
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 13

Author's note

Hiii ,so I'm just here to say thanks for you support and all I really appreciate it keep voting and supporting


"Madame" an old looking butler set a tea tray on an expensive glass table.

Mrs Everest had her eyes closed, she faced the warm fireplace in the dark cold room.

"Madame" the old butler had a concerned look on his face.

"Do you think he'll ever forgive me?" She opened her eyes slowly, tears rolled down from them slowly wetting her cheeks.

"Well, Lord Everest is quite aloof but believe me he would some day" the butler smiled "just talk to him"

"Easier said than done" she sighed heavily and sat up to drink her tea. "Have they found it?"

Mrs Everest expression changed in mere seconds from grief to stoic. Her gaze turned sharp and deadly.

"They're on it Madame, I believe they've got a good lead" the butler bowed.

"Time isn't on my side Noah, I give them till the end of the week" she relaxed on the couch. "We need that file to support my boy, who knows what does greedy moles are after this time"

"I can be of assistance" a soft voice echoed in the room. Mrs Everest didn't bother to turn to the person.

"No" she immediately declined the offer.

"But you need those files quickly right, I can get them back at the end of the week"

"No, whenever you help me I end up with fines and hospital expenses to pay, there's no way I'm letting you do it" Mrs Everest stood up and adjusted her black gown. She stared at the burning wood in the fire. "I know you want to help but we have to do this avoiding bloodshed as much as possible"

"Elizabeth, I brought you back for a different purpose, you do that"

Elizabeth looked disappointed but she couldn't do anything "Yes Madame"

Deep down Elizabeth kept wondering what was in that file that was so important to Mrs Everest and why she didn't want her retrieving the file.

She was the most reliable worker of Mrs Everest for some years now and she was trusted with top family secrets no matter how bad they were. So why now?.

"Excuse me Madame" she bowed before leaving the dark room.

Mrs Everest stared at the door for a long while.

"Is everything alright Madame?" The butler als stared at the door with narrowed eyes.



The next morning

Darren stood behind his window watching the city from afar as the sun rose up slowly. He had a straight face and a cold glaring eyes. His hands were hidden behind the black robe he wore, a few strands of his hair covered his face making him look breathe taking in the morning.

The room where he was was large and spacious. It was the same room he had been in on the night he got the news of his father's demise.

"Still sulking" German walked beside him and rested his body on the window frame.

"Aren't you supposed to be with my sister right now?" Darren glanced at German coldly.

"She's asleep" he smiled "why are you guys here anyway. I get the fact Kimi.is here because of me and all but you know you can't stay here forever. The Everest Manor needs their head"

"Really? I didn't know that" Darren said sarcastically. "That witch is still at home. I don't want to cross paths with her, who knows we might accidentally kill ourselves "

"Aren't you being to harsh on her?" German closed his eyes with a sad smile. "She's your Mom you know. Not everyone have that"

Darren didn't say anything to German. He stared at the city in a dark unkindly way.

"It's cold" he gradually smiles as he recalls his encounter with a mini him this afternoon " I feel like having a popsicle right now"

German laughed calmly "what nonsense are you spouting this time?"

Darren face brightened up in mere seconds, taking his friend off guard. German hard see this part of his friend. But here he was smiling and demanding for a popsicle.

"I thought you did meet Gwen, where's the joy from all of a sudden" German smirked before heading to a couch at the center of the room to sleep.

"It takes nothing for you to ruin my mood does it?" Darren glared at his friend who was now sitting on the couch with a triumphant smile.

"Of course, while your strengthi lies in your fist, mine lies in my lips" he sent a charming smile to his friend.

"You look like a starved rat whenever you make that face" an invisible arrow passed through German's heart.

"Aiye, muchacho are you looking for a fight" Darren smiled this time and walked over to his friend, releasing a dominating aura as he tried to intimidate his friend.

"What if I am?" German stood up as well and both men stood up, each trying to intimidate the other.

"Then stop, it's making sick you over pampered peacocks" a sharp female voice caught their attention.

"Dear, why are you out?, Are you alright?" German walked over to his wife with eyes full of concern.

Darren felt angry and irritated, he scoffed loudly and sat on the couch.

"Jealous are we?" Kimi smirked brightly "anyway I'll be going to the mall today, I have a few things to do"

"I'll drop you off" German smiled warmly and lead his wife upstairs.

Darren sat alone in the living room wondering how his life would have been if he had Gwen by his side.

Later that day

Inside Darren's SUV

Mikel and Brandon are waiting for their boss in the SUV parked in front of the huge mansion. This is their usual routine every morning since Darren arrived from abroad.

"I'm telling you Brandon that that's their lovechild" Mikel sat in the front seat alongside Brandon.

"Please stop talking" Brandon sighs heavily. Since the previous day that they encountered Mrs Gwendolyn, Mikel has been speculating all kinds of gibberish in his head and gradually his thoughts was irritating him.

"The resemblance is off the charts. Most of all Mrs Gwendolyn is the first woman Boss has actually shown so much interest in, you know boss's reputation"

Brandon shook his head tiredly, it was only morning but he was already having a headache.

