
Jedi from the past

Y/n is a padawan of the old republic who fought in the war against the Sith empire. This was until one day while fighting against enemy forces, his ship gets trapped in a freezing nebula, which makes him stay undercover and hidden until he is found. Go beyond and explore the past before the phantom menace movie. How would this affect the main story of Star Wars? I don’t own any rights of Star Wars, it all belongs to its creator Lucas film. https://www.wattpad.com/1426454030?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=story_end&wp_uname=Nakobats18

NakoBats18 · Videospiele
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Name: Y/N

Last name: Y/L

Age: 16-17

Rank: Jedi padawan (before phantom menace)

Combat form: combination between Ataru and Djem-so

Jedi robes: dark brown with black sleeves and collar

Lightsaber: black hilt with silver accents

Lightsaber color: orange (but you can choose whichever color you prefer)

Looks: human male with pale white skin, blue eyes, short messy black hair

So this is the bio of the character hopefully I'm able to post the prologue soon