
Jojo in Naruto

"I think I am going to die." "They will not notice until it is too late." *Sigh* "I am still in college. I still have 80 years to live, but I may die today." "If any god or ROB is listening to me, then make my appearance similar to Jotaro in my next life. As for the rest, I will figure it out myself." "If you are generous, you can also give me star platinum." As he talked, his consciousness became weaker and weaker. The next moment, he opened his eyes as a child in the Naruto world. He doesn't have star platinum but a system. The system made becoming like Jotaro possible and hard at the same time.

Mr_Sagarmatha · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Template System

Jojo sighed, he will have to work hard. After all, he needs to spend as much energy as Haku had spent in his whole life and do equivalent 'work done'. If it was only 'work done' then he could finish many templates before the 4th sinobi war. If you compare the 'work done' by the athlete and an otaku, then you can say that an athlete may do 10 times more than an otaku. But it may not be the case with the energy.

The energy contained in our body is heat, potential and kinetic energy. There is also a small amount of electrical energy. Someone with a higher weight will have more energy in his body as mass is proportional to energy. Hardworking people will make more heat energy. Then comes the last factor that changes the way you will see energy, the kinetic energy. The person who travels the most at a fast speed will have more of this energy.

If this wasn't enough, this world has chakra, an energy. He was trying to control his tears, remembering the life of Haku. He was made into a weapon by Zabuza, who travelled the world with him as a missing-nin. They wander around in search of jobs and money. They also fought many opponents.

They were ninjas, so they ran from one place to another. How much chakra Haku must have spent, the kinetic energy of running ninja and all the heat energy due to ninja activity? The template after Haku is Zabuza, who had once participated in the war and is a missing-nin. Then there is Rasa and Hiruzen. Rasa was 40 years old and Hiruzen was 69 years old.

He could only see one path in front of him.

"Guy sensei, Please show me the path." he cried bitterly with tears and snot dripping from his nose (Mentally). According to Jotaro's mom, he was a good boy before high school. So, he will also become a good ninja and train every day until he finishes Ninja Academy.

[Your time for today has expired. I have saved the energy of the past few days to provide you with this much time for you to think as an adult. Your small body isn't capable of having such complex thoughts. You can have these complex thoughts for a few moments each day.]

The system reminded him. Jojo came out from his inner sadness as he heard the system. "Don't wake me up until I am 1 and a half years old. Let my body develop on its own till then. I can't do anything in this weak body anyway. Only an idiot will think that an infant can train. The muscles and bones aren't developed properly. If one of the bones bends in the wrong way then I can only cry in future. Sayonara till then." he exaggerated. With that, he slept in peace.

Due to the system, at seven months, he could already crawl, walk in 9 months and talk broken sentences in 1 year. His father and mother were shocked and excited. He regained his adult consciousness when he was one year and six months old.

A child slowly opened his eyes. He looked around to check his surroundings. He was in a traditional Japanese room. He got up and looked at his hands and feet.


[You have woken up. You are one and a half years old. You can now think properly, but you will not be able to think like an adult due to your developing brain.]

"Oh, that's fine," he spoke. "I can speak?"

"Huh, I am speaking Japanese." he was shocked. He may be an anime fan and liked to watch sub rather than dub, but he didn't know Japanese.

[Of course, Haku could speak Japanese. The template also provides language, general knowledge and common sense of this world.]

He was garteful to the system for this.

[Your memory of the past year is merging with your memories.]

He was slowly remembering his past one year old. He saw his mother and father. He saw him walking, talking and visiting town with his mother.

"System can you tell me more about my parents and birthplace." According to his memory, this doesn't seem like Konoha. He would prefer Konoha as it is the center of this universe or Kumo as it was the safest village. Hidden Earth village was also safe if Deidara doesn't throw bombs at you.

[Your father is Akira Kujo. He is a businessman. Your mother is Akio Kujo. She helps your father in business. Kujo family is a business-oriented family in the land of fire. Daimyo has made your grandfather noble, which is hereditary. Since you want an identity of Jojo, I will give you the template of Gato. Your family has started a shipping business this year. This is the reward from the template.]

[Name: Gato

Profession: Businessman, Drug dealer

Ability: Business management

Knowledge: Accounting, business management, ships(basic), smuggling routes]

[You can also get knowledge about the drugs if you want.]

He was happy to know that his identity wasn't a war orphan or something. Identity is power. In the Shinobi world, the one with the most power in paper is Daimyo. Daimyo are very important. They are the ones who financially support the ninja village. Sunagakure had to attack Konoha because their Daimyo decreased his support and instead provided missions to Konoha. Kage only has power over the ninja village outside they don't hold much power.

[ Your grandmother from your mother's side is from the Yuki clan. It will act as a cover for your ice release.]

The system informed him.

"Aren't all Yuki clan members dead?"

