
Jojo in Naruto

"I think I am going to die." "They will not notice until it is too late." *Sigh* "I am still in college. I still have 80 years to live, but I may die today." "If any god or ROB is listening to me, then make my appearance similar to Jotaro in my next life. As for the rest, I will figure it out myself." "If you are generous, you can also give me star platinum." As he talked, his consciousness became weaker and weaker. The next moment, he opened his eyes as a child in the Naruto world. He doesn't have star platinum but a system. The system made becoming like Jotaro possible and hard at the same time.

Mr_Sagarmatha · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Kujo family

"I will teach you at the noon."

"No, I want to learn now." He insisted.

"Ok, fine" His father went to bring paper and pencil.

"Why do you want to learn?" Akio asked her son.

"I think writing and reading is cool. I have seen you and father read, but I don't understand anything." He pouted.

"I want to learn to read and write to help you and Father." Akio's heart melted hearing his answer.

Akio smiled at her son's answer. Her son was very intelligent. He could speak and walk faster than other children. He can even run now. He has abnormal strength. She and her husbands were shocked went they found out. Now they are used to it.

"Here" His father came with paper and pencil in his hand. He put them on the table.

"Look carefully, you have to use the pencil this way. Hold the pencil with your thumb and index finger. You can put it on top of your middle finger as support." He showed it to Jojo. "Then draw the circle on the paper." He drew a circle and a straight line on the paper.

Akira then pushed the paper to his son. He knew that his son would get bored after a few minutes. So he let his son play with pencil and paper.

Jojo held the pencil in his left hand and tried to draw a circle. "No, no you have to hold the pencil with the other hand." Akira reminded.

"You were holding the pencil in this hand." He said while pointing at Akira's right hand. He knew it was his right hand as Akira was sitting across him at the table. He already knows how to write with his right hand. He wants to learn to write with his left hand. It is almost impossible to pretend as he can write with the right hand (Try yourself). So, he used his left hand. It also has other benefit. It will make his both hands and fingers dexterous. As a ninja, he needs to make quick hand seals(hand signs) which need dexterous fingers and hands.

"Look, your father was using this hand." Akio took the pencil from him and drew a circle with her right hand.

"No, he did with this hand." he took the pencil from her and quickly drew the circle. The circle wasn't exactly a circle but it was circular.

"See," he showed the circle to his mother and father. He then drew a somewhat straight line. He continued drawing circles and straight lines until the page was filled.

"Maybe he is left-handed." his mother said with uncertainty. Akira's mouth twitched. Being left-handed doesn't explain the speed at which he finished the paper. The circles and straight lines weren't good but he did finish the paper.

Jojo turned the paper and continued to draw on the other side. He used to practice writing with his left hand in his previous life. His handwriting used to be so bad with his left hand that he never used his left hand. It was only used to show off among friends. His body was still small and he was writing for the first time. So, he needs some time before he can write properly.

"Is there another paper?" he asked.

His father gave him another paper. He practised on a few more papers until he was satisfied.

"Can you teach me how to read father?" he looked towards his father. He already knows how to read and write due to the Gato template but he can't show that, can he? His father sighed and brought a book. He slowly taught letters and words to Jojo.

Jojo's life was peaceful. He continued to learn from his father. His family lives in the fire capital. He also visits his grandparents. His grandfather, Toshiro Kujo is a Minister of foreign affairs and trade. He has many connections so the Daimyo made him the minister of foreign affairs and trade. His grandmother is the daughter of an influential merchant in Land of Thunder, the Akimiya family. So, she may be the reason his father is tall, as most of the men in Land of Fire aren't as tall as his father.

According to his grandfather, they were a family of merchants. They weren't strong or well-known. His grandfather was the one who expanded the business. His grandfather began to trade with the Land of Lightning. He sold grains and cotton to the Land of Lightning and bought metals to sell to other countries. One prominent merchant of Land of Lightning wanted to further their relationship, so he married his daughter to his grandfather.

Of course, he wasn't the only one in the metal business. But, he slowly became the only one to trade metal from Land of Lightning to other countries. The Land of Fire has the most stable relationship with other countries. This also helped him in his business. One of the main buyers of the metal was the Land of Water. He also had good relations with a noble and businessman of the Land of Water. He married his son to the daughter of the noble of Land of Water. He also started other businesses. They weren't as successful as his previous business.

Jojo's father, Akira later began to help his father. He had a different perspective on business. He was able to expand their business. Toshiro had good relations with the not-so-friendly neighbours which got a political edge. As their business grew, the Daimyo awarded them noble titles and later made Toshiro Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade after the 3rd Ninja War.


After a year, Jojo awakened Chakra.

