
Battle for Chicago pt3

Jet, Ironhide and Sideswipe took cover behind the pillars of the building as they fended of the approach of the Decepticons. The sound of gunfire echoed throughout the streets as the battle intensified. Jet rolled to the left as a blast hit the pillar he took cover behind. He would stand up in a crouched position as he opened fire on his enemies. His machine guns almost had a straight line of red coming out of their nozzles. Bullet shells ran down his arms like a waterfall as his plasma cannons interjected in the never-ending sound of machine gun fire.

Ironhide had both heavy Iron cannons in use as he shot from behind a pillar, he would deliver two headshots to Decepticons before mortally wounding one with a shot to the neck. Sideswipe was doing his best to keep up with the two heavy hitters as his weapons were assisting them perfectly in killing cons.

"Seven…..eight….nine…" Jet counted.

"Don't tell me you two are starting that now" Sideswipe said rolling his eyes.

"What do you mean? Its tradition" Ironhide answered. "Ten…. Eleven….."

"At the end of the day....none of that would matter….if we don't win the war" Sideswipe added, as his sentence was paused momentarily as he focused on shooting a con.

"It matters to us" Jet said.

He would then use both his plasma cannons to fire four times at a Devacon. The first shot would miss, the second would hit his neck, the third would hit his chest with the final one hitting his head.

"Hell yeah!" he cheered.

"That still counts as one" Ironhide would say unenthusiastically as he kept his focus on the battle at hand.

Jet would grunt as he would continue to fire on the cons.

On the other side of the building, the other group of three were pinned down by the heavy fire of three Devacons. Bee, Que and Dino all fired their weapons from behind the walls of the cathedral. Que would pull out two grenades and toss it at the cons. The explosion would take them by surprise as the two mobile scouts would capitalize on it and advance forward. Dino would extend his blades as he would charge at the cons, slicing off limbs and heads.

Bumblebee would follow his cue as he blasted open the chest of a Decepticon and advanced towards the Devacons. Bee would roll to the side, dodging a blast as he displayed his agility. He would roll back up to shoot down two Decepticons as he and Mirage kept on moving the group of cons with their sharp movements. This was all according to their plan, as the Devacons had a hard time keeping up with the quick movements of the scouts.

This would open a window of opportunity for Wheeljack to use his sniper rifle. He quickly set up his weapon against a wall as he took aim at the first Devacon.

"Easy does it now" he said before taking the first shot.

 The head of the Devacon would pop like a balloon, as its body would drop to the ground like a tin can. Before they could identify where the shot came from, the head of the second would go flying. The third Devacon was sharp, as he would spot Que and his rifle taking aim. He would send a missile his way, causing the Autobot to flee from his position or risk getting killed. Que and his rifle would be launched into the air as they would fly back into the cathedral's main space.

With the Devacon's focus now on Que, Dino and Bumblebee took advantage of it and got to work. Dino would slice the joint on one of its giant arms causing it to lose focus. Bee would run towards a wall and use it as a Launchpad as he flew over the con and unleashed multiple shots towards its head, killing the Decepticon.

"Decepticons! Attack!" cried Barricade from a distance.

He had arrived the scene with a large group of Decepticons to overrun the Autobots. Bee and Dino would begin to retreat seeing that they were outgunned and outnumbered. An artillery shell would hit in the front, sending Sideswipe, Hide and Jet flying.

"Crap!" Jet cursed.

"They've got heavy weapons. Fall back!" Ironhide yelled as the three would get back up quickly before the next shell hit.

Optimus and Ratchet were trying their best to hold off the group Decepticons that came their way, but their numbers just kept on increasing. The Decepticons had gotten a hold on their location and reinforcements were arriving quickly. They needed to retreat, regroup, and reorganize themselves for another assault.

"Autobots! Fall back! We need to regroup and make a new plan" Optimus ordered as he laid down suppressive fire.

"You don't have to tell me twice" Sideswipe said as he leaped into the air and transformed.

Without a second to waste, the silver Corvette took off and the others followed. Jet would use his shoulder missiles to lay down cover as they made their escape. He launched his swarm missiles at their positions, causing the cons to take cover as the Autobots, slipped away.

The Wreckers were closing in on Shockwave's position and once he was in their visual, they opened fire on him. The guns on the bodies of their vehicle forms unleashed a flurry of bullets on the massive Decepticon. Even with all that firepower, the best the bullets could do was irritate him. He would pick up a car from the side of the road to shield himself from any bullet hitting his eye and continue to walk towards them.

Wheelie and Brains hitched a ride with the Wreckers but they would find out that that was a bad idea. The heat from the machine guns they held onto would cause them to lose their grip and then the vibrations from all the gunfire would throw them off their bodies. Shockwave would lift up his massive cannon and fire at the Wreckers, but with his vision impaired by the car he used to block their measly little bullets, his shots missed to the relief of the Wreckers.

Now that they had gotten his attention, the three of them would begin to reverse hastily to draw Shockwave away from there so that prime could get to his trailer.

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" Brains yelled as he saw them reversing.

"What happened to no bot left behind?!" Wheelie said outraged that they were getting ditched.

"Oh, great. Shockwave's coming" Brains sighed.

