
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

A Wolf and A Bat

"You've always been my enemy, whoever got close to me got hurt! because you were the one who wanted to get close to me! And what happened with Felix?

If it'd come out in the open everyone would have started hating me so in the end you could get your hands on me!" He remembered everything, how Rita humiliated him in front of Rose at the party, and remembered how he messed up her dress.

All her planning and all her mean moves, she's been taking to get close to him.

"I think you are drunk!" She stared at him before heading back to the town.

"Do you know what is happening to our town because you misuse people?" He blocked her way again.

Rita pushed him so hard that made him fall to the ground.

"You have no right to judge me for my actions when your own hands are dirty! You bullied people, you slept with every single girl you came in contact with, you can fool anyone Jayden, but you can't play innocent in front of me!" She turned back and was about to leave but she stopped.

"And never accuse anyone of anything until you have solid proof against them!" She walked away.

Jayden was convinced that he misunderstood her, but what else could be the reason she was in the woods alone at night, whatever was the reason he felt bad about acting that way.

Jayden looked up at the moon coming out from behind the clouds "Where are you, Mom?" He whispered, as he was worried about his mother when he heard a sound as if leaves were shaking but not because of the wind.

Within a moment a young man was standing in front of him, it was Ryanne but they didn't know each other.

"You are Jaydenn right?" He asked.

"Yes? Do I know you?" Jayden asked with confusion but he then remembered his face from the canteen.

"I am Ryanne, and I am here for Rose, Hawkbone is performing some kind of ritual and she trusts him with all her heart, but..." He thought for a second about whether he should trust Jayden or not but he realized this was the only chance he had "I don't have a good feeling about this.

He says 'He's helping us to be strong enough to face the war that is coming' but I don't trust him!

I know you are a wolf and a wolf and a vampire have never been friends and never trusted each other but it was all in the past, and if it comes to Rose, I'd rather trust a wolf than trust a man who just came out of the blue and proclaimed to be all vampires' wellwisher.

As a matter of fact, I don't even know why they don't trust each other" He was trying to convince both Jayden and himself that he made the right choice by getting him for help.

"I will help you but we have to get a third person to help us!" Jayden already had a plan.

He took him to Ms. Patricia who lived closer to the lake, she opened the door on the first knock.

"What are you doing here?" She stared at Ryanne "Why have you brought the blood-sucking monster to my home?" She stared at Ryanne.

"Easy… easy! Listen… He's only here to help! Hawkbone is performing a ritual and we don't know what it might bring upon our town! So please, we are nicely asking for your help." Jayden explained and then Ryanne started talking.

"There are 7 caskets that belong to different clans and covens I believe because they have strange symbols on them" Ryanne was still saying when Ms. Patricia interrupted.

"Can you show me any of those symbols?" She asked.

"Yes, I can make all of them! If you have any pencil or paper?" Ryanne agreed.

When she brought a paper and pencil Ryanne made a symbol of a moon. "This clearly belongs to your kind!" She looked at Jayden.

"And this?" Ryanne asked after drawing another symbol.

"It is a witch's knot!" Her eyes widened, and when he drew another symbol she placed her finger on it.

"I am not sure about this one but I think I know what kind of ritual he is performing! The symbol of the skull is related to a creature of darkness, and I don't know what it is as it's not discovered yet!

But the ritual he is performing? Either he is making a plague! Or he is making an immortal yet unique creature! It is very dark and ancient magic!

This ritual was made by the oldest witches but not for misuse definitely, and it was never been performed because this creature was never discovered so it means if he is performing that ritual that creature might have been discovered!"

"What can we do to stop it?" Jayden panicked.

"Go, both of you! Go and stop this ritual from happening! I will try to find a solution till then." She explained further that she hadn't done magic for a very long time and had been laying low.

So Jayden told her to visit Brigid and he coordinated with Emric so they could work on it together.

Patricia left her home for the sanatorium right away, and when she explained everything to Brigid, she asked what her name was.

"Patricia Gomez" She introduced herself.

"Patricia Gomez! The girl who's been sent away by their elders! That means you have the Tome of Might!" Brigid's eyes widened.

"That's what I've been told but I was sent empty-handed!" She tossed her head with disappointment.

"What? You had it with you all that time and you didn't know?" Swan approached her while pointing toward her necklace.

It was an "X" She took the necklace out of her neck and Brigid held it speaking the word "Divulge!" As she spoke a light brightened so bright that made them squint.

But when the light disappeared they saw a heavy tome in Brigid's hands.

This is where their mission began, now they had to find a way to prevent the ritual or do something to protect everyone from the effects.

When Jayden and Ryanne rushed to the cave deep in the woods, at first, Jayden felt as if he'd been trapped, because this was the place where he usually saw Hawkbone.

But when Ryanne took him deep into the cave and he saw that wall already open that's when Jayden felt relaxed.

That cave opened! What they saw inside was a big bricked wide stair with big bricked walls on each side, that led them to a yard and church at the end of the walkway, the yard presented the view of a graveyard.

Jayden was frightened of a thought "What if it is too late? What if I am brought here for a sacrifice?" He wasn't scared of dying, but the thought of not getting to Rose in time was frightening him.