[No, they aren't. Some fled whereas some hid their identity. Your grandmother married your grandfather before the blood mist era. The Yuki clan married one of the daughters of clan elders to the noble of the Land of Water. Your mother is the daughter of a noble and a member of the Yuki clan.]

"Isn't marrying outside the clan forbidden?" In Naruto, there were only a few examples of clan members marrying civilians or even other clans. The most famous were Uzumaki and Senju. They had close relations and had inter-clan marriage. Then Kushina and Minato, Haku's parent due to his mother hiding her identity. Then, later Naruto and Hinata married but Hinata was disowned when she was young. (This part of the anime is confusing as it is said that Hiashi disowned Hinata to protect her from the caged bird curse seal, but she still lives in the Hyuga compound with her family.)

[The anime doesn't cover everything. The anime only shows the shinobi side but not the civilian part. Many people fled like how Uzumaki fled. The major clan members were killed but the civilian part of clan escaped as the village didn't have much intel about them. Uchiha couldn't because there were roots and anbu surrounding them. They wanted to completely eradicate them. Another clan with a fate similar to Uchiha was Kaguya but they were crazy so we can't treat them as the normal scenario.

Some clan marry their clan members without Kekkei Genkai and weak talent to nobles. The ninja clans also have businesses like restaurants of Akamichi, herbs of Nara and so on. They want the support of nobles for business or even to be Hokage candidates. The Daimyo can appoint a Kage candidate while the nobles can request the Daimyo. They also buy various things from nobles like rations, herbs, metals and other necessities as nobles are the economic giants in Naruto. They also provide them with missions. So, most clans want to be on good side of the nobles.]

Jojo was surprised to hear this. He had only seen from the perspective of a ninja, especially Naruto, a Konoha ninja. Since he is from a noble family, he will be looking at the world from both perspectives.

"System can you show me my stats."

[Name: Jotaro Kujo

Chakra amount: ...

Chakra affinity: Water, Wind, Ice

Kekkei genkai: Ice release(Hyōton)

Physical abilities: Greater speed and strength

Talent: Ninjutsu, Ice release, Business Management

Knowledge: Business Management, Accounting, Ships(minor)

Strength: Adult human

Agility: Adult human

Endurance: Adult human


Gato: 100%

Haku: Progress: 15%]

"Haku's template progress has reached 15%. I also have adult strength and speed. This must be from Gato."

"System, how did Haku's progress increase so much," he asked. "If it increases 15% yearly, then I will gain his strength in 7 years. Since the system calculates my work done, energy consumption, chakra consumption and hard work as the criteria. The progress shouldn't increase so much."

[You increased the character progress by 5% and the Gato template increased it by 10%. You should know if we measure the work done and the energy consumption of a person by age and then convert it into 100%. The lowest percent will be in childhood and the highest during youth.

In the case of Haku, I have divided the progress as 0-5 years old(10%), 5-10(30%) and 10-15(60%). So, if the template progress reaches 40%, you will gain the strength of Haku when he was ten years old. I told you that the templates add up. It not only adds strength and chakra but also template progress. Gato didn't have chakra, so his template could only increase the progress by 10%.]

"That's how it is." he understood what the system was saying. If both characters have something in common, previous templates may increase the progress of the new template. There should be an upper limit otherwise in the future new templates will be full without doing anything.

"Now, after looking at the status. I can start to plan. The Gato template made it easier for me." He then stood up, slid the shoji door and went outside. He knows that his parents will be in the tea room in the morning.

He opened the door and entered the room. "So, you have woken up." his mother said.

He looked at his parents. His father was six feet tall. He was only above average in looks. From what he can remember, his father has a confident personality. When he is at home, he plays with him. His mother was beautiful. She has the white skin of the Yuki clan. She has waist-length black hair flowing like water. She is five foot eight inches. She is taller than the average female in the Naruto world. 

"Mom, I want to learn to read and write." He said to his mother. His parents were baffled. He was only one and a half years old. How could a small child write? How can he remember the words to read? Their son wants them to teach him, while others have to scold their children and force them to read and write. He wasn't even of age to read and write.

"Why do you want to read and write?" His father asked. Akira thought that Jojo must have seen him writing and developed an interest. The children are curious by nature. They want to know and do everything.

"You are still young. You will learn to read and write later." his mother pulled him to her lap and told him.

"No, I want to learn." he insisted and wanted to throw tantrum.

"You can learn." His father said after looking at his determined. He knew that he will lose interest in a while. It isn't bad if Jojo becomes familiar with pen and paper. Akio looked at her husband with a questioning look. Akira just smiled at her.

He always believed that children's curiosity must be satisfied. His father also used to answer his every question when he was young. Curiosity is the mother of knowledge and education. Humans learned due to curiosity otherwise they would be playing with monkeys in the forest.

Of course, certain things must be kept away from children. You can't take children to the battlefield or they may start to ask about the meaning of life.