Jojo was sitting near a small pond in his backyard. He put his finger at the water and slowly raised it. Water was sticking on his hand as if it was a sticky substance. The water tendril snapped when he raised it about 10 cm from the water. It was possible because of the chakra.

Everything on this planet has chakra. Humans, animals and plants all contain chakra. Most of them cannot use the chakra. Only ninjas, samurai and some animals can use chakra. Civilians possess a small amount of chakra. It is fixed for their lifetime if they don't train. However, the ninjas have vast amounts of chakra.

"Chakra?" he can feel warm energy flowing through his body. He tried to control it but he couldn't. When he tries to control water, he can see some reactions. Yesterday, he noticed that he could control water when he was playing with the fish. He tried to form a ball of water but he couldn't. It may be due to his less chakra amount or chakra control.

Jojo's parents were looking at Jojo playing with water. They have been used to his uniqueness. Still, it was shocking to see a two-year-old controlling water.

"Is he the reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths?" Akio asked her husband in shock. The maids used to say so. But, now even she is baffled. She hasn't heard of anyone capable of doing what Jojo has done at his age.

"Of cpurse not. He has chakra. That's why he can control water. Some ninja clans have geniuses who can already fight tens of adult men at the age of six. They can also perform ninjutsu." Akira said. He had gone to Konoha Ninja Academy when he was young. He wasn't good at ninjutsu. So, he didn't continue to be a ninja after finishing Ninja Academy. He knew his talent. It lies in business, not in ninjutsu. He just wanted to learn Ninja Way for self-protection. It has helped him multiple times. He isn't strong but can be classified as an average chunin.

"I already know this, but controlling water at the age of two is ridiculous. My mother was from the Yuki clan. According to her, civilian ninjas have a hard time controlling chakra outside their bodies. Even someone from a clan has to practice hard to control the elements as they want. Only someone with high affinity can do this without practice. Mist village may be the most famous for its Water Style Ninjutsu but it was the second Hokage who was the strongest Water style Ninjutsu user."

"It is said that he has the highest affinity to water chakra in the world. It is said that his Water-Style Ninjutsus were like a natural calamity. The weak ninjutsu in his hand was stronger than the strong ninjutsu of other ninjas. The Yuki clan also has a strong affinity with water and ice. Even if he inherited the talent of the Yuki clan, being able to do this at this small age is impossible. But he," she didn't know what to say. She was worried about her son. In this world having talent is both a curse and a boon.

"Why are you worried? You must be happy. If he inherits the Kekkei Genkai of the Yuki clan, he will become very powerful. Our family may have its own Kekkei Genkai." He was excited at the prospect of his son awakening Kekkei Genkai of the Yuki clan.

"That's why I am worried. Don't you know what has happened to the Yuki clan? They were massacred. What if they want to kill our son too?"

"Don't worry, if he awakened Kekkei Genkai we can hide it." He assured his wife.

"There are ninja's around us. They will report this to their respective village." She replied. Konoha and Kumo ninjas are protecting the Kujo family. There used to be Kiri ninjas too because of the transformation of mist into blood mist, they were sent back. Kujo's family hired Konoha ninja for protection but Akira's grandfather didn't trust them and sent Kumo ninja for Akira's protection. Akira's grandfather loves Akira. He didn't wanted his beloved grandson and business partner to die. After all, with the help of the Kujo family and Akira, they have become the richest family in the Land of Lightning.

"This can be a problem but you don't have to worry. Kumo and Konoha don't dare to harm us. My grandfather's family will take care of Kumo's side. The Kumo are coming for a peace treaty. We can give them some benefit that they can't refuse. As for Konoha, we have dealings with different clans and we are also the main supplier for the Konoha. We are nobles and my father is a minister. So, they don't dare to harm Jojo. They will rather try to make Jojo a ninja and make him establish a ninja family." Akira calmly explained the entire situation to Akio.

He was right about both Konoha and Kumo. He just didn't know about Danzo. As for Danao, Jojo will take care of him in the future.

Latest stats:

[Name: Jotaro Kujo

Chakra amount: High(N.1)

Chakra affinity: Water, Wind, Ice

Kekkei genkai: Ice release(Hyōton)

Physical abilities: Greater speed and strength

Talent: Ninjutsu, Ice release, Business Management

Knowledge: Business Management, Accounting, Ships(minor)

Strength: Adult human

Agility: Adult human

Endurance: Adult human


Gato: 100%

Haku: Progress: 21%]

Note 1: I will not write chakra as chunin or jonin as it will be unfair. Not every chunin or jonin has the same amount of chakra. Naruto had more chakra than Kakashi as Genin. Sasuke should have had more chakra than Average Chunin just after he finished Academy.