"Listen Mikel even if all this theories of yours are true it is absolutely none of your concern" Brandon replied like a wide father giving an aloof child advice.

"Of course it is, I am boss's personal assistant, this is what I was born to do" Stars glimmered in Mikel's eyes, like a child with a dream.

"I give up" Brandon surrendered and slumped on the car seat.

"Not yet cause you are definitely going to help me" a cunning smile grew on Mikel's face. "We're going set then up"

"Go ahead with it at least I know I wouldn't have to worry about my sacked colleague"

"Your words would not pull me down Brandon I have decided to do this" Mikel's face twitched slightly "you sure you don't want to help out?"

"Help out with what?" Darren's voice made Mikel jolt in fear.

"Nothing serious sir, it's just a little party I'll be throwing " Mikel lied in an instant.

"Hmm I see"

Brandon started the car and drove out of the residence. Through out the drive to the office, Mikel would pass some odd glances at Brandon which made him feel uncomfortable.

"We are here sir" Darren modded and left the car leaving Mikel and Brandon alone.

"FINE!!!" Brandon yelled in frustration "Just stop looking at me like that it's creepy"

Mikel smiled cheerfully before leaving the car.

As Darren walked through the hallway, female workers ogled at him none stop. He had been working in this company for about a week still the women couldn't hold back on their infatuation towards his beauty and charisma.

Darren on the other hand found every they did irritating. He had no idea why but he found it hard to get along with any woman apart from his sister and Gwen.

Slowly a calm smile stretched across his face, the thought of Gwen brought smiles on his face.

Just then a female worker walked beside him with a tablet in her hand. Mikel had also caught up with him.

"Reports" Darren stated with his now straight face and cold aura.

"The meeting with the foreign investors on the bridge construction was a success. Our team starts the project in two days" the lady adjusted her big bulging glasses and stroked a few strands of her brownhair away from her face.

"You have a meeting with the chairman of emeralds at 10 sir, they have accepted our business proposal" Mikel was next to speak.

They both continued with their reports until they got to his office.

"Sir, you have a meeting with a guest later on" Darren arched his brow, he don't remember making plans with any guest.

"Who?" Darren turned to the lady with a questioning look

"Miss Dwagan"

"Cancel it" Darren didn't let her finish her report, he already started the day with smiles he didn't want to end it badly. "Anymore"

"A guest is waiting for you inside" Darren raised his brow confused, how many guest was he expecting anyway.

He stepped in quickly, he could see a woman sitting in front of his desk. He sighed tiredly and walked over to his desk.

"Good morning Mr Everest" the lady smiled warmly and stood up

Darren didn't reply he just sat down and stared at her gaped by her presence. He doesn't have a idea of who was standing in front of him.

"Who are you?" He questioned coldly

"Elizabeth James, we met at the party held at the Dwagan's" he scrutinized the lady in front of him. He doesn't remember his encounter with her, but now that he thought about it he did remember a similar voice that evening.

"Sit" he closed his eyes and rested his head on his chair. "Who let you in? No one can access my office without my permission"

"Your mom helped me get an audience with you" Elizabeth had a moderate and polite smile.

"Really? So you're one of her lapper dogs huh?" Darren blatantly stared without hiding his contempt.

Elizabeth cleared her throat and chuckled lightly "I wished you'd restrain from insulting me". Darren opened his eyes and sent a menacing glare. "Why are you here?" He closed back his eyes.

"Your Mom thinks it's best we know each other" Elizabeth replied boldly.

"You don't say?" Sarcasm was clearly painted in his words. He looked at his wristwatch then at Elizabeth. 'What is that witch conjuring up this time?' He thought to himself.

"I know it might seem I'm forcing myself on you but no I'd rather keep my dignity as a woman, I'm only doing as your mother who is also my mentor wishes" Elizabeth's smile gradually fell down.

"I was wondering how long you would hang that cringey smile on your face" he turned to her. "Go home woman, don't waste your time. I'm not interested"

"Is that a dare?" Elizabeth relaxed on the chair and folded her arms. Darren arched a brow confused. "Your mother recommended me, even though you despise her you should understand what it means"

Darren adjusted himself on his sit and rested his hand on his raised arm. "It simply means anything recommended by her is just as poisonous as she is" words clogged in Elizabeth's throat.

Deep down she could only wonder just how much he hated his mother. Elizabeth sighed "I didn't expect this to be easy anyway" she closed her eyes and opened them staring at Darren directly, for some reason she could feel the same deadly spine chilling feeling she got from Mrs Everest.

"Let's be friends?" She stretched her hands out to Darren. Darren on the other hand turned to his watch before picking the phone beside his desk.

"Hello sir?"

"There's a nuisance in my office, come trash it" Elizabeth felt thorns prick her chest. Darren turned to face his glass wall and enjoy the beautiful and graceful view of the city.

"A formidable opponent I see" Elizabeth smiled coldly and picked her bags before leaving.

"Poisonous women"