
Jojo in Naruto

"I think I am going to die." "They will not notice until it is too late." *Sigh* "I am still in college. I still have 80 years to live, but I may die today." "If any god or ROB is listening to me, then make my appearance similar to Jotaro in my next life. As for the rest, I will figure it out myself." "If you are generous, you can also give me star platinum." As he talked, his consciousness became weaker and weaker. The next moment, he opened his eyes as a child in the Naruto world. He doesn't have star platinum but a system. The system made becoming like Jotaro possible and hard at the same time.

Mr_Sagarmatha · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Ninja Academy

(N.1- The strength in the Naruto world is very difficult to gauge. The feats of strength aren't shown much. For example, we don't know when Tsunade used her strength or chakra-enhanced strength. Some people are said to have great strength but it isn't shown much. Ninjustsu are given more priority but I am going to include the strength too. So, I am going to use One Piece's standard. Because MC will be ridiculously strong later.

A little reminder don't underestimate normal humans of one piece, they are stronger, strange and live longer lives than us. Oda himself said that. )

Third Hokage was looking at the crystal ball on his table. In the crystal ball, one could see a blond boy running. He seems to be in a hurry to reach somewhere.

"Huh, I thought I just saw someone." He felt that he had just seen someone who would give him a headache like this bond boy.

"Oh, I must be Imagining things." He continued to smoke and look at the crystal ball. The blond boy reached his school. He then ran towards his class. He stood at the door and looked inside. Everyone was looking towards him. They were casting different types of gaze. The teacher also looked at him disgusted but managed to hide it.


"Hokage sama, Someone wants to meet you." His guard entered the room.

"Who?" he asked.

"She says she is from the Kujo family." His smoke pipe dropped when he heard that. He finally knew whom he saw. He has received reports about him. He was like a normal child until he was one and a half years old if you ignore his fast development. Then he started to read and write at the age of one and a half.

It is said that he has read almost all books and scrolls at his home in one year. Then he designed a tricycle and bicycle at the age of three. After that, it is said that he started doing crazy training. He has awakened Ice Release and wants to become a ninja. Hearing the training routine he can say for sure Gai will like him.

"Let her enter." He sighed. It is going to be a headache. He has also heard that he likes to do all sorts of strange things.

"Hokage sama, My grandson wants to enter Ninja Academy." With that cue, they began to talk. After a few minutes of talking Jojo was admitted to the Ninja Academy. He was admitted to the same class as the clan heirs.

"Let's watch your grandson." Third Hokage said pointing towards the crystal ball.


Iruka was called by a ninja. He went outside the class and came back after a few moments. Iruka clapped his hands to get all of their attention.

"Hokage Sama informed me that another student will be joining our class. Let's welcome him." All the students looked towards the door to see the new student.

*Jotaro theme*

Suddenly, they could hear a strange music. They could also hear the sound of someone walking. As the person seemed to get closer and closer, a sudden gust of cold wind blew from the door.

"It's so cold." the students couldn't help but shiver.

A foot with shining shoes entered the door and was followed by the person himself. The person was wearing a modified high school uniform but the people present didn't know and thought it was cool. The coat was like a combination of high school and long coats. He was wearing a black cap with a circle and a palm on it. The wind was lifting the long coat as it was swaying in the wind. 

He came in front of his class. He adjusted his cap, lightly lowering it covering his face with the cap and his hand. The whole class was looking at him with their mouth open. They felt he was the coolest person possible.

"This is your new classmate, Jotaro Kujo. Can you introduce yourself?" Iruka quickly came back to his senses.

"Yare yare daze" He sighed. He adjusted his cap, raised his head and looked sharply at his classmate.

"I am Jotaro Kujo and I have a dream. I want to be strongest person and make my friends strong."

"So cool" The girls shouted with hearts in their eyes. The boys also felt that he was cool but didn't say anything. One kid with a pineapple head was saying troublesome.

"Jotaro please have a seat," Iruka said. Jotaro looked around to see a vacant seat. There was a seat vacant near Naruto who was in front, near Sasuke and Kiba. He looked at Naruto with a sharp gaze and sat beside him. Naruto looked nervous. He looked away when he saw Jojo looking at him.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I am going-" Before he could finish,

"What?" Naruto screamed at the top of his lungs.

"You, you," he didn't know what to say. In a blink of an eye, the cool guy with was replaced by a smiling kid wearing a regular t-shirt and pants.

"Huh," the rest of the class was also dumbfounded. Hokage at the Hokage office was also shocked. He looked away for a second and the whole person had changed, both personality and clothes.

