
Chapter 54: Hydra Wants My Armor?

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Chapter 54

"No, it's not likely, it's a certainty!"

"Nick Fury was a direct participant in the original war between the Skrulls and the Kree!"

"It was because of that war that Nick Fury realized that Earth is not alone in the universe and that we're facing interstellar threats beyond most people's imagination."

"So, after Captain Marvel left Earth, he had the idea to establish the Avengers."

The Skrulls?

The Kree?

These two names immediately caught Tony Stark's full attention and turned his expression gravely serious.

From the context, it's clear that the terms "Skrull" and "Kree" represent concepts far beyond mere surnames, regions, or ethnicities.

They are very likely extraterrestrials! The diary made that much clear.

It was because of the war between these two races that Nick Fury realized Earth is not isolated in the universe—we are facing "interstellar" threats! What are interstellar threats? The answer is so straightforward that there's no need for analysis or contemplation.

If it were just a war between two families, two races, or two nations on Earth, how could one think of "interstellar" threats? Not to mention,

The diary had already mentioned that extraterrestrial races exist in the universe, and in the future, there will even be invasions by alien species like the Chitauri.

So, if there will be alien invasions in the future, why couldn't there have been in the past? The war between the Skrulls and the Kree was a conflict between two alien races; there's little doubt about it.


Nick Fury, could he have been involved in an alien war?

He's not a simple man, indeed.

Tony Stark had not taken much interest in Nick Fury before, but now he saw him in a new light.

Of course,

What Tony Stark found most intriguing was another person mentioned in the diary,

"Captain Marvel."

It's impossible to deduce who this person is based solely on a nickname-like title.

But, the fact that they "left Earth" indicates that they possess the ability for interstellar travel!

Whether they're an alien or an Earthling with such capabilities, it shows that this person is extraordinary.

"Oh, right."

"I remember that Nick Fury didn't plan on using the name 'Avengers' at first."

"He intended to call them 'Protectors.'"

"But it was after he saw Captain Marvel's plane named 'Avenger' that he had an epiphany and changed his mind from 'Protectors' to 'Avengers.'"

Captain Marvel was an Earthling!

Tony Stark immediately made this deduction.

The diary had made it quite clear; Captain Marvel's "plane" was called "Avenger."

Both "plane" and "Avenger" are terms from American or Earthly language.

Alien spacecraft like UFOs or flying vessels probably wouldn't be called "planes."

Even if Zhou Cheng, the owner of the notebook, was lacking in vocabulary and not well-versed, insisting on calling extraterrestrial crafts "planes",

He would probably have added some descriptors to it.For example, things like "alien aircraft."

This kind of unadorned designation simply as "aircraft" undoubtedly refers to airplanes from Earth.

Furthermore, since the name "aircraft" also uses an Earth language, there's basically no question about it.

So, are there such powerful individuals on Earth?

Capable of mastering interstellar travel?

Could this Captain Marvel, like myself, be a super-scientist who has created an "aircraft" capable of interstellar travel?

But if there really were such a scientific powerhouse, why hadn't I, Tony Stark, ever heard of it?

Or is it that.

Captain Marvel achieved all that through other means?

For instance, magic or sorcery?

But just based on the spoiler content in the current diary, Tony Stark is unable to make any judgment.

"Anyway, from that time on."

"Nick Fury must have started monitoring the extraordinary individuals on Earth."

"If Iron Monger hadn't been killed by Iron Man, he probably would have made it onto Nick Fury's watch list."

"At the very least, he would have been on Hydra's radar."

"They are still very interested in Iron Man suits."

"Otherwise, why would that Hydra senator desperately try to steal the armor from Tony?"

Iron Monger, no, Obadiah, was he ultimately killed by me?

Tony Stark's feelings are still very heavy, very complicated.

He had always trusted and respected Obadiah.

For a moment, it's quite hard to accept such a massive contrast.

But Tony Stark is not a person who wavers.

If Obadiah really planned to target him, as described in the diary, Tony Stark would not be lenient!

There's nothing much to say about that.

Tony Stark didn't dwell on it too much, his attention swiftly moved on to another matter.

Hydra, wanting to get their hands on his Iron Man suit?

What a joke!

My, Tony Stark's Iron Man suit can't be stolen by anyone, even by Hydra lurking in the shadows like rats!

"Hydra has grown to this scale?"

Black Widow was somewhat unable to maintain her composure.

Ever since she found out that Hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., she had been deeply troubled by it.

The idea that an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. had been compromised only suggested Hydra must have amassed a frightening level of power in the shadows.

Even so, the spoilers from the diary still managed to shock Black Widow.

Besides S.H.I.E.L.D. senior agents, even a senator was a pawn of Hydra!

This is crazy.

It's hard to imagine to what extent Hydra has infiltrated.

It's quite terrifying.

"Speaking of Obadiah, that guy really is useless."

"Several perfect opportunities to kill Stark, and he missed all of them."

"He hired the Ten Rings to assassinate Stark but the funds fell short."

"He stole Stark's arc reactor but failed to finish him off."

"In the end, the Iron Monger suit was thrashing Iron Man like a dog, and still ended up being killed in return."

"What a waste!"

What the heck?

Tony Stark couldn't help but sit up straight, thoroughly stunned by this wave of spoilers.

The abduction in Afghanistan, it was orchestrated by Stane?

This is insane.

So, Stane had been planning to kill me even back then?

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