, including corrosive acidic gas, and tranquilizing 'knock-out' gas. And she used the lust gas on herself so she can be penetrated by Ethan's spear in her shealth to show her loyalty to him.

The fourth is the Lady Deathstrike. She is the same as Wolverine powers, she just grows Adamantium nails, instead of claws. And she used the Adamantium nails to tear her clothes, so she can show her perfect body to Ethan, and Ethan can pounded her while with his sword.

The fifth is Boom - Boom, she can make anything transformed into a bomb, just by touching it. But from now on, she has decided to use her powers only for Ethan's benefit.

The sixth is Talia Wagner, also known as Nocturne, she is daughter of Nightcrawler, possesses teleportation and agility. And she also now possesses Ethan's Dragon inside her Sacred and Nether Region.

Seventh is Angel Salvadore, she is a mutant with an insectoid physiology including insectoid wings. Eighth is Phantazia, a powerful mutant with the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields, and decided to do it for Ethan.

Ninth is Aurora, the twin sister of Northstar, was a founding member of Alpha Flight. She also suffers from dissociative identity disorder, which often causes her to be caught in precarious situations. And now she is caught in becoming a member of Revengers and serves Ethan with her body.

Tenth is Blindspot, she can selectively absorb the memories of others and store them within her own mind via touch. After she absorbs them, she can keep the memories indefinitely or give them to others. From now she decided to do this work for Ethan.

Eleventh is Chimera, she can generate ectoplasmic bursts in the form of dragons, to strike enemies both physically and psionically. She has low-level telepathy.

Twelfth is Astra, a Mutant with the ability to manipulate gravity. She used her powers to travel across the universe and collected many different alien technologies. But now her tech and abilities are owned by Ethan, with her body.

Thirteenth is Magma. She can transform into molten rock and has control over the Earth. And Ethan ravaged her and broke her seal by himself transforming into a pure fire man.

And not only the thirteen girls join Revengers, but they also become the personal property of Ethan Tennyson. To satisfy his every desire through their body. And the proof is their Sacred and Nether Region were dropping the Dragon Tonic of Ethan. It shows they were eaten by Ethan. All night they become the Dragon Rider and ride the Dragon of Ethan.

He also got two more members, one is Madelyne Pryor, and a clone of Jean Grey, she was tricked and seduced by demons to harness great demonic power. Since Jean Grey of Universe 421 is her mom, he decided to keep her for his dad.

The last is a blind woman with precognitive mutant-powers. Her name was Destiny, she was part of the Brotherhood of (Evil) Mutants and one of the few people Mystique truly loved. But since Ethan has decided to keep Mystique for his dad, he also decided to keep her for his dad.

And just in one step his Revengers team increased by fifteenth member, becoming the total members of thirty members, but only two males were present, one is Ethan, another one is Johnny Storm.

With it now only the X-Men, the last evil group left to kill in the whole of America. And Ethan's eyes were on this. His one year is already completed, and it was nearly two years, but he decided to wait for his dad instead of going by himself to back Universe 613.