"He likes to do that a lot." Jojo's grandmother commented. Third Hokage also calmed down but he stared closely at Jojo. He felt that Jojo wasn't using transformation jutsu neither then nor now. Then, how did Jotaro change his clothes so quickly and why did he look away exactly at the same time?

"How did you do that?" Naruto asked.

"It's a secret and you shouldn't ask ninja his secret," he said with a smile. It was with the help of the system but he wasn't going to say. If he has to answer then he has a perfect answer, Genjutsu.

The rest of the day wasn't meaningful. For Jojo who had read many books and obtained knowledge from the template, it was boring. But, how could Jojo remain without doing anything? If someone looks closely, they would find a metal plate with a weird shape in his hand.

After school, his grandmother came to pick him up. Many parents came to pick up their children. Naruto came out of the school with a sad face. He looked at the people smiling around him and felt sad. The people who saw him began to badmouth him.

"Naruto are your parents coming to pick you up?" Jojo asked.

"I don't have parents." He said in a low voice.

"Then why don't you come to my house to play?"

"Can I?" He said with an excited face.

"Who is this Jojo?" His grandmother asked.

"He is Naruto Uzumaki, my friend."

"Friend?" Naruto tilted his head. Is he Jojo's friend? It isn't that no one has said that he is their friend. Few have said that but the next day all of them hate and scold him. So, he wasn't that optimistic. He looked closely at Jojo's grandmother with still little hope in his eyes.

"Aren't you his friend?" Jojo's grandmother asked Naruto in a gentle voice.

"I am his friend." Naruto smiled and nodded his head.

"Let's go." Jojo pulled Naruto.

As soon as they came out of the ninja academy, anbu protecting Naruto quickly went to the Hokage office to report and the Roots went to Danzo to report.

"Let them do whatever they want if it isn't excessive." He can't do anything in this matter. His position as Hokage is higher than them but he can't do anything to them. Ninjas aren't allowed to attack nobles(of the same country). On top of that they are also one of the main sources of the mission. The last peace talk has improved their prestige and position in the ninja world.


As they were returning to their home Jotaro looked at his stats.

[Name: Jotaro Kujo

Chakra amount: High

Chakra affinity: Water, Wind, Ice

Kekkei genkai: Ice release(Hyōton)

Chakra Nature Transformation: Water(minor), Wind(minor), Ice(minor)

Physical abilities: Greater speed and strength

Talent: Ninjutsu, Ice release, Business Management

Special ninjutsu: Ice spikes, Ice dome, Ice needles, Ice ball, Stand(Preliminary)

Special knowledge: [Minor]: Medical knowledge, Herbalism, Espionage, Anti-espionage

Knowledge: Business Management, Accounting, Ships(minor), Basic Ninjutsu(This will not be included in future)

Special abilities: [Minor]: Observational and Analytical abilities, Sensor abilities, Senbon mastery

Strength: Twice of Adult human of One Piece (N.1)

Agility: Genin (Ninjas are fast they can be used in this case.)

Endurance: Twice of Adult human of One Piece


Gato: 100%

Haku: Progress: 60%]

After his hard work for all these years, he finally has the strength of twelve-year-old Haku. He also noticed a few things these years. If he learns the techniques of the template himself it will increase the progress. During these three years, he mainly practised converting water into ice, and then making ice spikes, ice domes, ice needles and ice balls. Not small but big balls which is enough to crush young and old.

He also knew why even experienced ninjas use hand seals. The hand seals help in controlling the chakra while using ninjutsu.

He utilised the period of low chakra to practise tree walking and water walking. It took him a few weeks but he managed to get it. He also practised chakra nature transformation. You already know what may have happened. It was nothing but a waste of chakra. He didn't have experience enough to learn change in chakra nature. He tried to change in chakra shape with Rasengan but his chakra was less than necessary. After two years of brute force, he finally managed to get the paper cut and extract water from a leaf.

Finally, after two years of chakra nature transformation and becoming proficient in ice-shape manipulation he managed to create something like a stand technique. It wasn't a stand like in Jojo's Bizzare Adventure but something like an ice puppet but he knows how to complete it. When he gets Yin and Yang chakra affinity he will be one step closer to completing it.

(N.1- The strength in the Naruto world is very difficult to gauge. The feats of strength aren't shown much. For example, we don't know when Tsunade used her strength or chakra-enhanced strength. Some people are said to have great strength but it isn't shown much. Ninjustsu are given more priority but I am going to include the strength too. So, I am going to use One Piece's standard. Because MC will be ridiculously strong later.

A little reminder don't underestimate normal humans of one piece, they are stronger, strange and live longer lives than us. Oda himself said that. )