"We better get moving before we get splattered" Brains added as the two moved out of the big bot's way.

Optimus and the rest of the Autobots drove into a warehouse a good distance away from the Cathedral. They had to come up with a new plan quickly, there was no time to waste with the Decepticons hunting them.

"That….was…..a close call" Bumblebee said with a western accent from his radio.

"We can't afford to get into a situation like that again. They may have the numbers but we lack up in numbers, we make up for it in skill and heart" Optimus said.

"Well said Optimus" Ratchet said.

"What do we do now?" Dino asked.

"We have to find a new route to the building Sentinel is on" Prime said.

But before they could elaborate further, their discussion would be cut by an urgent call from one of their own.

"Optimus. Come in Optimus" Roadbuster said accross their comms.

"I hear you loud and clear Roadbuster"

"We've managed to get Shockwave's attention. We're leading him away from your trailer as we speak"

"That's good to hear"

"If I were you, I'd hurry. He could send a group to go and guard it" Roadbuster advised.

"Noted. Stay safe out there"

"We'll try. Wreckers out" Roadbuster said cutting the line.

"The Wreckers have drawn Shockwave away from my trailer. I need to go now before the Decepticons decide to destroy it. I leave the rest to you Ironhide"

"No worries Optimus"

Optimus would nod at Ironhide as he hurried away. He would transform quickly and drive out of the warehouse, gunning towards his trailer. Ironhide would clear his throat, grabbing the attention of the others in the room as they went back to formulating a plan.

"Well, the route we wanted to use is definitely a no go zone right now. We need to find another way to Sentinel" Ironhide said.

"I got you all" Jet said with a little smirk.

He would shoot out a holographic display of the city, highlighting the building Sentinel was on and their current position. He was able to hack into a satellite while scouting out routes with Ratchet and got a layout of how the city currently looks just in case something like this happened.

"I'm hooked up to a satellite right now so I can display how things look in real time. I had a feeling something like this might happen so I made a contingency plan" Jet explained.

"I like the way you think" Ironhide praised.

"The street we came from should be barricaded by now. Bridged that would have gotten us there have been raised so we only have five routes we could try"

"We also have to keep in mind that they have air support. We have to pick a road that's not within their view or things could go badly" Sideswipe chipped in.

"I can do a quick run around the routes and pick the best one. With my cloaking ability, the cons wouldn't even know I was there" Dino said.

"That's a big risk to take" Que said.

"We can't just camp in here and do nothing. We have to take risks or we will lose this battle. We have no air support and Jet would be shot down as soon as he gets into the sky. This is our best bet right now" Ironhide said.

"No risk, no reward" Bee said.

They would all nod in unison. They placed their hopes in Dino's hands right now and they hoped he would be safe.

Epps would lead Sam and the rest of their group to the tall glass building where they wanted to make their shot with the RPG they had. While that was happening, the military had gotten closer to the city. The only problem were the Decepticon ships that ruled the skies, they shot down anything that moved and slaughtered hundreds of men and aircrafts. Lennox and his team, along with five other Ospreys managed to make it past the blood thirsty battleships undetected. They used a skyscraper for cover as they prepared to jump out of the osprey's and glide to the ground. Unfortunately for them, their activities were picked up by the infamous Starscream.

"Locusts!!" The Decepticon yelled as he flew in from above and shot at the tail of an osprey.

"Everybody out! Out! Out!" Lennox yelled as men began jumping out.

Starscream did not spare them, he would use his saw to rip open the top of an aircraft before tossing it into the path of another. He would use his machine gun to shoot at the pilots within the cockpit of one Osprey before shooting a missile in the side of the last one as it spiraled out of control. All this action did not help the gliders as Decepticon ships were alerted of their presence as two would spot the group of humans whizz past.

"Get separation. Track away, track away!" a soldier instructed.

"Hard right! Hard right! Six hundred feet" Lennox yelled.

Just as they took the turn, the Decepticons would catch up with them and open fire. Because of how tiny the humans were, it was difficult for the Cons to shoot at them effectively. Their aim was off their bullets only managed to hit the buildings around them. They were very lucky.

"Check your six! Check your six!" yelled a soldier as bullets began to wheeze by.

"He's on out ass!" Lennox said taking a quick look back.

A couple of bullets would hit a building and send debris falling their way. They had to be careful or they could get taken out.

"Watch out! Watch out!" A soldier yelled, informing the others of the debris.

"Sharp right!" Lennox yelled.

The quick turn to the right took one of the three ships by surprise, causing it to crash into a building. The other two remained on course and continued to shoot at them.

"Building up ahead" a soldier pointed out.

The building had taken heavy damage and its top had crashed into another building. There was a little gap through the part of the building that had fallen. It was large enough for the humans to pass through, and it was too small for the Decepticons to pass through.

"Thread the needle, thread the needle" Lennox said. His words were an instruction to go through the gap and not under it.

The soldiers heeded his command despite the bullets shot at them getting closer and closer to hitting them. The soldiers would pass through with precision as the two Decepticon ship ran into the side of the building. The soldiers would maneuver their way through the air before pulling out their parachutes as they made it to the ground. Their objective was clear, aid the Autobots in their battle, and destroy the pillar.