
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 55: Zhou Cheng, It Was You All Along!

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Although it had been mentioned before in the diary, Tony Stark never expected Obadiah Stane to have colluded with the Ten Rings and even sold them weapons. Moreover, the missile that almost killed Tony Stark was most likely assisted by Obadiah Stane himself.

It wasn't a kidnapping—it was an assassination!

All along, Tony Stark treated him like an uncle, yet he wanted to kill him? Tony Stark truly had a hard time accepting this.

He had thought that his enmity with Stane and their epic battle were driven by the interests behind the Iron Man suit, but that wasn't the case at all. Tony Stark had completely misjudged the situation.

He realized that Stane had been plotting to kill him for much longer than he knew.

Was this the real truth behind the Ten Rings' kidnapping? Through all this time, Tony Stark had been haunted by that kidnapping incident—kidnapping him to make missiles seemed far too strange and illogical.

Now, the truth had finally come to light.


Tony Stark couldn't help but lift his head and murmur the name.

Only today did he finally see Stane's true colors.

But then the question arose again.

Tony Stark, though holding a high position in Stark Industries and being responsible for research and development, was not involved in managing other aspects and shouldn't have had any conflicts of interest with Obadiah Stane.

Why exactly did Obadiah want to assassinate him? Tony Stark was desperate for an answer.

Unfortunately, at this critical moment, the diary stopped updating again!

Tony Stark desperately waited, staring at the diary for a long time, but there was no more movement.

It couldn't be helped!

What could Tony Stark do? He could only leave it as is for now.


Tony Stark closed the diary with a clap, and after pondering for a bit, he made another decision.

"Jarvis, I'll give you some filtering criteria, perform another round of screening on the remaining 'candidates.'"

"Height between one meter seventy-eight to one meter eighty, very proportional body, neither fat nor thin, like a model."

"And his hairstyle..."

"In addition to this..."

Tony Stark detailed Zhou Cheng's physical characteristics to Jarvis.

With the sound of Tony Stark's voice, the number of "Zhou Cheng candidates" projected around him by Jarvis continuously decreased until only one remained.

"Sir, congratulations."

"We have found the mysterious owner of the diary."

Jarvis immediately sent a congratulatory message.

Without needing further instructions from Tony Stark, Jarvis specifically enlarged and projected the last remaining candidate's information right in front of Tony Stark.

If Zhou Cheng were here, he would find that the person on the screen was none other than himself!

It couldn't be helped.

Tony Stark's screening criteria this time were just too "hardcore." Apart from appearance, it covered all of Zhou Cheng's physical traits – it was practically "finding Zhou Cheng from his picture."

If they still couldn't find him after all that, it would truly be suspicious.

Even the other measures Tony Stark had initially considered—investigating the original Mark blueprints or looking into someone exploiting Stark Industries' falling stock prices—were no longer necessary.These moves are useless.

"Is it you? The arrogant one?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but fold his arms, staring coldly at the man in front of him.

Is it really you?

Daydreaming in your diary about being kidnapped every day, mocking yourself?

Is it you, the worthless bear?

Finally, I've found you!

"Your face isn't that great either!"

After a moment of scrutiny, the playboy also began to mock Zhou Cheng.

Tony Stark certainly remembered when the other had said he had a "punchable face."

"Sir, what do you plan to do?"

Jarvis's voice chimed in at that moment, asking Tony Stark for his thoughts.

"Do nothing for now."

"Just maintain the status quo."

After some thought, Tony Stark decided on this course of action.

It was an issue he had pondered before.

The main reason Zhou Cheng spoiled everything in his diary was that the other party had no idea his diary had a "reader."

That's why he was so unrestrained and careless.

That's why he would write whatever came to mind, revealing the most direct thoughts in his heart so bluntly in the diary.

But what if the other party knew about this?

Then the situation might change!

And this was something Tony Stark did not want to see.

After all, the spoilers in the diary were of great value to him.

The truth about the deaths of his parents and the real story behind the Ten Rings' kidnapping were all spoiled in the diary.

Not to mention the future age of superheroes!

When thinking about that harsh future, the spoilers in the diary became even more important.

Compared to that, a few mocking remarks from the other side were just trivial matters.

Tony Stark was clear on the priorities.

Beep beep beep!

The sound of the keypad being pressed came from the door once again.

Without turning his head, Tony Stark knew who it was and waved his hand.


The projection of Zhou Cheng in front of him immediately vanished.

Then Tony Stark turned nonchalantly.

As expected, he saw Pepper Potts striding in briskly.

She was also holding a bag.

Although he couldn't see what was inside, the familiar aroma wafted over.

"Cheeseburgers, I've missed you!"

Tony couldn't wait to reach in and take out a cheeseburger, biting into it voraciously like a starving ghost.

My goodness.

The fast food he usually despised now compared to the most delicious food in the world.

"Is the press conference ready?"

Munching on the burger, Tony Stark asked Pepper Potts.

"It's ready. We can go over as soon as you finish eating."

Pepper nodded immediately.

"No need to wait for me to finish!"

"Let's go now!"

Tony Stark gestured with his hand, ignoring Pepper Potts's concerned look, and strode out.

At this moment, only one thing occupied Tony Stark's mind.

To shut down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries immediately!

He, the great Tony Stark, could not wait another moment.